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521 (9 reviews)
First Article
Sun 21st, February 2010
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  • Interviews NBA Jam Producer Pete Trenouth

    Yes, the announcer is back

    The upcoming NBA Jam revival for the Wii has been music to the ears of gamers wanting to taste that nostalgic goodness that will see them slam dunking like beasts as if it's easier than breathing, all to the enthusiastic commentary of the in-game announcer. The NBA Jam series is long overdue for a return and with the...

  • News Tournament of Legends Trailer Smacks Us With a Multi-hit Combo

    See High Voltage Software's beat 'em up in action

    Beat 'em up gamers will be glad to know that Sega has released another gameplay trailer for the upcoming Tournament of Legends, developed by High Voltage Software for the Wii. Looking slick and action-packed, feast your eyes on it below. Using characters with a mythical undertone, players can wield...

  • News Build Your Own BIT.TRIP RUNNER Papercraft

    Print, cut, fold and tape

    With the official soundtracks to the first three titles in the BIT.TRIP series already rolled out, Gaijin Games has another treat for fans in spirit of the upcoming release of BIT.TRIP RUNNER on WiiWare. Gamers now have another reason to be excited about the game's European release this Friday because the developers have a...

  • News MadWorld Director's Tango Appointment Has Nothing to Do with Dancing

    The Capcom vein runs deep

    It's always sad when a developer leaves a company responsible for giving us one of the more original and much-needed shake-ups in the Wii's library of games, but it's also interesting to see where they end up going. Shigenori Nishikawa, director of MadWorld, is to leave Platinum Games for a position at Tango, Shiji Mikami's...

  • News Nintendo Unlikely to Invite Apple to Parties Anytime Soon

    Satoru Iwata apparently singles out iPhone & iPad as 'enemies'

    In the world of console gaming, we've gotten used to the status quo that has Nintendo competing against the likes of Sony and Microsoft, with only the former in possession of any experience and success in the portable market. Now it can no longer be denied that Apple has bagged itself a...

  • News Software Pirates Beware: No 3DS Booty For You

    Security tougher than a chastity belt... maybe

    Nintendo takes a hard stance on piracy, using cartridge-based games for its systems way past their use-by-date. Whilst more difficult to produce illegal copies of their intellectual products, it also imposes a certain limit to how much data the console had access to. With the upcoming 3DS, Nintendo is...

  • News BIT.TRIP VOID Soundtrack Unleashing a Sonic Attack

    Ten slices of retro bits

    Gamers interested in the gradual release of the BIT.TRIP audio gems will be glad to know Gaijin Games has announced that the official soundtrack to BIT.TRIP VOID can now be purchased via download on the CD Baby Web site, and soon to be on Amazon and iTunes. Alex Neuse, founder of Gaijin Games, goes to describe the soundtrack...

  • News Team6 Reaching for the Finish Line With FlatOut Wii

    FlatOut (working title) racing along with four play modes announced

    Team6 has brought many racing games to the Wii in the past, such as Monster Trucks: Ultra Mega Extreme!!!, Glacier 2 and the aptly-named Speed. It seems the smell of petrol fumes is too difficult to walk away from, as the game studio has announced that it will be bringing a brand...

  • News Chillingo Contaminating Our Download Services with Sneezies

    Uh oh, we're in trouble...something's come along...

    It seems the relatively compact nature of a Nintendo download game is proving to be an enticing prospect for developers who have worked on titles for the iPhone (and the plethora of electronics that begin with a lower-case 'i'), and the publisher of the WiiWare and DSiWare versions of Dracula:...

  • Review DJ Hero (Wii)

    Definitely worthy of a rewind

    Whether you like them or not, the Guitar Hero series has done a lot to popularise the rhythm genre in contemporary gaming, and although the premise of hitting buttons to the beat isn't exactly new, you have to give them credit for the success they have garnished. However, after years of seeing essentially the same game...

  • News Yuji Naka's Ivy the Kiwi? to XSEED Expectations

    The storybook-style aims to enchant Wii and DS gamers this Summer

    Following on the Japanese retail and download release a couple of weeks ago, the creators of Let's Tap and Let's Catch are about to bring their latest title to an American audience. Yuji Naka – one of the creators of Sonic the Hedgehog – has unveiled more on the rather

  • News Lifting the Bonnet on TrackMania's Track Editor

    Wii racer that lets you create as well as race

    When a game allows you to edit and create your own levels, it's perhaps its most enticing selling point. A feature that is more commonly found on PC games, the number of console titles that offer this level of customisation is understandably lower in comparison. Firebrand Games' upcoming racing game...

  • News Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 to Offer More Authenticity to Your Game

    With features old and new

    Last season's Tiger Woods instalment offered gamers an intuitive and engaging golf game with very little to be disappointed at; and if you're not familiar with it, you can read our Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 review to find out why. Given all that the game has accomplished, what new features can EA implement this season? Let's...

  • News Go 8-bit Over the Official BIT.TRIP CORE Soundtrack

    Retro gamers get your wallets out

    Fans of the BIT.TRIP series not only enjoy the retro gameplay courtesy of Gaijin Games, but the audio design is some of the best the genre has to offer. Following on from the release of the BIT.TRIP BEAT soundtrack, the BIT.TRIP CORE soundtrack is also now available to purchase. The BIT.TRIP CORE soundtrack features...

  • News Fancy Playing Super Mario Bros. With Other Nintendo Characters? Now You Can

    Mario gets by with a little help from his friends

    Overly-creative gamers may, from time to time, wish that protagonists from different games would swap roles and see if the grass is indeed greener. We've often wondered what it would be like to have a Mario-centric GTA-style game, complete with unsavoury weapons and potty mouth. Well now it seems...

  • News Wii Gets its Price Slashed in Australia & New Zealand

    The first time the Wii has had a drop in price in those regions

    It was only two months ago that Nintendo announced that the black Wii console would be available to Australian gamers after many envious glares at their Japanese and European counterparts. Now it seems that gamers down under not only have a choice of what colour they want their console...

  • News Former Nintendo Executive Lands Marketing Role at 38 Studios

    Could she be a Red Sox fan?

    Denise Kaigler, former vice president of corporate affairs at Nintendo of America, has reintegrated herself into the video game industry after giving up her position last November due to the strain commuting had put on her family life. Prior to her two years of service at Nintendo, Kaigler held a marketing executive...

  • News Nintendo's 3D Motion Game Tracks its Way Onto U.S. DSiWare

    A closer look at Looksley's Line Up (or Rittai Kakushie Attakoreda, in Japan)

    Following on last week's announcement of Looksley's Line Up's impending arrival on the American DSi Shop, we at Nintendo Life want to give you a bit more insight into the Japanese game known as Rittai Kakushie Attakoreda that's added a whole new dimension to portable...

  • News DJ Shadow Sheds a Little Light on DJ Hero 2

    A preemptive strike

    For a sequel that hasn't been officially announced yet, DJ Shadow sure has no issues talking about DJ Hero 2, effectively beating Activision to the punch. In a recent interview with Zane Lowe, DJ Shadow talks about the appearance of his in-game avatar, and the work going into producing content for the game. Having produced tracks...

  • News Nintendo's Upcoming U.S. Release Schedule Gets Updated

    Metroid: Other M and Sin & Punishment: Star Successor get pushed back

    Summer is slowly on its way and with it, brings the annual wave of big releases. Sadly though, the pace at which the tip of this wave is arriving is rubbing off on some highly anticipated games. Nintendo has just informed us that whilst some titles have been marked with release...

  • News Launch Trailer Shows Blue Dragon Sequel's Return to RPG Roots

    Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadow hoping to fly off the shelves next month

    When Mistwalker brought the Blue Dragon franchise over to the DS, it took a bit of a departure from the traditional RPG mould that the Xbox 360 original was cast in. Instead, Blue Dragon Plus took on a real-time strategy format, which was a fundamental change to long-time fans but...

  • News Okamiden is Set to be Released Into the Wild in 2011

    Capcom reveals game details and two trailers of the upcoming sequel to Okami

    It took a couple of years to materialise, but when Okami got ported over to the Wii, it was certainly a welcomed gesture from one of Nintendo's oldest collaborators. Now, Capcom is bringing a second cel-shaded adventure to Nintendo gamers but this time it's on the DS. With...

  • News Turn Your DSi Into a Virtual Instrument With the 'Music On' Series

    Music On: Electronic Keyboard is the first in a new series from Abylight

    The catalogue of DSiWare releases ranges from straight-forward games to various media creation applications; Abylight is the latest contributor to the latter. The company that brought us Fish 'em All! and Stop Stress: A Day of Fury has announced its upcoming range of Music On...

  • News Are You One Of The 7500 Who Signed Their Souls Away To Gamestation?

    An amusing April Fool's joke that highlights the importance of checking service contracts

    April Fools is a bit like Marmite: you either love it or hate it. Those that hate it will see no purpose to assigning the light-hearted act of pranks and jokes to a single day of the year. Those that love it will relish in being a nuisance to others, safe in...