
Topic: Muramasa The DemonBlade coming out at Gamestop Tomorrow

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i just got a call that my copy will be there tomorrow so Ignition must have been wrong eithier that or were getting it very early ^^ but i'm getting my copy tomorrow says them so i can't Wait too bad SuperSonicz1990 you'll have to wait for your amazon copy

Check out Wii-kly Review's on PSN ID: TailsPrower86 3DS FC: 3695 0027 1349 Tails XBL GamerTag: BioReaver86


I got a call too, but we'll see if it is true tomorrow!



It will be ^^ i know it will and when i get it oh boy Wall Scroll going in a special photo frame ^^

Check out Wii-kly Review's on PSN ID: TailsPrower86 3DS FC: 3695 0027 1349 Tails XBL GamerTag: BioReaver86


The wall scroll is really awesome; I got it last week. All I need is the game and I'm good to go.

Edited on by WolfRamHeart



WolfRamHeart wrote:

The wall scroll is really awesome; I got it last week. All I need is the game and I'm good to go.

um how big is it and whats it look like an actual scroll? or just like a small poster?

Check out Wii-kly Review's on PSN ID: TailsPrower86 3DS FC: 3695 0027 1349 Tails XBL GamerTag: BioReaver86


Its bigger than I thought it would be; it measures approximately 15 inches by 8.5 inches. It is made of a thick poster quality paper and is double-sided with large characters images displayed on one side and multiple characters on the opposite side. It also folds out into 8-panels. Its very cool!



Mmm, delicious. I look forward to picking this up tomorrow. :3

Wii: 6882-4334-4721-0727 --- PSN: OrangeGouf --- XBL: Orange Gouf




They probably released this early as good PR so that gamers will have something to play over Labor Day weekend (here in NA). If that's the case then they earned even more respect in my book.

I didn't want to pre-order from Gamestop but I had to as I was desperate. In hindsight it looks like it was the right choice...that's if the tri-state area gets shipments before Friday night.



Wolfcoyote wrote:

They probably released this early as good PR so that gamers will have something to play over Labor Day weekend (here in NA). If that's the case then they earned even more respect in my book.

I didn't want to pre-order from Gamestop but I had to as I was desperate. In hindsight it looks like it was the right choice...that's if the tri-state area gets shipments before Friday night.

Maybe I missed something. Why is everybody thinking this game was slated for release later? I always thought it was to be released September 1st, and then it was moved to September 3rd.

Somebody set up us the bomb.
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Good Question cause Nintendolife said Ignition had it planned for Sept 8th or 9th so wow we get it 4 days early <3 talk about Gamestop showing some love for there Wii Fans

Check out Wii-kly Review's on PSN ID: TailsPrower86 3DS FC: 3695 0027 1349 Tails XBL GamerTag: BioReaver86

Ramandus had it marked as Sept. 1st. I've had it marked on my calendar for a month. But whatever, I will hopefully get the bonus item.

Somebody set up us the bomb.
Wii: 8703 7486 8875 3789
I love PWN3NG NintendoLife members on Tatsunoko :-)


whenever they call your house that means its coming almost 99% but then some still worry bout that 1% don't give me any thoughts i want my WALL SCROLL !

Check out Wii-kly Review's on PSN ID: TailsPrower86 3DS FC: 3695 0027 1349 Tails XBL GamerTag: BioReaver86


It was out yesterday

PSN ID: castlehominid99

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No one has gotten the game? I checked Gamefaqs and people still don't know what's up. The review copy has an embargo on the review until 9am on Sept. 8th. Can you snap some pics of the game and disc for us?

Plain old gamer :)


Any word on when we might have this in Europe?

There he goes, Firkraag. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. - My VGscore


I just called the Gamestop store here and they said they have Muramasa in stock right now. So it's obviously out. So much for release dates and early release parties.

And so far we've heard no information on a European release. I'll put it up as soon as we hear.

Edited on by Corbs

Plain old gamer :)


Corbie i'll snap a couple pic s of that with me with my DSi but i'm gonna need someone to get the pics corbie you have a wii you'll have to give me your code sir eithier that or someone is going to have to show them but i'll send them if someone gonna pop them up on here thanks guys

Check out Wii-kly Review's on PSN ID: TailsPrower86 3DS FC: 3695 0027 1349 Tails XBL GamerTag: BioReaver86


Sean Aaron is trying to bring the pics i sent up so everyone can see them eek and yall are gonna see me in one of them oh well though ^^ i'm not too hideous but yall get to see the game disc the scroll and the actual game case

Check out Wii-kly Review's on PSN ID: TailsPrower86 3DS FC: 3695 0027 1349 Tails XBL GamerTag: BioReaver86


Here are my pics. I am at work so I won't be able to play it until tonight. But the "wall scroll" is longer than I thought it would be.
Also, be aware the interior of the instruction booklet is in black and white (boo!). The store near me had 2 copies of the strategy guide, so if the game is good and I need a guide, I will be going back -- or to Amazon.


Edited on by Ramandus

Somebody set up us the bomb.
Wii: 8703 7486 8875 3789
I love PWN3NG NintendoLife members on Tatsunoko :-)

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