
Topic: Games you recently DROPPED

Posts 321 to 340 of 346


Ace Attorney - Apollo Justice. Was enjoying it so much until I got softlocked by my broken touchscreen, I need to touch the smallest section of the screen to progress! Later games like Investigations fixed this issue by giving more D-pad options, but I'll unfortunately have to replace my screen (I've already traumatised myself from unwise 3DS tinkering).



First time ever I drop a game: Outer Wilds - for me a game must be first of all fun, this one I found unnecessarily frustrating and consequently boring.



Maybe not totally dropped, but The World Ends With You: Final Remix goes back into the backlog for now. Played the first 20 mins or so and found the touch control pretty frustrating, might invest in a stylus before I try this one again.



@GeneralFulbright I'm with you on this, I gave it a couple of hours and knew it wasn't a game 'for me'. Strange, as I expected to click with it....

I'm no stranger to slower and more thought-provoking games (I adore Disco Elysium) but I couldn't get on board with Outer Wilds. I found the control system quite cumbersome also, especially using the jetpack..

I might return to it and give it another go, but I've got too many other great games to play right now!



@CJD87 True, controls are awful and the pressure created by the 22 minutes loop totally ruins the pleasure of exploration.

Edited on by GeneralFulbright



Banjo Kazooie. I've posted my full thoughts over on pure xbox, but imo, it's an overrated mess of a game.



Maximum Velocity.

I have more games to play and far less patience than I did when this first came out on GBA.


You reckon?
Played it recently and found the individual levels quite tightly designed.
The hub is pretty tedious though.

Edited on by Uncle_Franklin



Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown - I was playing this until I got distracted with Dragon's Dogma 2. I seem to have lost interest in Prince of Persia now



It pains me to say this but as excited about it as I was, Corn Kidz 64 was a massive disappointment for me. It controls really well and nails the N64 aesthetic, but so much of it was just an exercise in frustration, between punishing fall damage, inputs that felt unreliable, a pretty awful camera, and very cryptic world design that I just did not have the patience for. The game's like 2-3 hours long and I still couldn't bring myself to finish.



Divinity Original Sin 2 - This game is really too, too much complicated and confusing, so much that it almost becomes stressful and frustrating.
Just managing the inventory takes several hours, as does carefully reading every single damn book you find..... Definitely a great game, but really challenging for those who are looking for some hours of pure relax and fun.



On my Xbox I have Rare Replay and have made fairly good progress on some of the games included there. The N64 and Xbox games are popular, but I decided to get the most out of the game by trying some of the least popular titles released on the NES, SNES, and some random home computer called the ZX Spectrum that was popular in the UK, but with me being from the US, I really don’t know much about it.

The collection allows cheats, including infinite lives and a rewind feature, so I played Battletoads with the intent of beating it. I thought the cheats would help, but I was so wrong to think I could complete the entire game… I actually finished the notorious Turbo Tunnel level (though I had to repeatedly rewind) but the level I got stuck on was this pipe level where you had to run from saws, but I kept getting killed there. I dropped the game at that point because I knew completing the game wasn’t gonna happen lol.

There was also another game on there called Snake Rattle ‘n’ Roll that I was close to finishing, but the final boss was so difficult that I gave up. You have to repeatedly hit a button on the controller until the boss explodes(?) but it was tiring. I even used a walkthrough and it didn’t work. In my opinion, a lot of Rare’s games from the 80s to early 90s have bad design and have aged poorly with the controls and mechanics, ESPECIALLY the ZX Spectrum games their predecessor developed. I completed a few of those, but they are just plain bad that I dropped most of them immediately. I quit Underwurlde a few seconds after starting it.

Edited on by Pastellioli

Viva happy!

I’m an elephant!

Currently playing: Rare Replay and Conker: Live and Reloaded

Current hyperfixation: Conker’s Bad Fur Day


Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin.

I really, really wanted to like it. But after a few hours, I just couldn't stand the floatiness and hit detection of the side-scrolling sections, and the rice farming part was just too technical for me. I can see why some people would like how involved it is and how to understand the spreadsheets to maximize everything, but yea... I'm more Harvest Moon than Sim City when it comes to my farming sims lol

The one game that invites obvious comparison would be Harvestella, and I only played the demo for that one. But I will say, I was having more fun with Harvestella in the first few hours than I was with this game.



@rallydefault Same reaction from me; pretty common reaction I think. Lovely game in some ways and I wanted to love it, but the rice farming also made me drop it.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Just Shapes & Beats - Wasn't really digging the music all that much, save for a few songs.
World's End Club - Easily the most angry a game has made me in a long time. Annoying characters, awful gameplay, and constantly bringing everything to a screeching halt just to repeat info we've heard 5 seconds ago. Went in with tempered expectations based on reviews, and I somehow hated it even more than I expected.

Edited on by Novamii

Idealism and realism are only a few letters apart, it's a fine line between the two. One must be careful not
to step too far on one end, as it could very easily throw the other off balance.

My Current Games: Staring at my backlog, and accomplishing nothing! :)


after 78hours in Eiyuden Hundred Heroes and finding out i missed out on getting 1 yes ONE char before nearing the end i am heart broken..... Onward to Star Ocean 2 R

"The pleasure of a dream is that it is a fantasy. If it happens, it was never a dream.” - Old Grandfather


Resident Evil Revelations (3DS). Not a bad game at all, but the slow clunky movement, allied to the little New 3DS nub being used for the camera, provided just enough friction that I put the game down for a bit. And that dodge mechanic makes absolutely no sense.

It’s been months now and I don’t know if I’ll ever pick it back up. We’ll see.

Switch ID: 5948-6652-1589
3DS ID: 2492-5142-7789


@Pastellioli ZX Spectrum isn't a console, but a home computer from the early-mid 1980s although I think they (home computers in general) were more popular in the UK than the US which is possibly why you've never heard of it. Just like the 'Console Wars' of the time with Nintendo vs Sega, the home computers had their own 'War' were either a Spectrum (Speccy) kid or a Commodore64 kid. I had a C64



@dmcc0 Thank you for correcting me! I should have also added that, at the time, the ZX Spectrum games Rare’s predecessor Ultimate Play the Game made were also viewed as being very impressive at the time and got good reception, but have unfortunately not aged well with the controls, and a lot of retrospective reviews seem to believe that the Spectrum games are not good. The perspectives in the games are cool, but it’s the controls that just make me go bleh. I would say that, out of all the ZX Spectrum games featured there, Underwurlde had the worst controls, while Jetpac had controls I felt were simpler and still playable by today’s standards.

And yeah, with me being from the United States, I had no idea about the ZX Spectrum before playing Rare Replay lol

Edited on by Pastellioli

Viva happy!

I’m an elephant!

Currently playing: Rare Replay and Conker: Live and Reloaded

Current hyperfixation: Conker’s Bad Fur Day


I've been finishing a lot of old backlog games recently (Wulverblade, Huntdown, Gunman Clive HD collection to name a few) but I recently had to bite the bullet and delete Elliott quest from my Switch. The game is just too obtuse to really know which way to go next without using a guide and I ultimately stopped having fun with it



@Pastellioli I haven't played many Rare games and, to be honest didn't really like the ones I have played but I tend to find that the simpler stuff tends to age better than the stuff that was considered more technically impressive at the time - and that can be true of newer games too. I find some early 3D stuff (PS1 etc) really tough to go back to now, even games I used to love at the time.


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