Travis Touchdown: Fighter, lover, Otaku

No More Heroes was a proper hoot, with intense action, twisted humour and some serious Otaku love. The sequel is inbound, and its creator is hoping that lead Travis Touchdown will go on to become an even bigger star than he is now.

No More Heroes designer and Grasshopper Manufacture head Goichi Suda (AKA: Suda 51) had this to say:

I love him (Travis), and I want him to be a huge star. That's why I'm working very hard to make this game as interesting as possible. Maybe in the future, we can see him fighting alongside Link in the next Smash Bros. [laughs] That would be great.

Here's hoping - but given the previous poor retail track record of the series both here and in Japan, we're not sure Link has anything to worry about just yet.
