Information is great, but if a picture speaks a thousand words then we have several novels' worth of words for you to digest with brand new screenshots of 3DS games.
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Paper Mario, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Steel Diver, Nintendogs + Cats, Star Fox 64 3D and PilotWings Resort all received new screenshots on the Nintendo Conference site, which we've helpfully uploaded to the game pages. Have a browse through them to see how improved Link's facial expressions are in Ocarina of Time.
Comments 43
They all look great! And even better in 3D (hopefully)
Link's new model looks amazing!
For once, they're actually pulling me into the hype, what with all these 3DS trailers and screenshots and announcements... X_X
Gerudo Valley just started playing in my head.......
Wow just......wow.
Nice! New avi time!
If I could play 3DS right now I'd be so happy....
Can someone please make a wallpaper-friendly version of that amazing cat screenshot? I swear I'd make good use of it!
I'm incredibly curious about how 3D generated image looks like with visible square pixels. I wonder if the edge of models will look like somewhat anti-aliasingly smoothed or totally jagged...
Looks sweet!
This is so awesome! I'm super psyched for Kid Icarus!
If there's a Majora's Mask remake that looks like this, I will explode, spontaneously combust, and/or give everyone here $100
Looks amazing!
at first i was sad about waiting and now i am glad i have to wait
Me want now!
@lz I vote for the third one!
All this info and such is making me go insane!
Raise da roof!
@LZ Personally I'd go with the second, just for the giggles.
dang it man look what you did to me
Gerudo Valley song plays in my head before i was aware of it starting
Is it just me, or did they update the look of links face for the remake? I've been playing a lot of Majora's Mask recently which used the original face, and this looks more like the concept art they had in the players guide. Either way, I'm loving the way it looks!
Hey James, Movemodo isn't going to affect Nintendolife's updating that much, right? Riiiiiiiiight?
Anyway, awesome screenshots of Paper Mario. I'm really glad to see that it's a new game, not a remake!
@Robo-goose: We've got 19 news updates in a single day, and you're asking if Movemodo's going to have an effect on NL's updates? I'm guessing not, based on the evidence.
OoT's looking a little smoother, although when I saw it in motion earlier, I was a little hard-pressed to tell the difference between it and the N64 original. I'm willing to cite low quality video as the cause of that though.
Simply beautiful.
I'm all over the Paper Mario pics! That is the main game i am looking forward to. I'm not sure i like the Chain-Chomp partner, he looks a little bland, shouldn't he have a hat or something? Also is that the first boss? Spoilers already?
finally some true effort coming from nintendo its got me sucked into the anticipation lol
As far as the classic remakes go I want OoT and StarFox for sure.
Gorgeous screenshots. I can't wait to get my hands on some of these games...
And the Nintendolife cast is going to try to do the same with Movemodo, so wouldn't it be logical for them to miss some Nintendo-related stuff if they are spending half of their time searching for PlayStation related things, and half of their time searching for Nintendo related things? They would either need to have everyone split in two, or pull themselves from an alternate universe so that they will have two of everyone.
or hire new members, which kinda makes me wrong
**Looks at screenshots, eyes melt**
Simply striking.
@ robo-goose
you're assuming the move has anything good to talk about anyway... !!
as for the 3DS I saw it at E3 and I wanted it then... and I still want it NOW!!!... i really hope they have a game channel... where it shows your friends what they are playing and allows you to send messages to friends in the middle of games... having the multi tasking gives me hope!!! multitask send message ... back to playing!!!
@NassaDane Maybe it's the chain chomp he saved in Super Mario 64 that flew away.
@Robo-goose I wrote 11 news stories for Nintendo Life yesterday as well as updating Movemodo and working another job. On days where there are big news announcements - like yesterday - that site might get priority, however it's unlikely we'll see those big events for Move until E3 next year.
I write equal amounts on both sites so you shouldn't see any discrepancy in content between both sites. I hope not, anyway
All good N64 games need these remakes. Talk about insane improvement.
Man I really want someone to convert all these photos and videos to cross eyed 3d
Movemodo is already up? That, I did not know.
Awesome news, I'm glad that the flow of information to Nintendolife will remain at a great pace!
All the games look impressive, especially Zelda, PilotWings and StarFox. Steel Diver looks cool too. Now if we could just get some MK screenshots...
@Robo-goose Movemodo launched nearly one month ago, I've been juggling both sites and I hope you haven't noticed any decrease in quantity or quality here.
Looking good Ninty
superbly awesome!!!
Awesome games.
actually while they look good for first generation of 3DS games. It still could look way better, if nintendo finally uses some real shading techniques. In order to enhance the graphics.
The nintendo games are really not looking on par with the 3th party developers games. it looks a bit worser, throught not using shaders etc.
I hope the second generation of games, will be better. still it looks amazing never the less.
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