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11 (9 reviews)
First Article
Tue 18th, August 2015
Avg. Review Score
  • Review Yoshi's Story (N64) - Pleasant, But Not A Patch On The Dinosaur's Best

    A pretty but short story

    This review originally went live in 2016, and we're updating and republishing it to mark the arrival of N64 games on Nintendo Switch Online. There's a lot to love about Yoshi's Story. The presentation is gorgeous, the mechanics are solid, the music is fantastic, and seeing a bunch of Yoshis wandering about remains adorable...

  • Review FreezeME (Wii U eShop)

    A blast from the past

    FreezeMe is an outstanding blast from the past. It borrows so many ideas from Super Mario 64 that the resemblance is almost uncanny, but ultimately there's enough new content here to constitute its own quality experience. The game isn't as polished as it could be, but FreezeMe provides an enjoyable romp through the format of an...

  • Soapbox A Nintendo Fan's Hopes and Dreams for the NX

    Jonathan Bee spells it out

    It could be some time yet before Nintendo unveils its NX hardware. It's still a common topic among fans of the company, however, and in this article Nintendo Life reviewer Jonathan Bee outlines his thoughts (combined with information and details we already know about) on what the NX needs in order to achieve success and...

  • Review Level 22 (Wii U eShop)

    Avoiding the boss

    Some of the best games involve relatable experiences. Level 22 tells the story of Gary, a frequently tardy employee who just overslept yet again after a night of drinking; even if due to other factors, most of us can relate to being late for work and wanting to sneak in unnoticed. We can't necessarily relate to the need to use...

  • Review Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (Wii U eShop / GBA)

    It's a'me, Mario 3! (again)

    We all know about Super Mario Bros. 3 for the NES. It was a fantastic game worthy of all the praise that it received, and that remains true to this day. So, this review won't discuss all the merits of the original game. Instead, it will focus on the unique features of Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3, released...

  • Review Lucentek - Activate (Wii U eShop)

    Time to Deactivate

    There are games that need some work, and then there are games that need a complete overhaul. Then, there are games that feel so unfinished that they never should have been released in their current state. Lucentek - Activate falls in the last category. You can tell this is a budget game as soon as you see the first title screen...

  • Review Pocky & Rocky with Becky (Wii U eShop / GBA)

    Plain & Repetitive with Boredom

    There's real promise behind Pocky & Rocky with Becky, far more than the unimaginative title might suggest. Bite-size levels quickly give way to intriguing boss battles, and speedy pacing helps hold your interest throughout the campaign. However, these positive aspects quickly fade in the face of bland enemies,...

  • Review Freedom Planet (Wii U eShop)

    Purple is the new blue

    Yes, Freedom Planet feels like an old-school 2D Sonic game, but thankfully it manages to overcome some of the hurdles that bog down the blue hedgehog's classic Sega games. Freedom Planet boasts colourful characters whose story extends past a bland cliché of catch phrases. The art style consists of a gorgeous colour palette...

  • Mario Memories The Incredible Impact of Super Mario 64

    "I remember my mouth literally hanging open"

    In this series of articles celebrating the upcoming 30th Anniversary of Super Mario, various members of the Nintendo Life extended family will share their memories and thoughts on the iconic franchise. This time we have our super vegan rocker reviewer Jonathan Bee. I remember very clearly going to...

  • Review VS. Excitebike (Wii U eShop / NES)

    Enjoyable interlude

    It's undoubtedly a good thing when Nintendo starts releasing older titles on the eShop that are otherwise fairly difficult to find or play. But does VS. Excitebike, originally only released on the Famicom Disk System in Japan in 1988, offer enough extra content compared to the original to justify a purchase? As the core of the...

  • Review Wind-up Knight 2 (Wii U eShop)

    Finite Jogger

    Endless runners are a dime a dozen, but few take the time to flesh out interesting gameplay. Wind-up Knight 2 adds an extra level of polish and platforming to elevate the game above its colleagues, but not without stumbling a little along the way. In WUK 2 you play as a knight who must complete a stage while continually running at...