Latest Reviews of Digital Kingdom Games
Mini Review Swordship (Switch) - A Challenging, High-Speed, 'Dodge 'Em Up' With Style
Burning The Tide
Swordship looks like something from the world of Wipeout, except here the race is for your life. With buttery cel-shaded graphics and a cool ambient techno soundtrack, it's stylistically polished. The frame rate maintains a perfect 60 FPS, with its industrial periphery altering between cities and the colour of the seas moving...
Review Invisiballs (Switch eShop)
Let’s get ready to rumble
Created by Swiss indie developer Digital Kingdom, Invisiballs describes itself as a “competitive next-gen hide-and-seek,” aiming to utilise the unique features of the Nintendo Switch to make something a little different. It also gives off that immediate multiplayer party vibe that we see so often in the Switch’s...