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591 (178 reviews)
First Article
Mon 4th, May 2009
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  • News Official Cursed Mountain Site Goes Live

    Deep Silver's cooking up some spookies with their survival horror title Cursed Mountain due out later this year. Or so we think, since little has been shown of the game outside of an Internet trailer. To the trailer's credit, it looks kinda spooky. The game's official Web site just launched, and once you get by the annoying scrolling age-lock page,...

  • News Creator of Henry Hatsworth Had A Big Day

    Kyle Gray left his job at EA on his wedding day

    April 15 is a big, lurching deadline for many Americans: it's tax day! While half the country is left scrambling to file and avoid an audit, Henry Hatsworth creator Kyle Gray had other plans this year, like quitting his job and getting married. Kotaku writes that Gray, adorned in bowler hat and suit,...

  • News Famicase 2009 Art Exhibit Opens

    Fifty-eight artists and designers craft imaginary Famicom game carts

    The art on game boxes and carts from the 8-bit era was generally pretty crap. A lot of it is still crap today, but back then gaming was still considered largely a kid's thing so people gave even less of a **** on whether or not the box art looked good. Japanese retro games shop...

  • News Modders Build Mario 64 Expansion

    Play as Luigi in The Missing Stars

    We can all finally stop resorting to hokey FAQs to find Luigi buried deep within the castle in Mario 64 (I hear he hangs with Boo), all thanks to a computer-savvy fan. Typically reserved for PC games, the TC-loving has been extended to the plumber's 3D debut. Dubbed The Missing Stars, not only does the...

  • News NPC Jungle Beat Gets Euro Date

    Get ready to not-bongo on June 5th

    Donkey Kong Jungle Beat came with bongos on GameCube. Which, at the time, could have been considered "new" play control. Wouldn't putting the game out sans-bongos be like it going back to "old" play control? Regardless of your definition, New Play Control! Jungle Beat hits Europe on June 5th...

  • News Dead Space: Extraction May Be The Biggest Waggle-fest Yet

    Shake to see anything? Hmmm...

    The recently re-christened Visceral Games, formerly EA Redwood Shores and the developers behind Dead Space: Extraction, don't want to make things easy on you. In fact, they might be trying to kill you. Well, maybe not in the sense of actual death, but a digital demise might be in order as well as accompanying...

  • News Modern Warfare 2 Wii-bound?

    Amazon listing may have spilled the beans

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was big. Huge. It also never saw the light of day on Wii, unfortunately. Of course, Activision likes money, and it likes porting games to every platform imaginable, which is why this Amazon UK listing for Modern Warfare 2 Wii doesn't seem so crazy. World at War sold great on...

  • News Rampant Speculation: What's Nintendo Showing Off?

    Mystery game doing the press rounds

    To avoid a crapfest of an E3 show, tons of companies are doing pre-event events to show off their wares to the gaming press. Activision's got one, EA has one coming up, and apparently Nintendo has a card up its sleeve on this front too. According to the latest IGN Nintendo Voice Chat podcast, editor Craig Harris...

  • News What Wii Owners Play

    Handy-dandy chart action shows where we sink our time

    Stephen Totilo, formerly of MTV Multiplayer and now over at Kotaku, is a very busy man. He writes a lot. He co-created "Hogan Knows Best." And now, he's tracking our Wii-playing stats. Since last September, he's been dutifully snagging the Nintendo Channel play statistics and putting...

  • News Nibris Teases 'E3 2009'

    Honest-to-goodness Sadness info coming?

    Man, E3 this year is set to be massive. Not only will we (hopefully) be getting some more info and debuts of some (hopefully) bangin' new Ninty Wii and DSi titles and third-party efforts, like two new games from High Voltage Software, the LA Convention Center promises to shed some light on the dark Sadness...

  • News NYC Nintendo World Store Hosting Punch-Out!! Bonanza

    Buy your copy early and watch arcade pugilism at its finest

    Finally, a reason to get out of the house! Fake boxing gets serious at the NYC Nintendo World Store from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 16, as the shop will host a Punch-Out!! tourney. Thirty-two competitors will duke it out for the World Video Boxing Association title and custom trophy,...

  • News Retro Game Challenge Sequel Localization Looking Dire

    Sales not up to snuff for XSEED

    Things just ain't what they used to be for niche-localizer XSeed. First they lose the gorgeous Muramasa: The Demon Blade to publisher Ignition due to financial woes, and now another promising gem is stripped from them. Yes, Virginia, Retro Game Challenge 2 for DS (Game Center CX 2 as it's known in the motherland)...

  • News First Red Steel 2 In-Game Footage

    Shooting and sword-play shown in seemingly leaked trailer

    While the original Red Steel may have sold gangbusters for a non-Nintendo launch title, it certainly remains one of the most divisive games in the console's short life-span, centering essentially around what many consider to be wonky controls and pre-launch Wiimote promises that didn't really...

  • NSFW Manhunt 2 Wishes It Was This Hardcore

    Tokyo Gore Police has the bloodiest Wii cameo yet

    I watched Tokyo Gore Police last night via Netflix after having it sit on my desk for about two weeks. Or rather, I should say tried to watch it, as I shut it off about halfway through after a particularly nasty appendage-removal scene. For those that don't know about the movie, it's a Japanese...

  • News Gun-shaped Wiimote Announced

    Soon you can play all your games gangsta-style

    Peripherals! Between the Wii Wheel, Balance Board, Perfect Shot and those useless plastic bits you snap onto the Wiimote to make playing Wii Sports even more embarrassing in front of a crowd, Nintendo's casual-friendly console can't seem to get enough. For those big into lightgun games and that arcade...