Let's get to it: the
Nintendo 3DS Ambassador program tool for North America is now open and ready to assert if you're in the free games promotion or not.
Click the link above and enter your 3DS console's serial number to find out if you're enrolled. Some users have reported you need to leave off the final digit from your serial number for the tool to work, despite the instructions explicitly stating to include this number, so give it a go both ways if you're having any trouble.
Let us know what the tool tells you with a post in our comments section below.
Thanks to all the readers who sent this in.
[source nintendo.com]
Comments 100
Now just to wait for the European one.
I'm in! Checked earlier today/yesterday.
Confirmed ambassador. Thanks nintendolife (and Target for the low price early).
In! Glad I made it even after swapping regions back'n forth on July (entered full serial) @B4SDR4G: my serial letters are also CW. lately NoE has stopped being the last region to get things (Xenoblade, most VC games, Xenoblade, Oot3d, 3DS itself, Oh and Xenoblade)
@B4SDR4G: I have CW, Im thinking maybe letters changed for NoE or for latest units.
C'mon NoE
Yup, I'm in. I am an ambassador.
Initializing Ambassador Status confirmation program. Entering unique system serial number. Accessing data ... analyzing data ... status confirmed. Exiting Ambassador Status confirmation program.
status update awaiting nintendo europe tool arrival going dark till further notice
YAY! I'm an Ambassador! w0o+
The Australian instructions, from the link on your site the other day explicitly says to exclude the final number.
YAY!!! I'm a 3DS Ambassador * plays sonic act clear music *
sweet! I. AM. AMBASSADOR. whoo!!
I'm in.
I''m in as well.
Woot! I'm in.
I'm in! Made the smart move by getting this barely used 3DS for $169 on the 8th .
I'm in, bring on the games!
Yep im in. Oh and by the way i added the last digit for the code and it worked just fine so not everyone is having the problem described in the article.
I'm in. Made my day!
Alright 20 free games here I come!
I'm In. Now waiting for Nintendo to announce the other games we will get for free...
Come on Nintendo of Europe, I need to know!! I think I should be in as I downloaded Mario Land the day it came out.
I enter my numbers and i´m embassador!!!! I bought my 3ds 3 days ago with the new price and enter with the extension days. I´m happy. Double prices for me!!! Yeah.
Confirmed for ambassadorship!
Excellent. I am confirmed as an ambassador.
Nice to have it confirmed even though I had to send it in from a bad screen design, and payed the launch price.
Can't believe retailers offered the new price early. The point was to give a bonus to us who paid full price. Cheaters!
I'm an ambassador! YES! Now all I have to do is sit with my teeth gritted and my fingernails sunk into my sofa, eagerly awaiting September 1st...heh, heh...(twitch twitch)...heh
@NintendoMaster I think once everyone is confirmed the they'll release the titles.
w00t! Ambassoderized!
"Thanks to all the readers who sent this in."
Sheesh, how many submissions did you get? Anyway, I.B. Confirmed. Now to just sit back and watch the SpotPass light (I'm assuming).
Hooray! XD Im in!
@SuperLink Nintendo states the following on their ambassador FAQ. "More details will be available closer to when the titles are ready for release." That gives them a little over a week to announce the remaining NES titles at least if we are to find out before September 1st.
Oh hurry up Nintendo. Us in Europe want to know as well D:
I'm in! Excellent.
Ready to rock, to bad 10 GBA by the end of the year =(
everytime I see the picture, I think of cannon fodder :
I'm in.
I am a Nintendo 3DS Ambassador!
Well, it says "undecided", so maybe it will have changed next time you check it out. In Europe we're apparently offered the option of registering after August 11th and this is what the website says:-
~How to register from August 12th, 2011
You can still register for the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Programme, but in order to do so you will need to EITHER:
a) Have created a Friend Code and connected to the Internet with your Nintendo 3DS system prior to August 12th
b) Have retained your original receipt or proof of purchase for your Nintendo 3DS system
We will be providing you with a tool very soon where you can enter this data and still register for the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Programme, so keep your eyes peeled for announcements!
You will also be able to use this tool to confirm that your Nintendo 3DS system is registered on the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Programme. For this, you will need only the serial number of your Nintendo 3DS system, found on the back of the system.~
Is this option not offered in the US? If it's not then you could email Nintendo and attach an image of your Gamestop receipt - which presumably you did keep.
I bet things will work out OK for you
I'm an ambassador, I can't wait to see the rest of the games Nintendo releases.
You know, I think it may be more fun if they don't tell us what the remaining games are soon. I like surprises, it makes it more exciting.
I'm In!
I'm in too!
I'm an ambassador!
I'm an ambassador did it since last night!
If it says "undetermined", make sure that you are including the letters that precede the numerical serial number.
@Peterifico [youtube:P3ALwKeSEYs]
Yeah, i'm in.
September 1st is a Thursday so it's very likely the GBA games will be available alongside the weekly updates. Including September 1st, that would be 18 weeks we could get a new GBA game.
I entered the entire serial number, and it confirmed that I am an Ambassador. I am not surprised, since I have been visiting the eShop ever since it launched.
"You are a Nintendo 3DS Ambassador"! yay
@TwilightV, TeeJay & Kid_Khaozarus (well, everybody who got it )
way to go! you rock, woohoo!
I`m an ambassador, too. : P
Oh, one more thing...

I just checked mine, and I am in as well. Thanks for the tip, Mr. Newton!
I'm in!
I can't wait for my 21 free games (You can play the original Metroid on Metroid Fusion) and then Four Swords later on!
I'm freakin' IN!!! Damn I was worried that I might not become one since I live in Asia with an NTSC 3DS. Woot woot!! FREE games here I come!!
It appears they fixed the problems from last night.
I'm in! Yay!
(As I should be.. I bought it on launch day..)
I'm in!
It was a bit awkward 'cause I was using the internet browser on my 3DS, and I had to flip it around a lot.
No mistake — I'm in! Woot!
I'm in!!!!
I was a little worried there for a minute although I knew I shouldn't be. I got my 3DS before the deadline and did everything but it is still nice to know for sure
Yep…on second and third try. I'm good.
Confirmed. Like I had to be worried I bought mine a few days before Zelda came out. Unlike all you squares that snuck in the deal.
Cool! I'm in. I'd rather get all 20 games at once on Sept. 1 but NES games first then GBA games later is ok also.
aaaaaaaaalll yeeeeeaaaaah!! Im in
"@Number6"! Thank you thank you for your tip on making sure to include the letters before the numbers! I must've misread Nintendo's instructions on that part and kept getting "undetermined"....But now, it's official! I'M AN AMBASSADOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks again "@Number6". Huge high five!
@73: Hey, I was waiting for Star Fox... You can't blame me for jumping on a deal.
Something about being an Ambassador just makes me feel good. Thank you, Nintendo.
Yep I am an ambassador!
Me 2! Come on September I want my free games!
Caiman here, no problems.
both of mine are in! ya!
Got the special price and confirmed as an ambassador! YES!
And here's the Aussie tool...
I'm in the program
Wohoo I'm in!
Hi AZZA0204 - Welcome to Nintendolife. I see you just joined us today.
Don't panic! The Nintendo Europe tool hasn't been put up yet, so none of us can check out our Ambassador status until that happens - hopefully it will in a few days.
The letters at the beginning of my serial number are CEF, and I'm sure there will be a lot of other variations.
As long as you fulfill the requirements to be a Nintendo Ambassador you should be OK when it comes to checking with the tool later. You'll find Nintendo's information here:-
I'm in. Hopefully you will be able to transfer the games you get because I want a Flame Red 3DS!
id did this 3 days ago. facebook is faster than nintendolife i guess
Blessings! I'm in!
You're very welcome.
No, I hadn't seen any of your other comments, and regret to say I'm not psychic If you left click on anyone's avatar you will get up a user profile window that says when that person joined NL and their location country.
I don't think I know you from anywhere, I live in Derbyshire.
Hope you have fun here. PS I like your Avatar
I'm in, I want the Zelda Games! RAWR! :3 I mean Moo!
I don't actually know if I'm in yet, but this actually is kind of defiling those 20 games, 'cause they were released for a price once, and now 20 of them are free. It's kewl, but all that hard work making those games... well, who cares now? We didn't pay a $250 just for 3D screens, a lack of the beloved Flipnote Studio, movement sensors and circle pads!! W00T!! Bring on the games!! Whats sad is that you will actually have to wait for the games...
YES!! I'm in!! But we still have to wait... B.T.W. for the record, I payed $155 for mine. XD
im in
im in!! =)
im in!! =)
I'm a 3ds ambassador!
I'm happy~
Im un embassadeer
im an ambassador i think
I did the Australian program, and I'M IN!!!
Even though I had been on the eShop many times, I was worried I'd be left out or something.
September 1, here I come!
Well, I'm not going to get in a twist about it, but what's with Nintendo Europe? When DO we get our tool this side of the pond?
Hi, sorry I missed your last post. Yes thanks, a link to your avatar would be interesting.
ok .. whats up with Europe, cmon!!
I'm guessing the games will be available before we're able to check in Europe :/
Now you've got me really going - I love astronomy pictures, but did you forget to put in the link before you posted?
I can't see it
Potted universes! I may give one a whirl when I want a change of avatar sometime. You do know there's all sorts on the various European Space Agency websites? The best for pics and stuff is this one where you'll find wallpapers and screensavers if you click on "Goodies":-
Apologies to everybody else for straying off topic, we'll stop now.
There is no change the Nintendo Europe's Ambassador page this morning. I can't see them putting anything up now, though I suppose it's possible.
Oh well, we'll find out next Thursday, anyway.
I think I'd rather see a complete list of the games published, but I suspect that won't happen either
Oh you have got to be kidding me. 4 days until the games start coming out and we cant even check if we're Ambassadors, let alone qualify by other means. Anger; it burns >:0
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