Yes, Season's Greetings to all you lovely people. Grab yourself a beverage, get comfy, and get ready — it's party time! If by 'party' you mean sweating profusely and wishing you hadn't said 'yes' to a fifth mince pie or similarly stodgy sweetmeat.
2022 has been a year, that's for sure! A 365-day period filled with highs, lows, surprises, and inevitabilities — and thankfully a whole bunch of great video games. Whatever console(s) you're rocking, it's been a fine year for gamers and 2023's looking pretty peachy, too. Of particular interest to us is a brand new Zelda, of course, as well as Mario's second foray into the world of cine. Despite his rocky history with the medium, we're cautiously optimistic about the snappily-titled The Super Mario Bros. Movie. Fingers crossed!
That's all to come, though. Right now we're sat on the carpet looking at a Switch menu bulging with festive potential. A slew of shadow-dropped games last week means we've got not only our backlog to peruse, but also brand-new releases like the long-awaited Sports Story to delve into. It's gonna be a great day.
Whatever you're up to over the coming days, whatever you're celebrating, all of us here at Nintendo Life wish you and yours the very best for the holidays. Have the Merriest of Christmases, the Happiest of Hanukkahs, the coolest of Kwanzaas, the, erm, funkiest of Festivuses, and a generally excellent time whatever your celebration of choice.
Oh, and enjoy your gaming! Shall we start using that as a new catch-all seasonal greeting?

Comments 51
Merry gaming everyone.
Merry Christmas & happy holidays everyone! 💖
Merry Christmas, guys! To those who have had a rough year, hopefully this can be a happy moment of respite, and a chance to look ahead to a better 2023! Stay safe, warm, and optimistic!
A big floppy jumbo season of joy and merriment to the S.S. Nintendo Life and all who sail aboard!
The things I did on this Christmas:
1. Repaired my Switch Joy Cons after more than 2 years drifting around.
2. Playing MaiMai Finale Arcade again after more than 2 years didn't play at Game Arcade due to pandemic.
3. Playing my Switch games again after my Joy Cons get repaired.
4. Keep playing Story of Seasons Oiineers of Olive Town PS4.
Isn't it funny that the last night of Hanukkah is also Christmas night? You know what that means! GIFTS FOR EVERYONE! Happy Hanukkah everyone. Next up is... New Years? in 6 days? Hoo boy...
Merry Christmas 🎅🎄🎁 everyone! Have a good one.
Merry Christmas everyone! Mario on Christmas morning… it has to be done.
Hope everyone has a great Christmas and happy holidays! Here's to a good new year (hopefully...)
Merry Christmas & happy holidays everyone! and gonna be awesome year in 2023 and we getting BOTW2 and hogwarts legacy cant be any better oh yes and new super mario bros movie.
Merry Christmas & happy holidays Nintendo Life <3
Merry and blessed Christmas with health and joy to everyone!!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas to all! And happy gaming! Hope you all have some nice new titles to unwrap.
Merry Christmas all and a BOTW 2 New Year!! Here's to golf on Switch Sports later
Happy Mariah Carey Day everybody!
Merry Christmas all. Hope all your gaming wishes came true.
Merry Christmas everyone! Its been a great year for gaming, for being a fan of any and all ways of gaming. May the next year be just as good, if not better! Merry Christmas to everyone and NLife, thanks for all you do to keep us updated on our Nintendo news!
Merry Christmas to all! Hope you all have a great day!!!
Merry Christmas everybody!
Merry Christmas to all! Hope Santa was good to you!
Merry Christmas everyone, happy gaming year and to all the staff at Nintendo life continue your hard work and keep the news and reviews coming you are the best thanks.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Happy holidays to all!
Thanks for all the great stuff you do, Nintendo Life.
Happy Christmas/holiday/Sunday everyone!
Happy holidays, really glad the site exists as it helps me escape from the everyday news of the world for a short period of time & also gets me to check out lotsa cool games. Happy holidays everyone!
Merry Christmas everyone, may you all have a wonderful day.
Merry Christmas to all of you as well. Don't drink too much.
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays, everyone!
I appreciate this site and all of the amazing people I've had conversations with on here over the past year!
Merry Christmas everyone! And a happy new year too!
Happy Christmas, happy holidays, and wishing a safe and wonderful new year to you all!
Merry christmas. Hope you all have a good one.
For next year, I wish:
I could be willing to pay a couple euros a month for premium articles and video content.
Feliz navidad to all, have a happy gaming season.
Merry Christmas you filthy animals and a happy new year!
Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone!
Merry Christmas everyone! Whether you're celebrating Jesus' birth like me or just having a good old time opening gifts, wishing you a happy holiday and happy new year!
Thanks! ^^
Merry Christmas everyone!!
Enjoy these marvelous days, and more with family and friends! ^^
Thank you for all the quality and genuinely fun articles (Kate, you rock) and here’s to another year of fun ✌️🎉🎊
Happy Birthday Jesus! 🥳
Happy holidays everybody. Hope you all got any games you wanted.
Merry Chrimbus to all the lovely folk at NL and the comment section! 💗
Merry Christmas everyone 😁
Merry Christmas NL staff and community.
That nintendolife is a pretty good site.
Merry Christmas nintendolife!
Merry Christmas NL and all the people who comment or read this
Happy Christmas everyone, lots of Nintendo goodness enjoyed in my house and my brother’s. Thank you NintendoLife, for being a massive part of my everyday routine. Looking forward to 2023 with you all.
Merry christmas!
Been wearing my new Kirby T-Shirt all day (should i tag Gem or not) and got 3D World + Bowser’s Fury. Hopefully gaming is great in 2023!
@octokid I got Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury as well!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas Nintendo Life Team!! Thanks for all the great articles and content!!
In the Christmas bustle I missed this article.
Thank you NL Team, and Happy Holidays to everyone here!
I hope everyone is enjoying some fun new games in the warm afterglow of holiday gatherings with their loved ones. ❤️💚❤️
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday filled with family, fun, and gaming! Here's to many more and a wonderful 2023. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone at NintendoLife!
@HotGoomba as someone who works in retail I'm glad she's being sealed away for another year(both her AND Ariana Grande.....I CANNOT stand her voice).
Merry CHRISTmas everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful time with your loved ones.
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