Tag: Hardware - Page 23

  • News Nintendo 'Not So Green' Based on Environmental Report

    Greenpeace puts Nintendo in last place for green practices, but are any waggling hands listening?

    On March 31st Greenpeace released its annual “guide to Greener Electronics” in an adorable easy to read meter format, which lists from 1 (worst) to 10 (best) a rating for the most green of the market leading electronics companies. Guess who came in...

  • News Wii consoles finally staying on shelves

    Is demand starting to wane as the credit crunch takes hold?

    Ok, maybe the economy really is THAT bad, right now. Or, more likely everyone already has a Wii now. Well if you’re one of the few that doesn’t, than you’re in luck because, for now, the lines are gone so you can sneak in to get one unnoticed by the bullies. Gamestop SVP of...

  • News Nintendo to force games on DS buyers?

    In future, DS Lite consoles will only be available packaged with first-party Nintendo titles, limiting choice for customers

    Following on from previous special occasion bundles, Nintendo are now increasing their distribution of DS Lite consoles pre-packaged with software titles, and completely ceasing production of the white and silver models. A...

  • News Nintendo reveal Classic Controller PRO

    Nintendo of Japan's website has recently had an update which now includes an additional Wii controller, the Classic Controller PRO.

    The new controller seems to be extremely similar to the existing Classic Controller but has the additional shoulder buttons (found on Gamecube) and a more Gamecube controller shape. The website states the controller...

  • News DSi European Launch April 3rd

    Nintendo UK announce that the DSi will be released in Europe just before the US on April 3rd, here's the details:

    Nintendo will launch its new handheld console, the Nintendo DSi, in Europe on 3rd April 2009. The Nintendo DSi will be available in black or white and is the thinnest and lightest member of the Nintendo DS family. The console is packed...

  • News Nintendo DSi launches April 5 in US

    Nintendo set the new version of the DS to launch for $169.99 with DSiWare all ready to go and also announce new "Rhythm Heaven" game.

    Nintendo pioneered hand-held entertainment in the ’80s and made it fully mobile with the Game Boy video game system. Now, Nintendo is transforming the way people access, experience, create and share content with the...

  • News Google Earth + Wii Balance Board = Surfing The World

    Some people do the craziest things, check out what this MacHead Santa-look-a-like has come up with now!

    This year for Macworld I decided to create a program that allows people to "surf" any region on the Earth's surface using a Nintendo Wii Balance Board and the Google Earth API. To do this, I used the Google Earth Browser Plug-in with a...

  • Review Snakebyte Retro Controllers

    Not quite sure about Nintendo's classic controller? Snakebyte are here to offer you an alternative, the Retro Controller and Wireless Retro Controllers.

    Nintendo's Wii Console has more different controller types than any other system, offering the vast array of games, including retro titles from console history clearly needed something a little more...

  • News Wii HD in 2011?

    More rumours surround the hardware successor of Wii, something we know Nintendo is working on behind the scenes.

    According to the story, Nintendo has been showing off the new system to game developers and publishers, and the set date for this device is in 2011. While our sources are reluctant to be too specific about “Wii HD,” they have been...

  • News Introducing... Nintendo DSi

    Nintendo update the DS for the second time with the new and improved DSi model.

    This is why we now introduce you to Nintendo DSi as the new member to Nintendo DS platform. For Nintendo DSi, naturally, we have added a number of new functions. Also, we have made some enhancements on the existing DS by listening to our consumers voices. I will explain...

  • News Nintendo scoops British Technology awards

    We're British and apparently we all think Nintendo are great, so why not report it as some news.

    The Awards – which have been voted for online by the general public through www.britishtechnologyawards.com and by readers of Computeractive and Personal Computer World – have been created to offer a snapshot of the country’s digital lifestyle...

  • News Wii Storage Solution Imminent?

    Reggie tells MTV how it is, Nintendo accept the problem and have an "urgency" to solve it.

    Of course, it's not just download content that's putting a strain on the Wii's limited flash storage: "As we continue to have things like Mario Kart that has its own channel when you're playing from an Internet perspective, we're just making this...

  • E3 2008 Wii Storage Solution - Not yet, says Miyamoto

    Nintendo master Miyamoto-san admits that the company is thinking of addressing the storage problem, but is yet to make a decision.

    Reported by our guys over at Wiiware World, Miyamoto has been quoted in an interview on IGN: There isn't anything that we can announce today, but we have been thinking along a variety of different lines regarding this...

  • E3 2008 WiiSpeak "Community" Microphone

    Nintendo announce another new hardware addon for Wii, this time a microphone that sits near your sensor bar for voice communication between online games.

    Up to four people from your household can live and work together to build the perfect town. Design clothes and patterns, write letters and post messages on the bulletin board for each other, or...

  • E3 2008 Nintendo Announce MotionPlus Accessory

    Nintendo's new Wiimote addon is designed to capture a "true 1:1 response", but why Nintendo, Why?

    Nintendo's upcoming Wii MotionPlus accessory for the revolutionary Wii Remote controller again redefines game control, by more quickly and accurately reflecting motions in a 3-D space. The Wii MotionPlus accessory attaches to the end of the Wii Remote...

  • News Motus' Wiimote Clone For Xbox 360

    Hardware developer Motus have unveiled their attempt at a Wiimote "evolution" for the Xbox 360.

    Now, Motus Corporation has created their own version of the Wiimote control, dubbed The Darwin, and they're preparing to release it towards the end of the year for use with the Xbox 360, the PS3, and the PC. According to Motus, the Darwin will offer...

  • News Nintendo Announce Guitar Hero: On Tour Bundle

    The DS + Guitar Hero: On Tour bundle will go on sale across Europe on July 18th.

    Most musicians dream of one day reaching platinum success. A new Nintendo DS bundle lets aspiring axe shredders claim that coveted status right from day one. The new Silver/Black Nintendo DS branded with the Guitar Hero® logo will be available exclusively as part of a...

  • News Johnny Chung Lee's Crazy Wii Experiments

    Crazy Johnny takes the Wiimote to even new heights creating some simple demos that might even surprise Nintendo.

    Before hating, I know that this is old news, I simply can't believe we never got round to posting these videos on the site, they really are something amazing and anyone that missed them should appreciate this post. Working out of...

  • News Play It Safe with d_skin!

    We'll explain all...

    Are you one of those gamers who suffer from slow-loading, stuttering, scratched-to-hell game discs? d_skin could be saviour. A what? d_skin is a simple, protective cover which snaps onto CDs and DVDs and stops them getting damaged. The transparent film fits over any standard 14cm disc and stays there, so you can load, play or...

  • News Nyko Wireless Nunchuck

    The stuff dreams are made of, surely it won't be long before Nintendo 'copy' this idea and get them to us officially?

    The device, which attaches to the Wii Remote via a small wireless dongle for complete cordless freedom, will be available in the first quarter of 2008 for a suggested price of $29.99. Schweet, nice one Nyko. The Wireless Nunchuck has...

  • News SNES CD Prototype Pad On Ebay

    Totally useless but historically interesting all the same!

    We don’t usually get too excited about ‘prototype’ items but this caught our attention here at NintendoLife Towers. Some lucky chap is currently selling a SNES CD joypad prototype on eBay. For those of you that don’t know, the SNES CD never actually existed; it was supposed to be a...

  • News "Stop Buying So Many Nintendo Consoles" Says Reggie

    He doesn't like hardware bundles, either

    Reggie Fils-Aime has expressed concerns over the stock problems experienced by the company of late. Basically, the Wii and DS are TOO popular! He also had some cutting words to say about the increase in bundles offered by money-grabbing games retailers. From GamesInstustry.biz: Nintendo of America's...

  • News Wii - TOO Popular?

    According to the BBC, Nintendo UK are considering putting a halt on advertising for Wii this Christmas season, because of its struggle to keep up with demand.

    Nintendo is considering pulling UK television advertising for its popular Wii console in the run up to Christmas because it is battling to meet demand. It said that holding back adverts until...

  • News Nintendo Sales Surge State Side

    Reggie will be delighted, Nintendo of America report record breaking sales this month, including 653,000 Nintendo DS' and 350,000 Wii's sold last week alone.

    Nintendo's 350,000 Wii systems represent the highest one-week U.S. sales total outside of its launch week one year ago. Wii has been dubbed the must-have gift of the 2007 holiday season and has...

  • News Wii're Zapping With Link's Crossbow Training

    Nintendo's Wii Zapper is out now allowing for arcade shooting action in your living room... well almost.

    Nov. 19, 2007 – Today, Nintendo's new Wii Zapper™ brings the precision and thrill of arcade-style targeting games right into your home. Made exclusively for Nintendo's Wii™ system, the Wii Zapper houses a Wii Remote™ and Nunchuk™ to...

  • News Shaft Your Wii

    Overline Gaming are releasing a fancy new arcade stick for the Wii, essential for all those arcade classics on the Virtual Console.

    A Customizable Turbo Function allows you to program individual buttons to be Turbo while leaving others to work as normal. Full 360 Degree range of motion that works with both digital and analog stick games. 8 Locking...

  • News Wii'll Be Zapping By Christmas

    Nintendo set to release Wii Zapper in Europe and the UK on December 7th and should cost around £20 or 30 EUROs.

    "Nintendo’s Wii Zapper will be available across Europe in time for Christmas, the company said today. The white, double-handed, machine gun peripheral will ship on 7 December, bundled with the Link’s Crossbow Training game. Additional...

  • News Nintendo Raid Hong Kong Pirates

    Nintendo go Kung Fu Hustyle over "Supreme Factory Limited" in Hong Kong, seizing over 10,000 products in one go.

    At Nintendo's request, the Hong Kong High Court has intervened to help stop a global distribution operation involving game copying devices and modification chips ("mod chips") that violate its copyrights and trademarks in the Nintendo...

  • News Wii Slip No More

    Nintendo have released info about a new "Wii Remote Jacket" designed for those sweaty handed gamers that keep smashing their TV.

    Nintendo announces the Wii Remote Jacket, a durable, silicone cover for the Wii Remote™ that provides a variety of benefits for the player. Nintendo will include the Wii Remote Jacket with all Wii™ hardware systems and...

  • News Get Tidy, Get Wedock!

    As the popularity of Wii continues to grow, huge amounts of unofficial 3rd party products are seeping out of China, so what's this Wedock then?

    Our friends at Wedock.com sent us a sample of their "Wedock" product, yes we think they're aware of the abnormal spelling. Wii thought we'd do the right thing and tell you guys about it. So what is it?...

  • News Need To Make Your Wii EZ?

    So erm, ezGear have announced a line up of "must have" Wii accessories... I think they've pretty much thought of everything.

    ezGearTM for Wii Sports Pack -- The ezGear Sports Pack for Wii provides three extensions for the Wiimote, transforming it into a golf club, baseball bat or tennis racquet, but not just any club, bat or racquet. Each extension...

  • News New DS Lite Colour Bundle

    Nintendo have announced that a new "Crimson/Oynx" DS Lite flavour will be bundled with latest insanely popular Brain Age game.

    "The top half of the new Nintendo DS sports a smooth, glossy Crimson, reminiscent of a dangerous shade of lipstick or a cherry-red sports car. The bottom is a matte black – an Onyx yin that complements the Crimson yang."...

  • E3 2007 Wii Balance Board

    Nintendo also unveiled the Wii Balance Board today this accessory will accompany the Wii Fit title.

    The Balance Board is a step pad which will allow realtime detection of steps, twists, push ups and a whole variety of other activities related to the shift of balance across the pads. Accompanied with the peripheral will be Wii software titled Wii...

  • E3 2007 Wii Zapper

    Nintendo unveil their "Wii Zapper" a new accessory designed to house your Wiimote & Nunchuk to transform it into a light gun.

    So far we know this accessory has been designed for use with Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles from Capcom and Ghost Squad from Sega. The accessory will be bundled with a demonstration game similar to Wii Play, the package...

  • News Wii Guitar Hero's... Guitar!

    A few days ago Activision and RedOctane have finally unveiled the Wii's Guitar Hero 3 controller, its white and shiny.

    "Activision, Inc. today announced its exclusive partnership with Gibson Guitar Corp., the world's leading musical instrument manufacturer and leader in music technology. As part of the agreement, Activision will feature Gibson's...

  • News Wii Sales Eclipse 8 Million

    It seems that Nintendo's Wii console has now sold a staggering 8,000,000 units in under 7 months, fast approaching the target of the Xbox 360.

    Of course numbers are just numbers and they differ depending on who your talking too, for instance the NexGenWars site tells a slightly different story.. There's one fact that comes into play here and that's...

  • News Wii Hard Drive Rumour

    There's a fair whiff of a rumour, posted last week by fellow UKers, Wii-UK, its possible we'll see a hard drive from Nintendo as early as E3.

    According to our friends GoNintendo, the latest episode of the IGN podcast hints rather strongly that Nintendo may be making some announcement regarding a hard drive attachment for Wii at this year's E3 games...

  • Feature Hardware Lookback: The Virtual Boy

    Headache-inducing monstrosity or misunderstood classic? Whatever the answer, the Virtual Boy represents Nintendo's biggest cock-up. We investigate the history of this strange console.

    ‘Failure’ is not a word you’d usually associate with Nintendo. Sure, there have been some crushing disappointments in the company’s illustrious history – the...

  • News Wii Keyboard Rumours

    Game Informer magazine has suggested that a Wii Keyboard could be on the cards.

    "With the news this week that Logitech is going to provide peripherals for Nintendo's Wii console, this latest tidbit of information coming from the May 2007 issue of Game Informer has a bit more credibility than we would normally give it." It certainly makes sense,...

  • News Bow Infront Of The Lego Wii Bowling Master

    Bored guy creates the "WiigoBot" a Lego robot that bowls the perfect game of Wii Sports: Bowling. Seriously.

    "You are looking at a Wii Remote mounted on a robotically controlled swing. A second motor is used to trigger the bowling, by first Pressing the A button and left arrow, and then holding down the B button, swinging, and finally releasing the...

  • News Wii Goes Crusin'

    Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) today announced it is the first cruise line to offer guests a chance to experience Wii on board its ships.

    "With its active, engaging and inviting game experiences appealing to every age from kids to parents to grandparents, the Wii from Nintendo is a natural fit for Freestyle Cruising," said Colin Veitch, NCL's president...

  • News Nintendo Fight Back Against Wii Modders

    Nintendo have introduced a new motherboard into the Wii production to combat recent "mod chips".

    Reported recently by a number of sites, including technology magazine T3, it seems Nintendo have tried to block the gaps and stop the pirates. "The games giant has quietly slipped new motherboards into its consoles, narrowing the gap between critical...

  • News Wii Winning The Console War?

    Market research firm IDC predict Wii to be the market leader this coming fiscal year.

    Those number monkey's over at GamesIndustry.biz have reported on a.. report.. by a "Market Research Firm" (aka Fortune Tellers) whom have predicted Wii to be the slight market share leader (over one third) for the coming year. "IDC believes hardware shipments...

  • News Reggie Talks Apple Merger

    The stuff dreams are made of for all the shiny white plastic manufacturers around the world.

    It's been a soft rumour for quite a while now, ever since we saw the first pictures of the gleaming white Wii console, Nintendo merging with Apple, Apple buying Nintendo, Steve Jobs appearing on the Nintendo stage at E3... alas its all pure geek speculation...

  • News GameCube Support Is Over

    In other news from the Kaplan interview it has been confirmed that Nintendo will now cease to support their GameCube console.

    And although the first party support has officially ended - Kaplan believes there is still a strong market for the GameCube system: "... just like the PS2 sold really well this past holiday, GameCube is a great starter...

  • News Is There A New Wii On The Way?

    Nintendo's Perrin Kaplan seems to think so according to one of her responses to a Game Daily interview.

    When asked if the Wii would see a relaunch similar to the DS or GBA he said: Sure, absolutely. You'll see the ways in which we do that. The response is overwhelmingly definitive yet it is not yet clear in what context the console will be...

  • News Wii Prototypes

    Some weird and wacky Nintendo designs that didn't quite make it into production.

    Okay this is old news, but I wanted to post it anyway for those that haven't seen it, here's a except from an article posted on DarkZero last year. "In all honesty we see two remotes that could have worked well - had we not seen todays version - and one lazy...

  • News Dj Wiij

    Just incase you needed another use for your Wiimote.

    You've probably already tried the Wiimote on your Mac, using DarwiinRemote, but haven't really found a use for it... until now. Look what we've come across recently, Wii DJing! "Welcome to DJ Wiij. The first and original djing website dedicated to using Nintendo Wiimotes. As much of a gimmick...

  • News Half-Life Creator Likes Wii, Hates PS3

    Gabe Newell describes the PS3 as a "total disaster on so many levels" but likes everything Nintendo are doing.

    DigitalBattle.com have reported on an interview between Game Informer and PC games legend Gabe Newell whom was willing to share his views on the current gen console market. For those unaware of who Gabe is, he's one of the main guys at...

  • News Nintendo Controller Wins Emmy Award

    No, not the Wii but the NES controller! Nintendo's "D-Pad" shaped a next generation of games.

    Nintendo has been awarded an Emmy for the original D-Pad on its Nintendo Entertainment System which debeted over 22 years ago in 1985. "The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences has awarded Nintendo an Emmy® Award for its invention of the...