It seems 90% of the people who bought Mega Man 9 haven't finished it yet, but there's still plenty of time to whip those last levels into submission as Mega Man 10 will be launched in 2010.
The latest issue of Nintendo Power carries the exclusive reveal of the blue blaster's latest escapade, and it's looking like following in its predecessor's footsteps with more retro-styled running and gunning. Those that struggled with the previous entry may be pleased to know that 10 will feature an "Easy Mode", although Easy in the context of the Mega Man series isn't exactly the falling-off-a-log kind.
There's also new bosses, including the terrifying-sounding Sheep Man who gives you "Thunder Wool", and you'll also have the ability to play as Proto Man from the very beginning, bringing yet more fresh twists to this rather exciting project.
We'll bring you more news on Mega Man 10 as soon as we get it.
[source gonintendo.com]
Comments 102
Great news! I'm excited for the Easy Mode, lol.
Bwahahahahaha this is the best gaming news I've heard since E3. Absolutely flippin' brilliant. More Mega Man is always incredibly welcome in Feenieland, and even moreso considering it's NES-styled and in the classic series like MM9 is. I love it love it lovelovelove it. (dies of happiness)
This is the best gaming news I've heard since MM9.
I think we all saw this coming. I'll probably get it, but I am a bit disappointed by the lack of a Mega Man X9.T_T
I just hope all the bosses are as crazy as "Sheep Man"!XD
No! I want badass bosses like Gutsman, Heatman and Snakeman! Not "crazy" stuff. The development team obviously take the ir task lightheartedly.
But anyway, I love Mega Man 9 (and I havenĀ“t finished it) and I hope this will be as good as that game.
crosses fingers Come on Pie Man!
@feenie: you gotta quit dying before all these games you're looking forward to come out
Let the hype begin
YES!!! This is sooo AWESOME!!!
@That_Guy_from_Faxanadu but if the bosses aren't cheezy, then it won't be old-school! (cheezy = old-school IMO)
Awesome! A must download already.
Sheep Man is the best video game character ever.
Why did you put me out at the beginning. I accidentally deleted my save and had to start over again. I did not get far the first time and I am still at that place now. I may get this game but not at launch.
This game is gonna be awesome. Not because of the "Easy Mode", but because it's more of Mega-awesomness!
Megaman 9 in 2009, Megaman 10 in 2010...so are we going to have to wait til 2011 for Megaman 11?
10x Awesomeness
news of day
Proto Man and someone else. DO WANT
There are still people who haven't finished Mega Man 9?
I want Megaman IV, V, VI, VII and X released on the VC soon too.
/me explodes in a fit of excitement
I concur with Bass, release the damn NES games already! And that SNES one.
Its also a joke. The old games used roman numerals then they made Megaman X which is also a roman numeral but unrelated to the previous games. So Megaman X and Megaman 10 are sequels to Megaman VII but are different games.
Thats my need for more classic MM well and truly fixed
Like...seriously? I honestly would never have expected this...
Another magazine? But I just got one last week!
Hard Mode all the way!
Bring it Capcom.
So we can expect 4,5,and 6 appearing on vc to celebrate 10's release?
"It seems 90% of the people who bought MegaMan 9 haven't finished it yet."
Looks like I'm in that 10% range since i beat it in the first week it came out.
Easy mode?
Mega Man 9 was easy in my opinion and I didn't really have any difficulty issues with it especially after playing the original, so this is just for the noobs it seems.
Sheepman, I think I found my new avatar
Now I just have to beat MM9.
There are still people who haven't finished Mega Man 9?
Yup, some people would rather beat good games than decent ones.
This made me far too happy. Mega Man 9 is my favorite game on WiiWare. This is going to rule. Hopefully it will be in the style of MM3. I want to be able to slide! If there's an easy mode, there better be a normal and a hard mode too. Not all of us are wimps.
MEGAMAN10 ALREADY!? HELL YEAH! 2010 is going to be a good year
are they continuing to do contest to create bosses like in the past megaman??
Let's just be glad it's not Mega Man X!
I like Megaman X. Up until X6. Then the series got lame.
(First thing that popped into my head. )
I couldn't even beat the original Megaman with a Game Genie cheat cartridge, so in rare instances like Megaman, the game needs to be dumbed down with "easy mode" - excellent for "dumb" gamers like me!
PS - I may be Megaman Dumb, but I totally P'WN at Mario platformers, hehehe!
Day 1. BTW, I don't need the easy mode.
megaman easy mode wtf capcom megaman is meant for hardcore players
but with the news of 3 characters megaman and protoman playable from the start you can sign me up
i just hope its not as over priced as part 9
Peanut Butter Jelly Man!
I am still in the Wily Stages of MM9, so this makes me want to get my butt in gear and finish it before MM10 comes out. The Easy Mode sounds really great, may play through it first on that mode, and try the harder modes as I get better.
Personally, I want to see Mega Man go up against Person Man, who would use a frying pan.
@40: I'm guessing the second picture (that I canmt see DX) is Mareep?
EDIT: I was right!
Just gonna say it: HOLY SHEEP!
Wow... WOW! This is freakin' awesome! I'm looking forward to it. I'd criticize Sheep Man if I didn't realize his eyes weren't in it's horns, so it's a good design. I like it. Kinda silly, kinda crazy... kinda like the way things used to be before Sony entered the fray. Awesome!
New MegaMan!!! yeah!!!
Yes! Definitely a must buy.
I beat Mega Man 9 within the first couple of days. I guess I'm in the 10%. Anyway awesome news about MM10!
Thats great news, but was hoping for a new game in the X series.
Nooooooooo, I want Legends 3.
This could mean that MM 4, 5 and 6 is also coming to VC soon!
I still need to play and finish MM3 and MM9, but I will still be buying this gem on day one.
So MM9 in 2009, MM10 in 2010, what game do we get from Capcom in 20XX?
Wow!!!!! Great news. I love Megaman 9 and although I didn't finish, I'm close to finishing it The only MM game I finished was MM2, which I hear is the easiest in the series...
wow that was fast i didn't even beat that much of 9 :/
wow that was fast i didn't even beat that much of 9 :/
[img src="http://www.themmnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/megaman10.jpg"]
I love the box art, but who's that in the bottom left?
Is that Sheep Man?
Dam i wish i had pay attention in IT at school.
any way you got a link to it
BTW, MM9 was released in 2008... not 2009
Sheepman sounds stupid:) But the "cover art" for MM10? Effin' classic!
It's more retro-flavored Mega Man though, so I'm definitely excited. Can't wait!
This is will be a day one buy for me. I think i will try out the easy mode. I think it's nice to have that option. I got the Mega Man Anniversary collection on gamecube so my feelings wont be hurt if they don't release All of them on the VC. You can buy a used copy for less than 20 bucks.
Wow, now I got an incentive to beat MM9...still trapped in Wily castle
Anyway, awesome news. MM9 was fantastic, so I hope this one will be even better with 3 characters. I guess Bass is the third one!
Dude. Best news of the year, in my opinion. Words can't express how excited I am for this release. I was hoping they would bring out a tenth game and I'm quite stoked to see that all the popularity and stellar sales of MM9 have paid off for us, the fans, in the form of yet another classic installment to the series! Woot!
No thank you
I feel like the only person who doesn't like this series. Played and completed Megaman 2 and 3. Asides good music, the whole thing was a bit dull. Felt like it was trying to hide a fairly generic game by making it go HEY GUYZ I'M REALLY HARD.
Spot the unintended innuendo and win a cookie
The best thing is that they kept the hilarious cover artwork.
It's not as cheesy as it used to be anymore, but still incorrect with every other possible look of Megaman.
I badly need this game. Mega Man 9 made me a fan of the series.
But unfortunately they seem to go back to weird random bosses like they did after the first few games. Sheep Man? Just WTF!
I also hope that Mega Man 4, 5, and 6 are released before the new game. It would be a great way to lead up to Mega Man 10
Coyote Man --> Coyote fang --> Sheep Man --> Thunder Wool
The ending to Mega Man 9 kinda gave it away that a Mega Man 10 was gonna happen and I'm soooooooo excited for this game. Hopefully ProtoMan will be better this time around. Can not wait! Also Sheep Man and easy mode? WTF? I don't need an easy mode.
@Kevin: Oh, I'm terrible sorry. I'll tell Capcom to cater the game to your needs next time.
Sheep man is terrifying. -ly awesome. -ly horrifying.
Great news - I'll buy it day one.
Keep that X-sequel crap to yourselves, Capcom. (only the first was worthy, IMO) You're smart to continue with the better half of the franchise. (and burn all copies of Legends)
Are you just trying it now? Are you a fan of that genre and period normally? 8-bit Megaman is a period work, and should be judged as such. It's not breaking new ground, but refining and refreshing take on a genre from years past.
Then again, Megaman games weren't everyone's cup of tea back then either.
For those who have not beaten Mega Man 9, my advice is to stock up on E-tanks to get you through till the end. Also there are some excellent strategy guides out there to aid you in your quest.
This is just fantastic news! Ok, so I would have preferred a MegaMan X9 (with the look and gameplay going back to the SNES days) but this is the next best thing. Can't wait to play through it!
orgasm orgasm orgasm orgasm
Looks like I should go and beat the last 3 Mega Man 9 challenges I haven't finished yet. Beat the game 30 times... beat each boss with one pixel of life left... beat the game without getting hit. Those are the only 3 I have left. Hmm.. also have beatin it in 27 minutes, maybe I should try to improve. :0 just for practice! yay XD
YEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!!, now this are awesome news, and yeah im that 90% of people , i hope they some DLC too :)
This is wonderful news.
never finished mm9, maybe 2 or 3 bosses left, but I've never finished any of the mm, always lose interest from the die/repeat/memorization after a while. Plus holding the controller sideways for too long cramped my hands up.
Probably will still get 10 the day it is released, though.
@Aenaida - That was my thought, too. PokƩmon invented the electric sheep 10 years ago.
Easy Mode, YES! I might actually get this one because of that, especially if they release a demo that lets you try easy mode.
@Bulbasauras Rex
Pokemon invented electric sheep? Please... Ever heard of Bladerunner? How about you look up the name the source material... I'm just saying...
...WHAT!? FINALLY! man, this is the greatest news I've heard from nintendo since...well, when Mega Man 9 was announced!
Fantastic news. Mega Man 9 was the first Mega Man game I played, and I instantly fell in love with it. I still haven't beaten that final boss, but I'm sure that won't stop me from getting 10.
pssst. Easy Mode. I'm going to beat the whole game with a blind fold!
WAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Just read the news now... Woooooow!!!
That's like birthday and christmas falling on the same day!!!
I want MM 10!!! Yeah!!!
Haven't finished 9 yet. got beaten by the boss of Wily world 3 and haven't picked it up since...
Gonna finish that one before though... it ain't unbeatable. Just hard.
But what about sheep man??? that's so ridiculess that it is funny again rofl
Instant download. I'll make sure to beat Mega Man 9 before it comes out.
"There are still people who haven't finished Mega Man 9?"
Uhh, surely yeah. You know how freakin' hard that game is?
I'd much rather see a Mega Man X9, but this is still great news! Glad to see that there's finally gonna be an easy mode, and Capcom must really be getting desperate for new "Men" with Sheep Man! XD
It'd be nice to see another female robot master as well.
Now I just hope Capcom doesn't make us pay for multiple difficulties like last time...
Great I guess.. I expect the price to be 1000pts and DLC which is right for this game.
mega man 10 for 2010! sounds like a campaign lols
I was hoping for a more 16-bit look, but as long as the game isn't ball-bruisingly difficult, maybe I'll give it a try. I'm sick of being knocked into a pit after one hit from an enemy though.
@Djungelurban I (unfortunately) had to read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" (the book Blade Runner was based on) for a sci-fi literature college class. Although it used electricity to power itself, it was only a basic mechanical sheep. By "electric sheep," I'm implying that it has electric-based special abilities like Mareep and Sheep Man do.
But wait wouldn't this make it Megaman X actually? Ah, who knows... looks awesome though! I won't complain. MegaMan is better than MegaMan Super Ultra Battle Network Omni Street Rocket Action 5.
What I can't believe is that we have all these games with all these different "men" and Capcom still hasn't gotten around to making "Water Man".
Hey, Capcom, I have a suggestion. You're probably going to have another flash attack to freeze enemies onscreen, right? Maybe Sheep man could help serve that purpose. I mean, he's a sheep. Sheep make people fall asleep. I think it'd be pretty funny if you used Sheep Man's attack, and all the enemies onscreen fell asleep, with the flying robots plopping to the ground.
Wow.. I like to play games. I am crazy about games.
seo services
Love megaman we need more games on wiiware.
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