News Articles
Tuesday28th Jun 2016
News Renegade Kid Titles Are Going Cheap On The North American 3DS eShop
Offers end this month, so get in quick
Prolific eShop developer Renegade Kid is holding a summer blow-out sale on the 3DS eShop in North America. Seven titles are included in the sale, and all but one is currently selling for half its typical price. The offer ends on June 30th. Here's the full list: Xeodrifter Mutant Mudds
Tuesday26th May 2015
News Humble Nindie Bundle Allows Wii U and 3DS eShop Gamers in North America to Pay What They Want
It's happened
Well, it's happened, and it's quite a landmark for the Wii U and 3DS eShop and a few key developers. The latest Humble Bundle - which groups games together and allows you to pay what you want to unlock some or all of what's on offer - is currently offering up the Humble Nindie Bundle in the Americas; unfortunately gamers in other...
Friday6th Feb 2015
News Renegade Kid Reveals a Snippet of Information on eShop Sales
Keep it up
Renegade Kid has been a longtime supporter of the Nintendo eShop, with games such as Mutant Mudds, Xeodrifter, Bomb Monkey, and more periodically turning up through the storefront's lifespan. Particularly fond of retro inspired games - with Moon Chronicles and ATV Wild Ride 3D being notable exceptions - the studio's shown
Wednesday28th Jan 2015
News Moon Chronicles: Episodes 2, 3, & 4 Launching Simultaneously On 3DS eShop Next Week
Lunar Overload
Fans of Earth's largest natural satellite - and the horrifying secrets contained within - will have plenty of reason to celebrate this coming February. Just before the moon is torn from the sky by a malevolent spirit, Renegade Kid will be releasing the final three parts of its Sci-Fi shooter Moon Chronicles in one fell swoop. Landing...
Tuesday4th Nov 2014
News Moon Chronicles Developer Seeking Interest for Wii U Version Through Kickstarter Campaign
Fly Wii to the moon
Developer Renegade Kid is asking the Twitter community if they'd be interested in supporting a possible Kickstarter campaign they have in mind. The campaign is suggested for a Wii U version of Moon Chronicles, which was released earlier this year on the 3DS eShop. No details about whether or not this potential title would be...
Friday11th Jul 2014
News Renegade Kid Open to Another Kickstarter Campaign, Suggests Demand for Moon Chronicles on Wii U
Not in a hurry, though
Renegade Kid is a popular developer and publisher on Nintendo download stores, enjoying particular success with Mutant Mudds on 3DS, also releasing the deluxe version — previously on Wii U — as a free update this week. Its titles often attract plenty of interest from the Nintendo Life community, for example, with the...
Wednesday25th Jun 2014
News Moon Chronicles to Hit Europe in Q4 This Year, Including All Episodes in One
No episodic approach outside North America
Renegade Kid's Moon Chronicles: Episode 1 has been available in North America since mid-May, with episode two on the way relatively soon — this episodic remake of DS retail game Moon will ultimately arrive in four parts. Its arrival in Europe has been held back to date, however, with the developer telling...
Thursday15th May 2014
Nintendo Download 15th May (North America)
Wii Party U(?!), Scram Kitty, Chronicles of the Moon and much more
It's Nintendo Download time, North America, and this week certainly brings decent variety and some much anticipated games. There are two exclusives across Wii U and 3DS that stand out, along with some other downloads and Virtual Console entries on both current systems. Let's get to...
Friday9th May 2014
News Moon Chronicles Lands on the 3DS eShop in North America on 15th May
First episode to cost $8.99
Moon Chronicles, the enhanced and episodic remake of Renegade Kid's DS retail title Moon, will make its 3DS eShop début on 15th May in North America. As previously revealed this will be released in four parts, with the opening section costing the most and including a sizeable chunk of the storyline. It is a "season",...
Sunday23rd Feb 2014
Video Nintendo Minute and Jools Watsham Catch Up On Treasurenauts and Moon Chronicles
Renegade releases
During the relatively recent Nintendo Direct broadcasts, the North American version included snapshots of 'Nintendo Minute' interviews with eShop developers that have, slowly and surely, been released in full. This weekend brings us the interview with Renegade Kid's Jools Watsham, discussing upcoming 3DS eShop titles Treasurenauts...
Wednesday5th Feb 2014
News Renegade Kid Releases Début Moon Chronicles Trailer
Preparing you for the mystery
Not so long ago Renegade Kid revealed Moon Chronicles, its début FPS title on the 3DS eShop and an episodic release with two "seasons" currently planned; Season One will be a will be a remake of DS title Moon that will begin in March / April. The structure is likely to be an intriguing first for the 3DS eShop, with...
Friday24th Jan 2014
News Renegade Kid's New 3DS FPS Is Moon Chronicles
Seasonal structure, visual overhaul and Circle Pad Pro confirmed
Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham has been busy throughout January, teasing an announcement for FPS lovers and 3DS owners, and adding to the perspective with some tweets following the studio regaining the rights to the Moon IP. As promised on social networks this week, the mystery...