Nnooo has just announced that their myNotebook DSiWare applications have been approved for release by Nintendo and each have their own individual release dates for each of the three different colors.
You can check out the contents of the press release below for the exact release dates along with some interesting information about the applications.
Nnooo are pleased to announce that myNotebook™ has been approved for release in both Europe and North America for Nintendo DSiWare™. The three different versions of myNotebook will launch on the following dates for 200 Nintendo DSi Points™:
myNotebook: Blue™ launches Friday 20th November in Europe, Australia and New Zealand and Monday 23rd November in the Americas.
myNotebook: Red™ launches Friday 4th December in Europe, Australia and New Zealand and Monday 7th December in the Americas.
myNotebook: Green™ launches Friday 18th December in Europe, Australia and New Zealand and Monday 21st December in the Americas.
myNotebook: Blue, Red and Green are the first releases in Nnooo's new myLifeCollected range. A range of lifestyle applications for the Nintendo DSi™.
"myNotebook is an application designed to allow users to quickly and easily take notes, doodle, makes lists or even play traditional pen and paper games." said Nic Watt, Creative Director, Nnooo.
"With the option to change each page to be lined or squared paper as well as change the paper style we think Nintendo DSi owners will have plenty of ways to customise and utilise their notebooks."
Each myNotebook comes with 32 pages which can individually be toggled to lined or squared paper as well as an outside and two inside covers that can be personalised. Additionally there are nine lined and nine squared paper types to be unlocked through; frequent use, owning other colours of myNotebook and as a special reward owners of Pop+ Solo get an exclusive lined and squared paper type to use.
We'll have more information on myNotebook as it becomes available, as well as a full review when the applications hit the DSiWare service.
Comments 32
No thanks. Why not use a notebook?
Dig those incentives
Well, since it comes out first, I guess I'm gettin the Blue one
Yes! I can finaly burn all these archaic paper notebooks I have laying around!
Ima get red.
i dunno what i'll use it for, considering i can't exactly rip out one of my DSi screens and tape it to the fridge, lol, but i'll probably get me the green one since it comes out on my birthday. :3
Ima getting Blue cuz it comes out first.
I'm not sure I'd personally buy this, but it looks interesting nonetheless.
Wow, look at all the tongues.
umm why would i get one color over the others? like whats color has what i dont understand
Wish there was a way to print your notes. Ah well.
Are all the colors as bright as that blue is. Kinda hurts my eyes with the brightness and the uncoolness of that color of blue.
"No thanks. Why not use a notebook?"
Why not mail a letter instead of call someone?
Why not read a book instead of watch TV?
Why drive when you can walk or use a horse and buggy?
Why have kids when you can use the money on yourself?
Why have kids when you can use the money on yourself?
You...lost me here, Hardy, sorry to say.
And if I get a DSi, the red notebook should be sufficient for my needs.
I sold someone else's kids so I could have even more money for myself.
And yet, I still can't spare 2 bucks for this app. Just like I shouldn't have spared 5 bucks on Screen Tap With Random Color Changes And A Poorly Defined And Implemented Scoring System
Thanks swerd_murd I'm sorry you (I presume) didn't enjoy Pop+ Solo.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on what was wrong with it so we can improve and learn from our mistakes. If you'd like to email support@nnooo.com I would be most obliged.
This looks pretty good. I'd love to fill my DSi with handy-apps. No, not handicaps, HANDY-APPS! The DSi is a gaming system, but with a good variety of apps, it can become a digital Switz army knife in no time, and pretty cheap, too! Seriously, I've bought both Mario Clock AND Calculator, and I'm happy with both! I'd love a function-filled DS! So Nnooo, do by all means go with this.
I don't know how to get DSiware.
y does it not have unlimited pages and sd card support? would have got it only for that
Dsi ware is not allowed to access the SD card
@Luigiman2 If you have a Nintendo DSi make sure you have access to wireless internet at home or at one of Nintendo's free wifi hotspots (I think McDonalds amongst others offer it free). Then go into your DSi System Menu and scroll to internet. Then follow the instructions.
There are more detailed instructions at www.nintendo.com
If it was free ya.
I'll get the red one . I take my dsi and laptop everywhere . So I might use for a christmas list ,
I personally thought Pop+ was great, its been on my menu since it came out.
I don't get your logic. The things you compare are totally different, whereas this "notebook" is just a virtual edition of a real world thing, with no specific advantages or enhancements. It's like the Flashlight app for iPod Touch: Why not buy a flashlight? And in this case, a real notebook can do more for less cash (say a notebook has 100 pages): Make paper airplanes, don't run out of battery, use multiple medium, give a piece to someone, etc.
If it's free, I might get it. If not, then NO WAY!!!
No-one's forcing you to buy it. I'm definitely going to get because it means one less thing I have to carry around just like with DSi Sound replacing my mp3 player, DSi Camera replacing my digital camera and Pop + Solo replacing my bubble blower.
And for the record I though Pop+Plus was brilliant. Not the best ever but still a great purchase.
Yes DSiWare can access the SD card because Flipnote studio you can save flipnotes to the SD card
I'm actually curious. Will all 3 versions get different reviews or just Blue?
Not that it will affect my purchase, I'll probably get Green sometime down the line (and the rest eventually just because game connectivity bonuses are cool, especially from two different series.)
Also, I'm pretty sure we will only ever ever ever see Free DSiWare from Nintendo.
Just to address a couple of points for some of you
1) We would love to give you free apps however Nnooo don't have as deep pockets as Nintendo and Nintendo give stuff away for free to bring people to the machine. Maybe once we sell a million units of a game we'll start handing out some freebies In the meantime we think the price of a burger is pretty good for a neat little notebook!
2) Nintendo write and own the Software Development Kit (SDK) we use to make all our apps and games. Currently the SD card is off limits to us. Nintendo, because they write it, are usually on versions way ahead of what we have which means they can put stuff into their games first. So unfortunately the only way we could have saved to SD card at the moment is to make each page a photo and saved to the internal memory. You would then have the option of transferring that to SD. We decided that for our first app that was a lot of work and would have increased the price. We also were not sure how cumbersome it would be and how frequently used it would be.
Rest assured we take all of your comments (positive and negative) seriously and if myNotebook sells well and there is enough demand for one with more features we will definitely pursue it!
Is DSiWare updateable? If it is, then sd-card support can be added later. For free please? If I buy a million units maybe..? But then I'd have to buy a million DSi's... Okay, I'll just have one then, please. When euro is worth less than 10 Swedish Kr, that is... Stupid lousy global economy crash... D :
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