Nintendo is yet to announce the line-up for the 3DS eShop's launch next week, but according to Nintendo World Report, one of the titles from the Big N will be a 3D Pokédex.
The site went live with the first screenshots of the rumoured title, showing the ability to observe your monsters from all angles, as well as using the machine's Augmented Reality feature to snap photos of your favourite fighting friends in real life.
The Pokédex will cover the 150 new monsters in Pokémon Black and White, starting players out with 16 monsters and unlocking the rest via QR Codes, SpotPass or StreetPass.
We'll bring you more on the 3DS eShop launch titles as it arrives.
[source nintendoworldreport.com]
Comments 44
getting happier by the day
If it's not too expensive (like Pokemon Ranch) I like this.
I heard it was free
i would probably totally get this. free or not... unless i run out of points getting other super awesome stuff.
@cowlaunch its free and excitebike too
This is great news!
"showing the ability to observe your monsters from all angles"
Not coming out in Sweden, Denmark or Norway. Sorry guys.
@8: ROFL
Nintendo is going better and better last days. Can't wait to see if they've more surprises next week on E3.
"Pokédex 3D, featuring all of the new Pokémon from the recent Pokémon Black and White games, will allow users to look up information about more than 150 Pokémon and their moves, all free of charge." It will be free.
My 3DS has been collecting dust for days now, but all this eShop stuff is getting me excited. June 6 can't come soon enough.
love a good freebie!
I love all the free stuff. Now I am finally gonna catch 'em all!
What's risky doing there?
yes that might be are pokemon 3d part 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully this is real. If so... http://youtu.be/YxugU1y2QYM
That's great!
Funny way to show the new pokemon 3D models outside of a new stadium-type game.
Now that is cool!
AWESOME!!! Excelent news!!!
You need to do some dusty and open a window.
Can't wait to lick Vanilluxe! =D
> That is too darn awesome.
This is too good to be true
I doubt that it will show EV's, movepools, and base stats, but it still sounds cool anyway.
This whole "free" thing certainly is attractive!
Those pictures are fake! They don't say "2D image of a Nintendo 3DS game"!
And it actually does show the moves of the Pokémon.
Pretty nifty.
This looks nifty and worthy. AR pokemon sounds welcome too! I can't wait for next Tuesday. ^^
AAAAAAW YEEEEAAA- WAIT. Does it mean it only covers the Generation V Pokemon? Weeeeeeell that kinda changes my thoughts. I like most of the Generation V Pokemon, but I'd kinda like to see the other 493. Plus, if I can only get the other 144 Gen. V Pokemon by StreetPass/SpotPass (or whatever) I might be in bad luck, because I live in a dinky town where everyone is like, "DERP WHATS NINTENDO." Not to mention I don't want to buy eCards and stuff. If I use my points (which may or may not be included with the download) I'll probably buy other stuff, but I kinda want this. Aah, decisions, decisions...
Can we have a downloadable movie at least to tide us over, Nintendo? This WAIT IS KILLING ME!! UGH!!
I'd like to hope there'll be an upgrade for more Pokemon in the future. Don't get me wrong, Unova Pokemon are good and all, but I'd like to be able to view 3D Lapras's too.
Mind you, we never got the Platinum update for Ranch... :/
epic!!!!! now we need a 3d pokemon game
I would much rather it be a Gen 1-2 Pokedex. They are the originals ;w;
@Komic: niiiiiice. Thats pretty cool how they show all the stats and moves. A little AR minigame in which you can use the pokemon to battle would be cool!
Gah, more reasons to get a 3DS D:
@16 thats a DSiWare Game by the name of Shaunte Risky's Revenge
This looks awesome. I just hope I'm able to the Eshop day one as I will be on a trip.
Epic !!
This is pretty good actually, especially if it includes some of the more extensive data.
this might help...i haven't yet bough either Black or White. Could familiarize myself!
I hope it uses a voice when explaining a Pokemon like an Anime . I would love to roleplay with it XD.
can I use it in China?
@keroro: if you've got internet access and a 3DS, it will be available to you no matter where in the world you are.
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