With a few clicks, a user will be able to select a game to send as a gift to another user online, Iwata said. When the recipient accepts, the Wii automatically launches the shopping channel and begins the download.
"We think this will be a breakthrough in encouraging customers to spread news of fun games word of mouth," Iwata said. "We also hope to spur more users to connect their Wiis to the Internet," he said.
We can't wait for the next firmware update. A pretty nifty idea!
Comments 25
Sounds good, but its not exactly amazing news...
Haha urban champion...
an interesting idea. i wonder how popular this will be when it is made available.
Im getting my cousin Sin and punishment stat!
Urban Champion is like Warrington (in England) on a saturday night!
when u accept the offer, will u get the game for free? Or will your points be deducted automatically?
will we be able to receive games that are only acceptable in our region or can they send us anything that is acceptable in their region. say a friend in europe wanted to send me megaman which for some odd reason isn't available in the US yet
I'm getting my friend China Warrior
IS it avalible now or will it be avalible for the Holidays?
Sometime around December!... maybe a christmas or new years eve.
Have you actually been to Warrington, William?
and i'd imagine the sender has to pay for the game themselves. but what if the reciever already has the game? does the sender waste money if the reciever doesn't accept? i think it will probably only deduct from the sender's points when the reciever accepts.
i already have urban champion, so send me volleyball
I think this is a great idea, Their are actually like a few buds on my list I would actually buy a game for as a christmas present.
how about you can give away games you've downloaded and played but no longer want... maybe on the agreement that the reciever is unable to send anyone the recieved game to prevent abuse (game sharing on one download).
Yes, this is a fun idea from Nintendo. I just hope games can be sent cross-region, though.
I personally won't use it, but I think it's a smart idea nonetheless and will undoubtedly increase VC sales.
Cheaper crimbo presents AHOY!
It'll probably bite sending someone a game he's purchased already...not like you can take it back. Since the game will be under his/her name...
Bass X
Yes, I used to live there, I have never been out on a saturday there tho! I was only joking! Mr Smiths is ment to be a bit rough tho
Very interesting... many people would send out their favorite titles to other users.
Do you buy a game as a present and then send it to a friend (and it isn't in your list if you haven't bought it for yourself)/buy a game again you already bought to give it to a friend, or can you give a game you bought yourself for free to anyone else? I think the first is the right one, since Nintendo would lose millions when freinds and families come together and send it from one to the next.
Anyways, with that way you can give a friend SMB2:Lost Levels if he hadn't done it before October
Those would make some good Christmas gifts...
the fun idea was
when the Voting channel firs got released
i made a Question about this particulair method
isn't it nice now i can send the games i completed to my friend
they better get that firmware update to the Wii's or else....
I saw on gametrailers.com that there's a video in japan demoing it, but i can't find
I found it, here it is http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/124908.html
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