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Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - Shy Guy Heights Gems, Extra Challenge, And Pixel Toad Locations

Shy Guy Heights - First Gem

Head towards the first ladder and climb up it when the Shy Guy is looking in another direction. Get around and behind him without him seeing you and pick up the flower. Chuck it at him. Run down the second ladder, down the tunnel from him on the right.


At the bottom, climb the bigger of the two ladders on your right. Cross the two archway bridges and drop down to the first gem on your right.

Shy Guy Heights - Second Gem

Avoid the Shy Guys and take them out with the nearby flowers so you can progress undisturbed. Climb the ladder in the middle of the maze and progress across the archway bridge until you reach the spinwheel. Perform the onscreen prompts to spin the bridge a whole 180 degrees.

Progress across the bridge and grab the treasure and mushroom on the left. Avoid the birds and drop down to the ground. Defeat all of the Shy Guys in this area with the flowers lying around, then pull up the lonely flower right at the back of the area, near the circling Shy Guys.

You'll get a pickaxe - turn around immediately and break the blocks to access the little house with the blue Shy Guy on top of it. Climb the ladders and greet the blue toad to receive the second gem.


Shy Guy Heights - Third Gem

Climb up the next two sets of ladders, defeating the Shy Guys along the way. Reach the house with the star on top of it and head behind it. You'll find the final gem in a little alcove.


Shy Guy Heights - Extra Challenge: Don't get seen by Shy Guys

This challenge shouldn't give you too much trouble. Shy Guys aren't very aware of their surroundings, so provided they don't see you directly, you can easily avoid them. They can't hear you so you can get as close as you want, they can't see you when you're behind an object, and you can defeat them with the various flowers littered about.

Shy Guy Heights - Pixel Toad

Get to the second island to the area where you found the pickaxe and you'll find Pixel Toad sitting by a tree on your left.


To make this guide easier to navigate, we've broken each level up into pages. So to zoom quickly to the level you're looking for, simply head to the page number that matches the level number.

Continue to Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - Spinwheel Library Gems, Extra Challenge, And Pixel Toad Locations.