Website Destructoid has been sent an image from an undisclosed source that gives a pretty solid indication that former Nintendo cohort Rare is porting its beloved Nintendo 64 title Perfect Dark to Microsoft's console.
Given that Microsoft owns Rare now, this is hardly a massive shock (also, it's worth noting that both Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie are available on XBLA, and Perfect Dark's sequel was a 360 launch title) but it makes us sad to think that this N64 classic won't be gracing the Virtual Console.
Time to bust out those N64 consoles, guys.
Comments 74
GOD i hate rere there traders! luckily the only good game they have is killer instinct!
It doesn't pay to be loyal to one company's consoles these days. I had to get an X-Box 360 a few months ago just so I could play Street Fighter IV. I'd rather get a new console to be able to play it than stick with Nintendo alone and never being able to play it and because of that I was able to sample the other games that the 360 has to offer that won't ever appear on Nintendo.
Stupid Rare! TRAITORS!!! Here's what I don't get. How is it legal to port and N64 game to XBLA. Sure the game itself might be Rare's but it's still published by Nintendo. And then, how did the DKC series not end up XBLA? Geez. Ah well. Guess Perfect Dark and the Banjo series are just a couple more carts I need for my N64.
I don't get anyone who says Rare are traitors, Nintendo sold them
Oh, for effs sake! On the bright side, maybe we could end up seeing more games from other consoles in future? I know that it's not as likely since Nintendo doesn't own a big developer like this (to my knowledge), but who knows? Crash Bandicoot, plz (even if it's only a console remake, although that's straying a bit far from this topic).
The DKC series doesn't end up on XBLA, because the character Donkey Kong is intellectual property of Nintendo.
Well, I'm not a fan of the XBLive service and one good game on it won't change this fact. But Nintendo should have never sold Rare in the first place.
rare needs to release a new killer instict(the greatest fighting game of all time)!!!
Why am I not surprised? But I have a Xbox 360,so I'm not upset at all. I just recently bought Banjo Kazooie,Banjo Tooie,and Indigo Prophechy and I'm enjoying these games big time. Nintendo made a BIG mistake when they sold Rare.
Nintendo sold rare with good profit they're basically poo nowadays i don't care!
I wish they would give Conker's Bad Fur Day the same treatment they gave Kazooie and Tooie and put it on XBLA. Or at least put Live and Reloaded on Xbox Originals. I don't understand why they haven't done that yet.
They really shouldn't have sold them. (Thanks for notifying me that they're not traitors XD) Banjo, Bond, and Dark would've been awesome VC additions.
Rare's last few Nintendo console games weren't really worth bothering with anyway. They had completely lost the spark that they had during the N64 era. If we still had Rare, there new Wii games wouldn't have been anything worth shouting about I would imagine.
Selling Rare to Microsoft was a stupid mistake.
That's why it pays to have both a 360 and a Wii. All I really want though is Donkey Kong 64 on the VC.
Selling Rare was a fine decision as far as the prospect of future games, as Nintendo must have recognized the fact that Rare's glory days were behind them, and now all of the big talent has long left the company.
It is highly unfortunate, however, that selling Rare meant giving up the rights to any Rare games that didn't feature Nintendo IP. It's really a travesty that something like Banjo Kazooie is on XBLA; that game's origin is in the close relationship between Rare and Nintendo during the N64 days, and like most of Rare's games on that console, they were essentially just following Nintendo's lead in a genre but adding their own clever innovations along the way. Banjo Kazooie emerged out of Mario 64 the same way that Diddy Kong Racing emerged out of Mario Kart 64.
Rare was ingenious at distilling the best gameplay from Nintendo's latest series and then working it into something with plenty of new ideas as well. Those games are really a part of the history of the N64 and what it made possible; you can't just rip them out of that context. Unfortunately, Microsoft and the last remnants of Rare will be more than happy to do so whenever possible.
Also, the modern-day Rare really doesn't have any bragging rights over Perfect Dark after their attempted sequel proved just how little continuity in quality the company has maintained.
Wish I still had my 64 now.
I feel that it is a little short-sighted to call Banjo Kazooie on XBLA a travesty. We all love the game and it is great to play it with a dual-analog setup and in high definition. While I wish it was available for all the nintendo loyalists out there who just own a Wii, it is fantastic that you can play what is essentially a perfect version of it on the 360.
Also, as many of you have stated already, the modern Rare definitely lacks the talent that made these N64 games so great.
Maybe Nintendo will retaliate with Goldeneye?
NO! NO! I HATE articles like this that imply that we should be mad this isn't going on the Wii or something like that. I'm not angry because its going to XBLA, I'll happily buy it again. I'm angry that I'm being told I should be angry its going to be XBLA when its nothing to be angry about!
I'm not so sure that the Rare of today lacks talent; Nuts and Bolts is a lot of fun and if Viva Pinata was on the Wii, I'd guess that people would make a LOT more fuss about it. Also, the DS version was brilliant.
I think the problem is that Rare is still making Nintendo-style games on the 360, and the sad fact is that most 360 owners ignore them.
You all should have made peace with this a long time ago. I know I did and this news doesn't bother me in the least, especially sinse I had the forsight to keep all my Rare developed N64 cartridges. In terms of Virtual Console, specifically it's appearent neglect here in North America, I have enough to worry about the service already without thinking about games that I was smart enough to realize would never come from the beginning.
Bass X0: You are totally right. Provided you can afford it then two consoles is always the way to go. Loyalty to a multi-billion pound company is frankly daft when you are basically cutting yourself off from a great selection of games in the mistaken belief that your "loyalty" is appreciated by Nintendo.
As someone who owns both consoles I'd much rather have PD on the 360 because XBLA is genuinally interested in giving you more than just the original game, unlike Nintendo's Rom factory that often can't even be bothered to give us a decent PAL conversion.
As critical as its possible to be of Microsoft, XBLA doesn't deserve to be bashed. Not only is it great competition to keep Nintendo on their toes its to be hoped that they can aspire to make the VC more like it. Result: A better experience for all of us.
As Pixelman has said, maybe this competition will wake Nintendo up to the great games it is just sitting on and could be making money on now.
I think Perfect Dark will be great fit with XBLA. I'm just glad it's being re-released and there will be people enjoying its amazingly ahead-of-its-time multiplayer mode again.
I won't grit my teeth; I shall look forward to finally playing this on XBLA.
Like Drake said, Nintendo sold Rare. Perfect Dark is a great game though, so it´s a pity for those who don´t have a 360. Or a N64. Congratulations to the 360 owners!
I agree with WarioFan63. Also, wasn't Rare it's own company? I don't ever recall Nintendo actually owning it...
It makes sense,
I mean Rare own Perfect Dark and Microsoft own Rare.
It's just a pity we won't be seeing a remake of Goldeneye anytime soon.
Oh well, they get Perfect Dark, we get Mario Kart and (hopefully) Yoshi's Island. I think we get the better deal.
how does that even compare?
Herracy! Gather your pichforks and torches, meet me in town square. We gonna burn this mother down!
What I don't get is why Goldeneye couldn't come out. Weren't we told it was Nintendo who stopped it from being on Xbox live? If they had any say in it, couldn't they prevent this one from being released, too?
I still have the N64 cartridge, so meh. Can't find my actual N64 though...
No big loss either way.
But Nintendo has disappointed (like everyone else here). I'm saving up to buy a 360. In fact, I'll sell my Wii on E-Bay and use that money.
Post 35: Rare owns the rights to Perfect Dark, and is now owned by Microsoft. Nintendo couldn't stop them if they wanted to. And Nintendo didn't really stop Goldeneye from being rereleased, it just seems to be stuck in a legal limbo due to the 007 license.
Only played Perfect Dark once. I didn't really care for it. Never liked Banjo Kazooie either.
well its best to just bust out the old N64 or buy one and get a copy of Perfect Dark and play the way it was originally meant to play
They should release a Banjo game on the DS. It's not impossible since he made a cameo in Viva Piñata: Pocket Paradise.
I love Rare back before the 21rst century began to set in, everybody knows what I'm talking about to.....Grabbed By Ghoulies, a god awful game. The only reason I ever played it was that it was free when I booted up Progect Gotham 2. But this sucks the big one. I love Perfect Dark with a passion, but I don't want to have to buy a 360 just to play some Perfect Dark, my game cart quit a little while a go. With Banjo already on there console maybe my decsion for PS3 over 360 wasn't the best idea, I still love Metal Gear Solid, Little Big Planet, and Blue-Ray with the PS3 though.
@bass x0
I see what you say about not loyal to one company but i would by a console to play a game i like street fighter but its not worth gettin a new console..
As for Rare i cant see why people make a big deal their the same company as when they were with Nintendo shame they sold them but as i remember clearly and its the same now they only release a new game once in a blue moon. Only way they can up their output is rereleasin older games its a shame they done some classic but they have been few are far between it takes them forever to do a game.
Good thing i have a 360
Online too i hope!
Time to go to my game store and buy the 64 cartridge for $8 (used of course.) Seriously guys, if you have an N64, it's cheaper to play it on that anyway...
Why would any Wii owner in their right mind want to play this?
Virtual console games do not get new control schemes. Just mappings. That means not only are you playing an FPS that isn't dual analog, you're playing it on an N64 control scheme mapped to a Classic Controller. There is no possible way that would be good.
sadness ensues...
imagine if u will:-
PD + mote
Wasn't Perfect Dark Zero a prequel not a sequel?
Bang goes my hope for GoldenEye!
I have the original game, but the control sticks on my controllers are kind of worn. I'll consider buying this if it's not too much, which most-likely means I won't be buying it since it'll probably be 1200 MicroSoft points (appx $15). I don't usually pay more than $10 for old games I already own, especially when they're download-only.
It's worth noting that Bean, also shown in the list, is rumored to be GoldenEye but with all the Bond references pulled.
If Perfect Dark is going to have multi online, it will be worth purchasing again.
I saw this coming so I'm not too dissapointed. Not that I can afford either, but I need to decide what to get to go with my Wii. Either a 360 or PS3. If Sony would pick up their pace on the PSOne classics, I would lean towards the PS3, but as it stands X360 is releasing the best classic games on XBLA.
AH I HATE 360's
Hm... even though I own a 360 myself, I dislike how Rare's bringing all these titles over to it. T'would be awesome if they brought out this and the Banjo games on BOTH the Wii and 360. = / Rare could only benefit from doing such a thing.
Meh, it's not a good game anyways. Well, it WAS, but now it's just been outdone time and time again (unlike SNES games, Ocarina, Mario64 etc.)
@Dangermouse 78
You say its not worth buying a console to get one game but how many people bought a NES to get SMB, or a SNES to play SMW or SF2, or an N64 to play Mario 64.
People buy consoles for one key game all the time. They're called system sellers. That's why bundles exist.
Bass may have bought his 360 for SFIV but I doubt thats the only game he's going to enjoy on it. I bought mine for GTAIV but I knew there'd be plenty of other good games I'd be able to play at the same time. games I knew I wouldn't be able to play on Wii. It's not like the 360 doesn't have a range of good exclusives.
I have two opinions on this.
While I myself might own all 3 current gen systems, this is terrible news for non-360 owners and old-school Nintendo die-hards as well. Do you buy a new system, or do you suffer without?
Secondly, while Banjo's re-release on XBLA has updated its look and features (a wonderful thing IMO), it's a shame that at some point in the future I might own every N64 title released on VC except for the Rare-developed games. If I want to play Ocarina of Time, I can turn on my Wii...but when I want to play BK it necessitates a switch to the 360. Not only will my VC collection feel incomplete, it's just plain inconvenient to have to switch back and forth.
Final Thought: I think I'll stay optimistic in the long run. Rare did make a name for themselves on the N64, and demand for their games has not died since VC's inception. Both Rare and Nintendo must know by now that fans are dying to get their hands on the original 64 versions of these games....that's money in the bank for both of them. The way I see it? Rare will re-release their classics all remixed and purty-like for the 360, and when sales die down they'll look to Nintendo to broker a deal....pleasing those who wish to have the originals perfectly emulated on the Wii. It's only a matter of time.
@cr00mz, because Super Mario Kart and Yoshi's Island are superb games, while Perfect Dark is merely an okay follow-up to the much better Goldeneye. I think the Virtual Console gets the better deal there.
I loved Perfect Dark when it came out, and played it to bits, but you know what? When we finished it, we put it away and went back to Goldeneye.
The thing is, the X360 version is going to be better than any Virtual Console version because it's going to be online, and it's going to have all sorts of other bells and whistles. The original game on Virtual Console would be fun, but if I want to play it on Wii, I'll just grab one of the Timesplitters games, as they're the same under the bonnet. The real shame is we're not going to get Timesplitters 4.
Frankly, not surprising. They've been hinting at it for months, and there's nothing stopping them, since it was 100% Rare, unlike GoldenEye.
Actually I just thought of something: why didn't Nintendo complain when, say, Banjo-Kazooie was released when they blocked any chance of GoldenEye being released...
Joking aside, I don't mind. I have 2 friends who are willing to give me their N64s, and I'm getting a 360 soon on top of that.
@Damo - "I'm not so sure that the Rare of today lacks talent; Nuts and Bolts is a lot of fun and if Viva Pinata was on the Wii, I'd guess that people would make a LOT more fuss about it. Also, the DS version was brilliant.
I think the problem is that Rare is still making Nintendo-style games on the 360, and the sad fact is that most 360 owners ignore them."
I agree 100%, the 360, as much as I like it, is a console that is absolutely saturated in FPS fans. Most unfortunate. Oh, and Nuts & Bolts is fantastic.
On to my own comments:
Let me make one thing clear: Microsoft owns Rare, Rare owns the intellectual properties behind BK and BT, therefore, by extension, Microsoft owns Banjo-Kazooie. Why don't people get this? I've read at least a comment or two that displayed absolute ignorance to the mere concept of ownership. So, here's my list of responses:
@MegaMX4- Nope, MS owns Rare, so that's not going to happen. Handheld releases are the exception because MS is not in that business.
@Betagam7- Well... I'm not targeting you. I agree with you. I bought the 360 for SFIV, GTAIV, and Rare products. There are lots of other games I ended up playing, though.
@TwistedVivid - Nope.
@Cheesy - They were sold.
@yoda87960- No, none of them own the rights to Bond; that's why it wasn't released.
@HARDCORE-NINTENDO-FAN - Chill on the caps. Also, it's spelled traitor. Additionally, have you tried any of their other games, or are you just too insecure... ahem... I mean grown up to play Banjo?
In closing, would it kill any of us to just get a 360? Just this one game wouldn't justify it, but there are plenty that would.
@MegaMX4: If you have both consoles setup somewhere in your home, why complain about having to switch over from one to the other? Things are already very convenient in the gaming department. All I have to do is pick up my 360 controller and hold that X-logo down for a bit and voila, I have quick access to my XBLA games, which include the Banjo games. With the VC, it's just a stretch of the ol' arm to pick up the remote in my small tv cabinet to play the VC games...
I understand your point for those with only the Wii though.
But oh man... Perfect Dark online multi on the 360 will be cool. I only wish I could plug in an N64-like controller to it..
There is a copy of Perfect Dark for the N64 at a pawn shop by my house. I should grab it up before its gone.
@Devastator, Yeah, if you have a hard time coming across a copy, and you don't have, nor will get an Xbox 360.
Screw 'em sideways (pardon me, won't you)....
If I got an Xbox as well, my games spending would be I'm not getting one...I'm a ninty man through and through...
Kelvin - I agree. Yoshi's Island is a work of art.
Nintendo needs to buy rare back. Nintendo needs them, and Rare needs Nintendo.
Nah, Rare is simply a skeleton of it's former self. Nintendo doesn't need them. I also hate FPS games so I could care less about Perfect Dark and 007. Plus, I got the Banjo games on my N64 so I don't care if they come out either.
To the people who say Nintendo made a mistake selling Rare: Tell me a game they made for Microsoft that would be worth playing had they made it in the later Gamecube stages or on the Wii.
Conker: Live and Reloaded basically sucked, it was so toned down compared to the original it lost all point.
Nintendo doesn't need to own an entire company just to release 5 games on Virtual Console.
Wow your two statements contradict each other. Conker Live & Reloaded would of been worth playing (to you atleast) because it would of kept the profanitaty. : Also N&B and Viva Pianta look like they were made for the Wii remote.
Wow your two statements contradict each other. Conker Live & Reloaded would of been worth playing (to you atleast) because it would of kept the profanitaty. : Also N&B and Viva Pianta look like they were made for the Wii remote.
I just want to clear up the reason why Rare was sold (other than money)
Rare, was 2 brothers who owned 51% and Nintendo owned 49%.
The 2 brothers (who have both left rare, hence all the posts about the talent leaving) sold the 51% stake to microsoft, this led to Nintendo selling its 49%, because they couldn't really be minority shareholders to a major competitor.
This is Awesome news! I can't wait.
Perfect Dark was one of my all time favorite games.
@PSL977, quite, and the two brothers had little to do with the Goldeneye engine (as used in Perfect Dark); those developers went on to form Free Radical and create Timesplitters, so if you want to play these games on the Wii, you can... sort of.
It is painful to watch Nintendo published games, shaped by Nintendo hardware design (sticks, triggers) and in the case of Banjo Kazooie: majorly influenced by Mario 64, becoming exclusive downloads to Xbox Live. Especially this, my favourite game of all time.
Even so I am intrigued to see what it would be like online, and with dual analogue, and at a smoother framerate. If they could re-add the removed camera option as well that would be impressive.
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