
Topic: I doubt there be any more switch variations.

Nintendo's "Switch Successor" should be revealed soon, check out our guide: Nintendo Switch 2: Everything We Know About Nintendo's Next Console.

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While we all know that Nintendo is in the middle of producing there next system but I highly doubtful it be the "Switch 2" that everybody seem to be clamouring for.

If anything I reckon it be something better, an actual Successor to the Switch.

The reason being it's been about 7 years since the Switch was releases & if there was going to be a switch 2, Nintendo would have already released it by now.

If you look at the past system releases, Nintendo always produce a major variation halfway through the systems lifespan, not near the end like with the switch here, & we always have about 6-7 years between the main systems as well.

With the switch being 7 years old meaning that we already seen all likely variations by now.

Take a look at some basic stats, the DS was released late 2004 early 05, then we had the DSi in 2008.

That would only be nearly 4 years for the DS to have it's DS 2, that's if you only take the major variation over a minor cosmetic version as a "2".

Then with the 3DS, it was released back in 2011 following the New 3DS in late 2014 early 15

that's about 3 years nearly 4 years for the so called 3DS 2 to be released.

Now back to the Switch, so far it's been 7 years since it was released & so far we have no Switch 2.

So an entire generation gap without a Switch equivalent of a DSi or a New 3DS, so it looks like to me that Nintendo forgo a Switch 2 & go straight into the successor.

If anything the Switch OLED looks more like a Switch 2 or at least a substitute for a lack of a switch 2 during a silicon shortage.

Anyway I am looking forward to what Nintendo's going to announce for the next system but I'm also aware that's it's likely not a switch 2.

If it's end up being a switch 2 I be disappointed.



I think when people say Switch 2 they don't just mean a slightly upgraded Switch variant (like the DSi was to the DS), they mean an entirely new console that has a similar form factor to the Switch but with much more power and major new features (like the 3DS was to the DS, or the Wii U was to the Wii).

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I know power isn't everything... but for devices that exist in order to run software it does matter. As such maybe it's worth considering how much of a leap previous console revisions/successors from Nintendo have been and where the Switch -> Switch 2 transition appears like it'll be landing. From smallest to largest jumps in spec, I've put numbers on these but.... uses them as a yardstick not an actual measurement. It's basically just to give you a rough idea of how big the technical jump was:

100x: 3DS -> Switch
20x: GB -> GBA
20x: SNES -> N64
10x: Wii -> Wii U
5x: Switch -> Switch 2 (speculated)
5x: DS -> 3DS
5x: GBA -> DS
5x: N64 -> GC
5x: NES -> SNES
3x: Wii U -> Switch
2x: 3DS -> New 3DS
2x: DS -> DSi
2x: GB -> GBC
1.5x: GC -> Wii

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You seem to be conflating form factor with power. Just because the console will look similar to a Switch does not mean it won't be a generational leap in performance. This is more like the leap we had going from Wii U (176 GFLOPs) to Switch (500GFLOPs when docked) if both consoles looked the same but with even more of a power differential. If it's as powerful as a PS4 then that's a 4x increase. A Series S? 8x. That's a huge leap. Appearances are a tiny part of the equation. If it can play the majority of modern third-party titles for the next few years and allow Nintendo to make next gen games for its own IPs, then it will more than fulfil its purpose.

Of course, there will be aesthetic differences that all add up to make that generational leap you're looking for. A bigger screen. Magnetic joy-cons that are more secure when locked into place, that should hopefully be more robust. A new iteration of the operating system with different wallpapers and customisations. Combine that with the extra speed of the console and it's more advanced storage options and you have quite the system. All of these things will help to give you that next gen feeling when buying the console, along with 'Switch 2''s no doubt substantial number of launch titles that will release alongside it. Games that you would never get to experience on the more limited OG Switch with its near 10 year old architecture.



Regardless of the name Switch 2 it's what inside the and BC to use v1 Switch carts is going to play the biggest role here. Form factor is all that is if people are so hung up on the name Switch 2 because it using the same name then one should being using the same names for kids and people and places? I myself like the name Switch 2 it simple and conveys it's not the same. But if that's all people see then they need to get out and enjoy life more.



I just need it to have an OLED screen and form factor similar to the OLED switch (the kick stand change is crucial). Other than that I don’t really care. I am keeping my switches so BC is meaningless (given the number of games I have it isn’t worth the time sink to migrate), and I know it will play new games. Good enough for me. My backlog is so big I am waiting for the Zelda edition anyway.

[Edited by Ryu_Niiyama]

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Kawaiipikachu wrote:

While we all know that Nintendo is in the middle of producing there next system but I highly doubtful it be the "Switch 2" that everybody seem to be clamouring for.

Nintendo could still piecemeal options as upgrades for the Switch 2. Shipping with an LCD, but offering an OLED variant later. Shipping with X internal memory, but offering X internal memory later. I don't doubt that Nintendo are looking at the handheld PC market and are asking themselves if they could push their fanbase to cough up $450-$500 for Switch 2 with better options than the $350-$400 launch variant.

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I do wanna see an SNES edition of the Switch 2, combining the colors of the Japanese/European and North American versions of the SNES. Here’s how I would think of where the colors could get placed:

The shells are grey, with the L/R and ZL/ZR and release buttons, as well as the capture and HOME buttons being black (along with the C button on the R Joy-Con). The + and - buttons are dark grey, or just make them black too. The D-Pad buttons on the L Joy-Con use the purple and lavender colors from the North American SNES and the ABXY buttons on the R Joy-Con use the colors from the Japanese/European SNES.

[Edited by MrCarlos46]


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yeah i feel like while consoles and the like kind of feel like diminishing returns when it comes to that next-gen "wow factor" there is still plenty of that to be had in the handheld space, especially given the advancements in mobile tech since the switch launch.

thats one of the reasons im really hoping the successor is still a "switch" i love the concept of the system and still feel like theres a lot of life in said concept that i would love to see it go another round with newer hardware to really get the most out of that form-factor.


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