
Topic: 3DS Friend Codes

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good night be back tommorow so please add me and tell so i can add you back

3DS Fc 2277-6873-6306


I has 51 friends.

3DS FC: 5155-2961-8485


hey again, everyone. So sorry for yet another late response! Unfortunately my free/home time has been getting tossed left and right with appointments, etc. Just wanted to check back for anybody new that might wanna add me; I have room to add 3 people left, 1 pending so the 1st 3 responses will get them. Here's my current online games list which really hasn't changed much; Tetris DS, Party Live, Axis, Nintendogs (all DS + Cats versions), Super Mario 3D Land, and SwapNote (pending whether to keep it cause if you have lots of friends you know how full it gets). Kid Icarus: Uprising is also reserved. So yea, if anyone's interested in adding me that hasn't, or is waiting for me to add them, let me know. I'll add ya back.

TauuaT wrote:

@DaveGX, I've got your code correct. Don't know why it isn't working.

Anyone else feel free to add.

Yea, I don't understand why it still hasn't registered you, either. I've really never encountered this type of problem with anyone else yet, have you? Have you double checked your friend code as well? let me know, post it up or something. I'll try it once more and if it doesn't work out still, then we might as well just free up a space for other friends to add.

Edited on by DaveGX

3DS FC: 4768-7451-8056
3DS Mii QR code:


I guess it was just not ment to be. Yes all the codes are double checked on my end and other people are adding me just fine. Do what you gotta do mate.

Anyone else do that thing and then do the other thing that makes us both happy.

3DS FC:5155-3160-7285


my friend code is:2234-7446-5099
and my name is:Chance
my favorite game to play is super mario 3D land.

Chance Sparks



TauuaT wrote:

I guess it was just not ment to be. Yes all the codes are double checked on my end and other people are adding me just fine. Do what you gotta do mate.

Anyone else do that thing and then do the other thing that makes us both happy.

Your code worked fine for me.

3DS Friend Code (NEW) 4597-0176-3500
Minis March Again (NEW) 2323-0441-2739
Mini-Land Mayhem (NEW) 5071-8232-0670
Wii Friend Code 5519-8046-0668-6068
Smash Bros. Brawl 1893-2412-4594


Hm...OK just tried to add the 3 of you, and it's not auto-registering any names, so nobody got added and I'm not sure who added me. This is really weird....

3DS FC: 4768-7451-8056
3DS Mii QR code:


Aight, everyone. @TauuaT, not sure whatin the world went wrongthe lasttime i tried toadd ya and the code registered, but i just tried and got it finally, so you're added. Quick note for all others, please make sure with the @ replies when adding me (it's not in my 3DS name, but use here on the forums) cause I tend to skim through the pages if I haven't checked back often enough. And that way I'm more likely not to miss any names. Also, 2 spots are still available cause a friend outside the forums asked to add me as well. Sorry bout that, guys.

Edited on by DaveGX

3DS FC: 4768-7451-8056
3DS Mii QR code:


Add me on your 3DS

I need your friend code too

Add me on your 3DS

I need your friend code too

3DS Friend Code (NEW) 4597-0176-3500
Minis March Again (NEW) 2323-0441-2739
Mini-Land Mayhem (NEW) 5071-8232-0670
Wii Friend Code 5519-8046-0668-6068
Smash Bros. Brawl 1893-2412-4594


Mine is 1762 2777 0965

I'm adding Tendo and NintendoFan

Just for you.
"I'm just a musical prostitute, my dear." - Freddie Mercury


Viewtiful_Joe wrote:

Mine is 1762 2777 0965

I'm adding Tendo and NintendoFan

K thanks

3DS Friend Code (NEW) 4597-0176-3500
Minis March Again (NEW) 2323-0441-2739
Mini-Land Mayhem (NEW) 5071-8232-0670
Wii Friend Code 5519-8046-0668-6068
Smash Bros. Brawl 1893-2412-4594


NintendoFan_27 wrote:

Viewtiful_Joe wrote:

Mine is 1762 2777 0965

I'm adding Tendo and NintendoFan

I promise I'll give you my friend code on the weekend.

3DS Friend Code (NEW) 4597-0176-3500
Minis March Again (NEW) 2323-0441-2739
Mini-Land Mayhem (NEW) 5071-8232-0670
Wii Friend Code 5519-8046-0668-6068
Smash Bros. Brawl 1893-2412-4594


Hi just got Mario Kart 7.Never played it before but looks like fun.Race me when i get better at it

3ds fc:5284-1497-2167
Pokemon White fc:4212 5695 7669
MK7 community:31-1814-6257-0573


I'm living in the UK. Got my 3DS two weeks ago. So far I've got Zelda OOT, Mario 3D and Streetfighter IV. Planning on getting Resident Evil and Mario Kart 7 at the end of this month.

Feel free to add me, just let me know, and I'll add you back.


Edited on by Mok

Current 3DS games: Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 3D Land, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars, Super Street Fighter IV 3D, Ridge Racer 3D.

Current Switch games: Too many to mention.


Mok wrote:

I'm living in the UK. Got my 3DS two weeks ago. So far I've got Zelda OOT, Mario 3D and Streetfighter IV. Planning on getting Resident Evil and Mario Kart 7 at the end of this month.

Feel free to add me, just let me know, and I'll add you back.
hello ive added you regards matt


ps vita playing blobs,gravity rush,sine mora demo,


Changed my name from CC_Peach to Classeman

3DS FC: 0602-6253-1424 please let me know if you added me! :)
Name: Classeman


ohhh,come on i need more more and more friends
still waiting for @lonelyheart,@3dslive and @mojojojo
2 more days or i will delet you!!!

FC 0301-9822-1670
Have Mario Kart 7 and playing swarnote the most time fo the day
Also the most time of the day I am online

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