WiiWare scratch 'em up Mix Superstar is heading to Europe and Australasia on Christmas Eve for 500 Points, and the next round of downloadable content will release in North America on Saturday.
The DLC will feature R'n'B-style samples to help you craft your latest hit, and will set you back 300 Points.
You can read our Mix Superstar review to find out why this 500 Point download hits the mark, and look for it to reach Europe and Australasia on December 24th.
Comments 26
A present? That costs money? Thanks a lot for the "present".
@Omega - Just for being the first to post, we'll gift you a copy when it releases. Merry Xmas! Send us an email to info@digitalleisure.com and we'll exchange some Wii numbers.
Really? Oh, that's very nice from you. I'll do that.
Edit: I just sent an e-mail to you with my friend code.
haha i thought it was for free too
Ha, Omega, bet you weren't expecting that!
Well played DIgital Leisure, well played!
A very pleasant surprise - I thought we were to expect it next February.
It's a nice "present" since I thought Digital leisure was aiming for a January release but now its coming out earlier.
Well I'll be happy when Metal or Chiptune samples are released...
And yes I do have a weird taste in music!
I downloaded just 2 days ago and i did my first song Good job Digital Leisure. Tell to Nintendo to promote more the downloads
The only thing I want on Christmas Eve is Mario Party 2. Everything else can wait.
Chiptunes samples? It would be nice if DIGITAL LEISURE was here right now READING this. CHIPTUNES... anyhow has anyone made any songs recently?
I'm really looking forward to this. =D
My only complaint is that I wish there was some way that we can save the WAV files directly onto an SD card instead of having to upload it onto a server that may not be around in the next 5-10 years.
Great news, can't wait. And in time for the holidays vacation so I can try to create some cool music with it.
The first three coments made me laugh.
Do i get a prize for being #15? lol. just kidding.
Anyways, this game is very cool looking. hurray for awesome looking games!
@14: the first three post are priceless. I even feel the need to save a screenshot.
Mario Party Fan 999 wrote: The only thing I want on Christmas Eve is Mario Party 2. Everything else can wait.
I agree with MPF. I've been awaiting the release of an N64 Mario Party game since 2007!
Think I'll download it. Rytmik was good becoz the pocket sized music creation thing worked. Hopefully having it on your tv and console will work for me too.
@sillygostly - We plan on keeping the servers around for as long as people keep making music! We would have loved to simply allow the tracks to be placed on an SD card, but Nintendo is very tight as to what it allows on the SD card.
I had a very similar program for the PC almost 12 years ago. I think it was called "Magix Music Maker". Oh, man. I spent countless hours on creating my own music. Then I burned all my arrangements to a CD-R (which was pretty new back then) and lost everything due to a corrupted disc. That was not funny. - Now I can try again on the Wii.
As a side note to people bummed they can't import their own custom segments into this app... It does have USB mic support, and it's not that hard to gut a USB mic and convert it into a "line in" adapter.
@Demonic S+33V: Good to know. There is another thing that interests me: I have a lot of sound samples on the PC. Is there a way to import some of them into Mix Superstar?
You could do it with the modified mic I mentioned previously and a male to male audio cable. There is a downside to the "mic hack" I forgot to mention though - Due to how USB microphones for the Wii work, anything you imported would be converted to mono channel sound.
A more ideal solution would be the ability to import wav or mp3 files off an SD card directly in Mix Superstar. That could leave the developers potentially open to some copyright issues though, so I can see why they didn't include it as a feature.
I don't see what's the problem with copyright. But it's just for fun nonetheless, so mono is good enough. Can you use any USB microphone for the PC. Or must it be a special one?
I have heard they have a server where you can export your music. Maybe they add the possibilty to import stereo WAV or MP3 files in the future via the same server.
Was never interested in these kind of games until "Wario D.I.Y." on the NDS. Now I'm definitely going to buy "Mix Superstar" for WiiWare. But I'm not so keen on the extra tunes we need to buy to upgrade the game. I hate this marketing-scheme: slowly bit by bit taking our money with in-game purchases and extra non gratuit downloadable content. Still the game seems like a lot of fun. Would be best if the created songs can simply be exported to a SD-card. But no... we have to cumbersomely download it via their website.
Hé, the people that actually made this game are also on writing on this forum! That's great! And it was a really wise & considerate idea to give the game to "Omega" (from Germany) as a present! This is exactly the kind of stuff that creates lots of goodwill and support.
And now I also saw that it was actually Nintendo, not Digital Leisure, who decided that the SD-card couldn't be used for exporting. So thanks Digital Leisure for creating the possibility, albeit a little cumbersome, to export our creations. Now I'm going to use my songs as background-music for my YouTube uploads. Suddenly feeling very creative! (_)
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