Envy is a terrible thing, isn’t it?
Rondo is widely regarded as one of the defining moments of Konami’s illustrious Castlevania franchise and has only recently been released outside of Japan, appearing alongside a 2.5D update on the recent PSP Dracula X Chronicles collection. Games are often hyped due to their lack of worldwide availability or perceived rarity, but in this case all the hot air spouted by hardcore fans is most definitely justified. Time will tell if a Western release is forthcoming, but the existence of the aforementioned PSP collection bodes well; the game is, after all, rated and ready for publication in both the US and Europe.
Metal Slug may have come as part of the excellent Wii Metal Slug Anthology but it’s still worth looking into, especially if it supports the classic controller – something the Anthology inexplicably failed to do.
Here’s the Japanese update list in full:
- Hercules no Eikou IV (SFC)
- Phelios (MD)
- Dracula X: Chi no Rondo (PCE)
- Metal Slug (Neo Geo)
Comments 28
This sucks. We are getting screwed here in the U.S. I know Rondo has a good chance of a western release but I bet it takes a long time.
I sure hope not though. That's the one game I want more than anything on VC. They still haven't even given us Castlevania 3 yet.
They sure are taking their sweet time.
Ah well, Metal Slug is a new Neo Geo game, so why complain? Also, first timers can try the first one by downloading the first, rather then shell out for all of em in the collection...
I'm sure I can hear the sound of mocking laughter from Japan
And if you need RoB so bad, I suggest forking out for the PSP version while you wait. If you're into Castlevania that bad, chances are you'll have it already.
He he, good for the japaneese ^^
Heres hoping Rondo of Blood gets announced in europe the last minute before the upcoming Hanibi Festival.
I am moving to Japan
Great! It's not bad enough those bastards get theatrical release tentacle porn, and underwear from vending machines...now they have the unmitigated gall to release games that Japanese Gaming companies created and released first run on Japanese consoles...IN JAPAN?!?!?!?! Before the rest of the world?
Next they'll be trying to tell us they saved the video game industry from some kind of (air quotes) Crash (air quotes)! That they somehow brought video games 'back from the dead'! Pfft...
The nerve!
I'll come too.
Rondo. Rondo. Rondo. Castlevania III is the best entry in the series. Even Iga admits as much. Of course I want Rondo, but I want Castlevania III more.
Man, oh man, they get Rondo and the SNES joypad add-on. Color me green of jealousy, but hey, thats life...
Oh man. I hope this game(Dracula X) come soon to America... (T_T)
I would download Rondo of Blood if it came to America... I never really played any of the Castlevania games except for one that was on the PS2... I think it was called Lament of Innocence? or maybe it was Dawn of Sorrow? It was the one where you play as Leon Belmont, and I might be mistaken, but I think it was the first 3D Castlevania game. I've been debating downloading Super Castlevania IV, but I think I might just wait for Rondo of Blood.
and why do they get 4 games??? we've had a steady 2 games here in the US for all of '08... man, thats some bullshizz.... they should just have 2 weeks where they give us games that have taken forever to come out here like Vectorman and Megaman... maybe they'll do that with the long-awaited River City Ransom.... although we didn't have to wait as long for that one as we are for the other 2.
Lucky son of a.... maybe after Wiiware is out, they will start to up the number of games again.
According to IGN's podcast our Wii Ware line up will be better than Japan's line up. Ha take that Japan
Wow that's a good week.
I have never played a Castlevania game, but if Rondo gets released here, I might download it.
I've never been a fan of the Castlevania series... I simply don't get the appeal at all. Thus, I can't say as I'm too jealous of Japan getting Dracula X. Metal Slug is fun, but certainly not worth getting jealous about; besides... Metal Slug Anthology, anyone?
Am I also the only one who's getting really fed up at people whining about getting two games instead of three or four? Screw that, I'm fed up with the whining in general. The VC has over twice the content of the 360 Live Arcade and we always get another couple games on top of the current roster each week. Not to mention we have WiiWare on the way! Give Nintendo the time it needs to give us the gold; they'll... get... there. I swear people have no patience anymore. Used to be I had to wait months or even years to see these games released back in the days of the NES and SNES. I think you gripers can afford to wait a few months yourselves. Find another way to fill your time rather then whining about how your favorite game isn't on the VC yet.
To MrPoo6321:
Oh man, you really couldn't be more wrong, on several levels, in several ways. Keep trying though! We'll be patient.
especially if it supports the classic controller – something the Anthology inexplicably failed to do.
Not so inexplicably. The Anthology developers are on record as saying that the specs for the Classic Controller were not available to them. Apparently, Nintendo had decided that the classic controller was ONLY going to be used for VC games. (A decision backed by those two holes in the back of Classic Controllers. A plastic Wii Remote attachment was supposed to clip in there, but was canceled sometime during development.)
Nintendo later reversed this decision and began shipping specs for the controller to developers. By then, though, Anthology was already released.
The good news is that the original Metal Slug was the best in the series. If you don't have Anthology, just download it from VC and be happy. It should be plenty of fun to play on the CC or GCN controller.
I have to say jackolatern says what i have thought of saying for a long time.
oh well japan gets their game first, and the problem is?? you bought a japanese created console from a japanese company. you want it now then i gues you have got two choices buy a japanese wii or you can go with the american alternative and get your games before japan, 360, but i think we chose the wii because we didn't want to send it back in 2 months.
Look at it this way. At least Nintendo takes the time to makes sure their products work before they release them to the public.
I remember reading in NP mag. a long time ago that they dropped GBAs from 15 ft. to test their durability.( don't know if i got the FT. right )
so before you whine and whine .. consider your alternatives
wich are like... Mexican food from Indiana(360) or Mexican food from Mexico(Wii)
The PSP RoB has issues and Metal Slug Anthology has stupid motion controls and no Classic Controller support. So basically, me wanteeee........
"Rondo. Rondo. Rondo. Castlevania III is the best entry in the series. Even Iga admits as much. Of course I want Rondo, but I want Castlevania III more."
That's Iga's opinion. I don't see what it has to do with "admitting." For people who like modern style, SotN type Castlevanias, Rondo is much closer to that type of game, with branching paths and huge levels.
i think theyre holding back and they will release alot of good games during the summer drought
"i think theyre holding back and they will release alot of good games during the summer drought"
Me too
Metal Slug is a great game but there's no way that I'm paying money for it again. Metal Slug has to be about as profitable as Mega Man, given the number of times it's been re-released. I think if you bought every single different release of it (including the uber-pricey original Neo Geo carts), you'd easily have spent over a thousand dollars.
I really wonder if and when Castlevania Dracula X: Rondo of Blood will come out in the rest of the world.
it bothers me that Nintendo of japan gets 4 games (2 great games) in one week, while the rest of the world gets, for lack of a better word, scraps. i dont care that much about RoB, and i own the metal slug anthology. but the quality of that weeks releases could be compared to the US getting Perfect Dark and Chrono Trigger on the same week with a couple more games thrown in for good measure. I would love that level of weekly quality in the US, and im sure im not the only one. but i suppose ill just have to settle for scraps.
i believe there are road blocks due to lisencing and rating issues when it comes to EU and US VC releases that keep us from getting amazing releases.
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