Latest Reviews of Hitcents Games
Review A Robot Named Fight (Switch eShop)
Metroid, is that you?
At first glance, A Robot Named Fight looks like a shameless imitation of Nintendo’s 2D Metroid games. It's set in a sci-fi universe littered with hostile alien creatures and futuristic doors that only open when you shoot them with your blaster. Thankfully, it’s a lot more respectful of the source material than you might...
Review Draw A Stickman: EPIC 2 (Switch eShop)
Sure to draw a crowd
Whether it’s a daydreaming doodle in a school textbook or a sneaky sketch during a work meeting, we’ve all probably spent a little too much time making up crudely-drawn stickmen over the years. It’s one of those instantly familiar forms of childhood storytelling, and it’s a conceit that helps bring the cute world of Draw...
Latest Hitcents Articles
News Play A Cat Detective In Inspector Waffles, Out Now
Meowder most meowl
We've had bird detectives in Aviary Attorney, aliigator detectives in Later Alligator, mouse detectives in Basil The Great Mouse Detective, and now, cat detectives in Inspector Waffles. Is there something sinister going on in the animal kingdom that would require all these creatures to need investigators? We'll try not to worry...
News Kokopa's Atlas Is About Gardening And Exploring With A Tiny Bird Friend
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Tiny birds are having a moment, aren't they? There's the Spiritfarer tiny owl update, and Haven Park's tiny bird, Flint, and last year's A Short Hike... and now, Kokopa's Atlas, a game about exploring, farming, and building a life as Kokopa, a cat-person-astronaut-expl
News Embrace The Pirate Life When Don't Sink Sails Onto Switch eShop Later This Year
Stay afloat
Aspiring pirates can look forward to sailing the high seas this fall when Hitcents, in partnership with Studio Eres, brings Don't Sink to the Switch eShop. This colourful looking pixel title is described as a "sandbox-adventure-pirate-RPG" drawing inspiration from classic video games such as Sid Meier's Pirates and Pirates of the...
News Play A Cat Detective In Inspector Waffles, Out Now
Meowder most meowl
We've had bird detectives in Aviary Attorney, aliigator detectives in Later Alligator, mouse detectives in Basil The Great Mouse Detective, and now, cat detectives in Inspector Waffles. Is there something sinister going on in the animal kingdom that would require all these creatures to need investigators? We'll try not to worry...
News Kokopa's Atlas Is About Gardening And Exploring With A Tiny Bird Friend
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Tiny birds are having a moment, aren't they? There's the Spiritfarer tiny owl update, and Haven Park's tiny bird, Flint, and last year's A Short Hike... and now, Kokopa's Atlas, a game about exploring, farming, and building a life as Kokopa, a cat-person-astronaut-expl
News Embrace The Pirate Life When Don't Sink Sails Onto Switch eShop Later This Year
Stay afloat
Aspiring pirates can look forward to sailing the high seas this fall when Hitcents, in partnership with Studio Eres, brings Don't Sink to the Switch eShop. This colourful looking pixel title is described as a "sandbox-adventure-pirate-RPG" drawing inspiration from classic video games such as Sid Meier's Pirates and Pirates of the...