
Topic: Pokemon GO/HOME/Sword & Shield for Child Account

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So, we just purchased the Pokemon Sword and Shield game for my kids. Both of my boys have Pokemon Go accounts (through Niantic) and already catch pokemon that way. I also have an account. I have synced my account to the Pokemon Home account and to the Nintendo Switch account. How can I do this for my child's accounts as well?

Basically, my 7 year-old and 10 year-old want to catch Pokemon on their iPads, send them to Home and then over to Sword and use them. They would also like to use the trade feature with Home.

When trying to sync Go to the Switch on their accounts, I have to log into my Nintendo account, but it won't let me select a child account afterward.

Thanks and any help is appreciated.



@xer01ne If you're unsure, and want to take the guess work out of it, Nintendo support has a good phone line. I've used it myself. It's pretty easy to get someone one the phone, and helping parents is what they do.

I can speclate what your issue is: some online games only allow one online profile per nintendo account. (Splatoon is like that.) If all of you share one switch, the kid's Switch user profile may need to be linked to another nintendo account. Meaning they need their own nintendo account on nintendo's website. This may mean needing a family plan Nintendo Switch Online subscription in order to create a nintendo account for each kid.

(side note: if you create nintendo accounts for your kids on nintendo's webiste, I don't think you can change their birthdate/age once it's been set. So, if let them play teen rated games, you may want to put an older birth date in.)

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


Hiya @Northwind<3 Thanks. If their issue is only with Niantic accounts, then you may be right.

However, if xer01ne's issue stems from the kids needing their own individual nintendo accounts, that's a nintendo issue. That's so frequently an issue blocking parents from having multiple online game profiles (for games with large online progression systems, like Splatoon, Minecraft, Rocket League, etc.); To me, the OP's issue sounds like it could be a parent with only one nintendo account linked to their console, but the 2nd & 3rd Switch user profiles can't set up online games. It's because certain online games limit one online game profile per one email address/nintendo account. Having multiple switch user profiles doesn't allow more online game profiles in these cases, they need to be linked to separate ninendo accounts.

If that is what xer01ne's problem is, then calling nintendo is definitely the quickest, most efficient option to resolving their issue, because explaining the system here in a blog here usually takes several follow up questions for a Switch newbie to learn how to resolve their issue. While talking on the phone nintendo allows a faster, more fluid back & forth conversation that's quicker, and less stressful.

If you don't think that's the issue, I'll take your word for it. Forgive me if I've muddied the waters.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
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