
Topic: New 3DS

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That reminds me that I need a backup 2DS LL. I will probably get the Dragon Quest Metal slime one even though I have the game already.

Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa!
Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp
Team Cupcake! 11/15/14
Team Spree! 4/17/19
I'm a Dream Fighter. Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.


WoomyNNYes wrote:

@Zuljaras They've been quite expensive since console production ended & the pandemic. Expect prices for used to be the same as new retail price or higher. That's the market, unfortunately.
I think my brother paid $350+(USD) for a New 2DS XL circa december 2021. (regular retail price was $150(USD)). And that was the common black&blue variant.

I noticed this trend in recent years where video games soft and hardware is becoming increasingly expensive because of collecting, scarcity and value speculation and investment. I get the appeal of making money and I've hit myself on the head over stuff I got rid of on the past, but I dunno, seems to be getting a bit out of hand. Makes stuff out of reach for people who just want to experience the games.

It's like with housing (and many other things, consumer capitalism has a general tendency to this). Houses should be for living. I get it, a house can be an investment, but if that makes housing unaffordable for many, we have a real problem on our hands. Video games lend itself particularly well to this scarcity/ exclusivity model, bcause of limited runs and the techy nature of it, with incompatibility, hardware becoming obsolete and so forth. Nice to see a retro console market in recent years to at least give people options.

I got I think a pretty good deal on a new3DS (100€ second hand) and am now looking for a new 3DS XL. I think the 'new' line is really worth it for the eye tracking 3DS. Like Wii motion plus, it should've been a feature from the get go, cause it's of crucial importance imo to do glasses free 3D right. I think if you find a good deal (on video game related items in general) and it's something you would really like to acquire, you shouldn't hesitate for too long and jump on the opportunity.

TommyTendo wrote:

They should make a New New 3DS

Yes, make it more confusing plz Nintendo lol ;-p

[Edited by F-ZeroX]


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