FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: My Life as a King was one of the original launch titles for the WiiWare service and fans have been clamoring for a sequel ever since.
Well the wait is almost over as the game has just been announced for release on the European WiiWare service on July 17th.
FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: My Life as a Dark Lord will require you to build towers and set up traps in order to stop the hordes of annoying adventurers that are trying to steal your Crystal that's hidden at the top of your tower.
Below is a snippet from the official web site that gives a little background on the storyline of the game.
FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: My Life as a Darklord puts you in the highly fashionable shoes of the Darklord's daughter, a malevolent little Miss, charged with dispatching intruding do-gooders by strategically placing traps and monsters around the tower she calls home.
It's a real time strategy game with a devilish twist!
You'll need to get your hands on ever more diabolical traps and abominable monsters if you're going to stop these pesky adventurers from making it to the Dark Crystal at the top of your tower. Be warned - with heroes of all the races and job classes from the FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES series storming your lair in real time, your traps and minions will count for nothing unless you deploy them like a true evil genius. Anything less, and your beloved home will be reduced to rubble before you know it!
Stop protecting the world as a goody-two-shoes king and start conquering it as a bad-to-the-bone Darklord! Sure, there are legions of annoying adventurers determined to stop you, but as any self-respecting arch-villain would agree, swatting them is the best bit!
We'll have more information on FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: My Life as a Dark Lord as it becomes available, as well as a full review when the game hits the WiiWare service.
Comments 33
Agreed - this sounds like fun. Can't wait to hear a review or two.
Anytime you get to be the bad guy, it's got to be fun!
If only I wasn't busy on July 17th..!
I didn't play the first one actually, but may get this one as (let's face it) it's always more fun being evil!
Is that the big day James? The day you turn into a we.
Darn, Europe gets another great game before the US! Lucky! I can't wait for this one! Hopefully it will be worth the wait. At least I can read the review before it comes out!
When news of a sequel first spilled, I was excited at the thought of MLaaK but with a dark castle n trimmings. I wasn't disappointed though, when I found out it was going in a completely different direction, as this looks really fun!
It shall accompany its predecessor quite nicely, and probably destroy as many points (think MLaaK robbed 2500 points off me total and I might be lying to myself there). Instant one for me.
EU gets all the good stuff first....
thats good news hopefully around that time NA will get it
We don't always get the good stuff first. Liiike, we got Brawl 3 months after NA did. And Trauma Centre games come to our shores about a year after they hit there. And we don't have a release date for Excitebots. And we don't have Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World yet. Really, it evens out
(here, do staff members get a special golden badge next to their name now? Swish!)
Oh,this is just GREAT! You guys get Majora's Mask and Super Smash Bros. first! Now,you guys get this game first! DANG IT!!
Oh well, as long as we get Cave Story next week (or failing that, the week after), you can keep your dang dark lords!
I absolutly loved the first one. It was addicting. Can;t wait till this hits U.S.
I am really looking forward to this game. It will be even better then MLAAK,which was one awesome game!
I offically hate Wiiware and VC, now!
Moving to Europe is looking better and better and good for you Europe.
Uh-oh, you all know what that means...
We Americans get to wait a good whole month, YAAAAYYY!!!
I haven't downloaded MLAAK yet, but I may try this if it gets a good review.
I know that sucks; NA always has to wait last!
But hey as soon as there's an official release date or when it comes out on an unexpected Monday...
Maybe then those whinny fan boys who keep predicting FFCC:MLADL over in the forums can uneventfully stop complaining about it!
I'll wait for that day to come; you wait and see!
Definitely will be a day-one download for me. I've got the points on the Wii already, waiting anxiously.
You guys must have stolen our First Bucket. Can we have it back so we can get games first again? kthankbai
Who says Europe is getting it first?
Hmm? When does NA get it then? Did I miss that announcement?
@malnin Not a great idea since he has Gregg on his side. ._.
Inany case, MLaaDL seems like a good one. If it's cheaper than MLaaK then I just may get it.
so we might just be able to play this at the end of the month? that would be awesome.
Me, I wish I could play as the original Dark L__d, but I might download this game even if the old Dark L__d is absent.
Machu-san, I guess this game would be evil to your WP!
I'd be more interested in this if they didn't abandon my life as a king as soon as it was out the door. They basically set it up talked about DLC, then it became the neglected cousin we don't talk about.
I was expecting DLC released over months if not years, otherwise what is the point of just like 1 or 2 DLC releases around release time, then nothing else, ever.
@MarkyVigoroth-Did you just censor "Lord"? Its not a religion-only term.
Yes. I just do not like writing "Lord" if such does not refer to Jesus. Even if such is not a religious term, I just feel do not comfortable referring to "Lord" anyone who is not Jesus.
great. plants v zombies has got me in mood for some more tower defence. just hope squeenix dont dick us with price.
When this comes and hits to the US im definitely gonna get this game, looks cool and fun.
Uhm... Where was the announcement made? I still see "Coming Soon" on the European game site. No clues even on Nintendo's or Square Enix's Home Pages...
This looks like everything I wanted Crystal Defenders to be.
bet this game will cost 2k points and an addition 2k more for all DLCs.
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