If you're a 3DS owner anxiously awaiting the launch of the eShop in North America, here's what will be available to buy when the service launches on Monday 6th June.
The free Pokédex 3D application will allow users to look at monsters from Pokémon Black and White in full 3D, with Augmented Reality, SpotPass and StreetPass functions all included.
North American owners will also be able to download a 3D Classics version of Excitebike, which will be free until 7th July.
On the Virtual Console front, the machine will launch with three Game Boy games: Super Mario Land, Alleyway and Radar Mission, replacing the Tennis game available in Europe. Super Mario Land will cost $3.99, with Alleyway and Radar Mission setting you back $2.99.
The update also brings about the 3DS web browser, which despite not supporting Flash will allow users to look at 3D images on specially coded websites, as well as upload and download 3D images taken using the 3DS cameras.
Over 350 DSiWare games will be available to download also, suggesting only a few of the 363 DSiWare games available in the region won't make the jump across.
Crucially, the 3DS eShop will be updated every Thursday worldwide, unlike the current situation where North America's store is updated on Monday and Europe's on Friday. From now on, Thursday is the day.
Nintendo Offers Free Re-mastered 3D Version of NES Classic Excitebike for Limited Time
REDMOND, Wash., June 2, 2011 – Nintendo of America has announced that the first major system update for the hand-held Nintendo 3DS™ system will be available in North America the evening of June 6, Pacific time. By installing the free update via a wireless broadband Internet connection, Nintendo 3DS users will have access to an Internet browser and the Nintendo eShop, which contains a variety of new content, including Pokédex™ 3D, an application that lets fans see Pokémon™ characters in 3D. To celebrate the grand opening of the Nintendo eShop, Nintendo is offering the NES™ game Excitebike™ re-mastered in 3D as a free download until July 7 for anyone who installs the system update. Upcoming Virtual Console™ content available in the Nintendo eShop includes Game Boy™ games Super Mario Land™, Alleyway™ and Radar Mission™. New content will be added to the Nintendo eShop on Thursdays.
The Nintendo eShop is a digital store for Nintendo 3DS owners that provides access to a wide variety of downloadable content, such as original 3D software, classic games that have been re-mastered in 3D called 3D Classics, Game Boy and Game Boy Color "Virtual Console" games in their original 2D glory, and more than 350 Nintendo DSiWare™ games. Visitors can also view video game trailers, screen shots and product information for games, including those available at retail locations.
Within the Nintendo eShop, Nintendo 3DS users will also be able to download the free Pokédex 3D application and start collecting data for more than 150 Pokémon from the Pokémon™ Black Version and Pokémon White Version games. This new application lets users view each Pokémon in 3D with animated motion and sound. The Pokémon image can be rotated 360 degrees, allowing users to zoom in and view it from any angle. The detailed Pokédex also allows users to search, sort and filter all of the data they receive in a variety of ways, making it the essential guide for Pokémon fans. Players can complete their Pokédex by sharing data with friends and using the SpotPass™ feature, or by scanning special Pokémon AR Markers (augmented-reality markers). Once users have received data for a Pokémon, the AR Viewer allows them to view that Pokémon image in a real-world setting in real time, and create photos to share with friends.
"The Nintendo 3DS system is constantly evolving and growing," said Nintendo of America president and COO Reggie Fils-Aime. "The Nintendo eShop is a one-stop resource for a broad range of Nintendo information and downloadable games and applications. It expands the Nintendo 3DS experience with new and entertaining content."
Other capabilities that go live with the system update include a free Internet browser that has the capability to show 3D images on sites specifically designed to show 3D images. The browser can also be used during game play. Users can stop their Nintendo 3DS game and go to the browser by pressing the Home button and then resume their game when they are finished browsing.
The system update also gives Nintendo DSi™ and Nintendo DSi XL™ system owners the ability to easily transfer most of their previously downloaded Nintendo DSiWare™ games to their new Nintendo 3DS systems.
In the near future, users will be able to download a free application for a short-form video service that will enable them to view specially selected video content, including 3D movie trailers, comedy clips and music videos automatically received when the SpotPass feature is activated.
To install the recommended system update, Nintendo 3DS users can simply start the "System Settings" from the Home Menu, select "Other Settings" and scroll the page right to select "System Update."
Comments 88
Huh... this 3D image support is interesting. Perhaps NintendoLife can get on board early and start offering 3DS screenshots coded this way? ; )
Hmm. Just Black and White pokemon? I was hoping there would be pokemon from all of the generations because my sister has White and most of the new pokemon are rather ugly, even she will admit it.
Having my DSiware again will be nice.
Annoying that we don't get the 3D video service yet.
Overall, not much that I actually want yet. I'll probably get a card, but I'll get Super Mario Land and maybe that Puzzle Quest game on DSiware.
Probably will get Super Mario World
I wanted Kirby like Japan. =( But yeah, excited anyway!
What about DSiware games? Will they be available with the update as well? Also Am I understanding correctly that all shop updates including the Wii shop channel will now be updated every thursday rather than on Monday?
well i guess i will simply take my freebies and wait for some interesting VC games then.
No flash support???
UGH. Another useless browser!
And no DSiWare? No 3DSware? No prices? No Netflix? Only 3 GameBoy games? Nintendo truly dropped the ball here...
Looks like....
I'll be busy on June 7th.
Guys DSiWare is going to be there. It's right there in the second paragraph of the PR. Pokedex 3D and possibly Excitebike 3D constitutes as 3DSWare. Nintendo just isn't using 3DSWare as a branding.
Also @Link79 as far as we know, Thursday just means thats when the US and EU eShops will update but Wii/DSi will update like normal. I don't know if they confirmed Thursday in Japan yet but it seems likely.
Not really. Thursday is a worldwide update so there's still a glimmer of hope.
Now the only thing left is 3D youtube support and I'll be an incredibly happy panda.
Also, there is no word here on a 3DS messaging system whatsoever or any added online functionality- this is ridiculous.
I'm starting to really lose hope for 3DS.
Yeah I suppose that means that by Thursday we'll have more games/content.... but this is still just so sad.
Lets hope Youtube does for Nintendo what they did for Apple...
Still no pricing! What are they afraid of!?
ahh my mistake just noticed the DSiWare stuff. I intend to get whatever WayForward has on the system
excellent news !
that will keep me busy for a long while. 350 games available to download ? niiiiice. please, dont let plants vs zombie out of the list.
Any idea what DSiWare games look like on the 3DS screen? Scaled and fuzzy like DS games?
Ah okay so there will be DSiware games! Sorry, I missed that part of the paragraph. In that case having only three gameboy games won't be so bad. There'll be plenty DSiware titles to hold me over.
I'll probably grab Mario Land, Excitebike, and Pokedex (for no reason )
Pretty decent as far as launches go, especially since the 2 best things are going to be free.
Now I can finally play Super Mario Land!
I really don't care if the browser has flash, the only reason I would use it it to look up help on a part of a game I was stuck on.
Why does everyone complain about the Browser on the DSi/3DS? Yeah, I don't already have 2 other portable devices that have fine internet capabilities. Not to mention my laptop! When would you ever want to use your DS to surf the web, when you already have a laptop or a smart phone? I don't get it.
Anyways. Sounds like a good launch! I'll be getting the free stuff (duh) and Super Mario Land, because I never really played that game but I've always wanted to.
hey it's free so that means i have to get it
@sunny just like me i don't get it we don't need internet on the wii or the 3ds we have pc's phone's so why do we need it on a game
Shantae, here I come!
Free Excitebike... cool.
Lame offerings though, only 3 old games? Can't get too excited about that. Nintendo really needs to ramp up the service to view movie and more specifically 3DS GAME trailers on their systems to give us a better view of what these games are going to look like.
Also, why isn't a Facebook link in this update if they're stressing connectivity and communication so much?
Super Mario Land is an awful game that I beat when I was 13. I'm all set on playing that thing again, though without a blurry motion screen it might be a little easier this time around.
Monday was such a perfect day for game releases....it gave meaning and interest to a rather dull and tedious day.
Fine by me.
Also, had anyone else noticed in the screenshot that it's in the future!?!?!? Well not really, but still.
A few problems w/ this. No 3DSWare games except some dumb Pokemon thing that isn't even a game. No Game Gear games. Um...those were supposed to be coming to the system right? I'll describe the initial eShop lineup as Shady McShaderson
Im hoping itll be the same for europe (except for pricing in dollars > )
But..if you're desperate to grab something, Radar Mission looks pretty cool
The date on the screenshot is June 6th. The date the update goes live in the US. The time is 18:00, so that's obviously the time they activate the update for us to download. That would make it 11pm or midnight the night of June 6th in the UK, which would be likely, as that's the time the UK DSi and Wii Shops are updated here.
this is cool but,,, i wish we got the flash update now.....and wen is the netflix app going to be here??
Radar mission was really fun. Alleyway not so much.
Hmm...What about demos?
3.99 for a Gameboy game? You think that's worth it? I was hoping for 2-3 personally.
Makes me think GBC will be 5-6 and GBA will be 8-10 or more.
Can you download in the background? Or do you have to stare at the annoying water filling animation of the DSi?
There's still a lot of questions that need to be answered.
3.99 was a better price that I was expecting, coming from Nintendo. I'm willing to pay it for a working copy of Super Mario Land.
Yeah no kidding Mickeymac. lol I won't deny that I was expecting $5 for Gameboy games.
It seems the Nintendo made ones will be $3.99. Some of the other launch ones are $2.99 which I find more reasonable.
But yeah, it's lower then I thought it would've been. Maybe Nintendo IS learning some lessons with their online structure.
@21 because I don't like paying a monthly service fee to access the internet or carrying around a messenger bag just to use email. plus if I get stuck in a game, I can look up walkthoughs without even closing the game.
Mario Land and Excitebike for me. Disappointed with no Zelda out at launch but excited to hear Dr. Wily's Revenge will be coming out sooner than later!
Saaaaaay, any possibility that we might get the ability to upload 3D pictures to forum posts on NLife? I'm not sure how much is possible with what they're talking about, but that would be pretty fun.
...No Link's Awakening? T_T
Not until Thursday
I hope
The prices for the Game Boy games are more than reasonable, brecause at least they are not $5.00 like NES VC games. This launch sounds pretty good, and I will be downloading Super Mario Land, Alleyway, Excitebike 3D, and Pokedex 3D next week. I do not care about the browser since I usually play my 3DS in front of my computer.
Ugh. Flashless!? Really? Welcome to 2011 Nintendo... Get with it.
No Link's Awakening?
well looks like i'll grab
Excitebike 3D
Pokédex 3D
Super mario Land
alas i was really hoping for Legend of zelda link's awakening DX thats the one im probably looking forward too the much with super mario land being the second as promised on the booklet that came with the 3DS box
... the most dissapointing thing for me is no flash... c'mon nintendo. that's something that should be there you know... what's the internet without youtube??? or any video viewing whatsoever!? WWhaits hopefully and patiently for new update....
Aww... By the time I get the 3DS, Excitebike will cost something...
What can you do, just happy it will be up and runnin!
Looks good to me. I already have SML on my GB, so the only thing REALLY interesting me on here is the Pokedex 3D.
Yuck, excitebike is only available for free for a day! Guess I'll be skipping out on that, since I'm not really in a financial situation where I can just rush out and buy it.
no flash? this.
let's hope they add it in. don't stop complaining people, email this thread to nintendo after we get over 9,000 angry replies.
At least for the first few days, maybe this'll be like the first days of Wii Shop Channel, with several launch day titles, then more titles a few days later! Presumably, the games mentioned (Super Mario Land, etc.) will be available day one, getting Game Boy on the board. Then, maybe normal update day (Thursday), they'll get the Game Boy Color party started with Link's Awakening DX (hopefully). They are doing it differently than Wii VC's debut, though. Multiple games on Multiple systems came out on 11/19/06. Maybe they'll surprise us Monday with GBC, Game Gear games? Oh...
Was something announced about the Mega Man GB games out soon? I missed that.
@53 no a Month not a day
I was hoping Fortified Zone would make the launch day cut.
I think I might get all of those lol!
I'm down for all 3 GB games, Excitebike 3D and the pokedex of B/W only pkmn. All just for 10 bucks. I'm going to be reviewing all these games as well.
hoping 4 youtube app
Gonna get everthing but alleyway. I allready have alphabounce.
Radar mission is awesome.
2 freebies? Awesome!
Super mario Land sounds like a steal for only 399 points (if you can put it that way...)
Sooooo exciting, can't wait!!!
I hope that I will be able to update next week with rest of you. Here is what I am going to get.
Super Mario Land
Pokedex 3D
and Excitebike 3D
Awesome! I will be downloading Super Mario Land, Pokedex 3D and Excitebike 3D. Can't believe how close it is.
Question, like the DSi do we get free Money with the update like $10?
Aww what the heck happened to Netflix support?
@Square-enixFan I hope so!
I guess I'll grab the Game Boy games and the freebies for $10, and save my other $10 for a later update. Can't wait
Do we know how DSiWare games look on the 3DS screen? Any stretching or stuff like that?
I will only be getting Super Mario Land and Pokedex 3D, Alleyway is basically breakout and radar mission is just battleship and steel diver in one old version
So uhh.. wheres this Flipnote Studio? and is the internet browser improved from DSi?
And will the DSiware titles be in 3D? Stretched?
I don't think I'll be buying any of those anyway. They were all pretty junky.
I guess we will all have to wait a few more days to found out all our questions! Cannot wait.
Does anyone think either original Tetris, or Tetrix DX will come eventually? Or are there licensing issues? Got some WiiWare Tetris on Wii, yet NES Tetris has never come.
Sounds great
My hope: at E3 they announce a bunch of new stuff coming to the VC or 3DSWare and then when it ends on Thursday BAM it's all there
Not a fan of Super Mario Land being more expensive, but I'm still excited.
The lack of flash, although disappointing, makes sense if you think about it. Flash kills battery, and the 3DS doesn't exactly have great battery life. As great as it may be, I think it would be better to be able to browse the internet for a good amount of time. And with Netfilx, I'm almost certain Nintendo said that it wouldn't be coming until late summer, around July.
eeeeh....4 bucks for mario land is a bit tough to swallow....will prob get anyway to have a gb game on my 3ds, but 2.99 for all gb titles would've made me much happier. Hopefully they won't go too far past 4.99 for gbc.
I for one am excited about this launch lineup for the eShop, looking forward to the 6th.
I wanted Link's Awakening and Netflix! Also I was hoping for the web browser to have flash support. Maybe it will with the Netflix update.
@Hardy I hope not, because I'd miss your criticism.
"Over 350 DSiWare games will be available to download also, suggesting only a few of the 363 DSiWare games available in the region won't make the jump across"
So not all DSiware titles will be available (at least not in America). Hopefully, when I'll buy a 3DS all the DSiware titles I am interested in are available!
Lol, I remember paying C$34.99 for Alleyway and US$24.99 for Super Mario Land 20 years ago.
I hope I can find a wi fi hotspot so I can get the pokedex...
@ Ayer99 or visit a friend with wireless internet
It is now June 7th. The June 6th e-shop launch is a lie. As of 12:01am CDT (GMT-6h) June 7th, there is still no update for the US 3DS. I am beginning to think it won't happen until at least after e3 has started.
@StarDust: no offense, but the update was available sometime around midnight-thirty or so Eastern time, meaning it was still indeed 'the evening of June 6 Pacific time' and thus Nintendo still held up their end of it. idk what's up on your end if you still can't update...?
can I use it in China?
@keroro: if you've got internet access and a North American DSi/3DS, these games will be available to you no matter where in the world you are.
Only North American DSi/3DS? How about Japanese DSi/3DS?
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