
Topic: Help, can I get save data off of a broken switch

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So, I bought a switch. I had it for 2 years. it broke and wouldn't charge. I fixed it like 6 months later. I had it for 2 months. It broke with the same issue. I don't want to pay $150 AUD and wait 3 months for it to get fixed and shipped back here again.
I'm completely fine with buying a new switch, I would much prefer paying $399 once than $150 every 10 weeks. The only problem is, I have a lot of games that I've sunk hundreds of hours into, like ACNH or SMO, and I don't want to lose all my save data for those games. I have NSO, and I'll have it for the next ~10 months. While my switch was still fixed, did I have to manually go through the settings/profile to back up my save data, or was it automatically backed up? if it is, then how do I transfer that to a new switch? all of my games are physical, except for a few free demos and cuphead, though I don't really care about those. Someone please help because I couldn't find anything else that helped my situation :v



LordOfOwO wrote:

So, I bought a switch. I had it for 2 years. it broke and wouldn't charge. I fixed it like 6 months later. I had it for 2 months. It broke with the same issue. I don't want to pay $150 AUD and wait 3 months for it to get fixed and shipped back here again.
I'm completely fine with buying a new switch, I would much prefer paying $399 once than $150 every 10 weeks. The only problem is, I have a lot of games that I've sunk hundreds of hours into, like ACNH or SMO, and I don't want to lose all my save data for those games. I have NSO, and I'll have it for the next ~10 months. While my switch was still fixed, did I have to manually go through the settings/profile to back up my save data, or was it automatically backed up? if it is, then how do I transfer that to a new switch? all of my games are physical, except for a few free demos and cuphead, though I don't really care about those. Someone please help because I couldn't find anything else that helped my situation :v

"Island backup is a feature exclusive to Animal Crossing: New Horizons. If you are looking to restore your save data for games compatible with the Nintendo Switch Online Save Data Cloud service, see our steps on How to Download Save Data Cloud Backups.
Recovery is only available in situations where a Nintendo Switch system is lost, stolen, or damaged. A new or repaired Nintendo Switch system is required. An active Nintendo Switch Online membership is also required. In the event of loss or damage, contact Nintendo Consumer Support, and a representative can help you restore the island and user save data on your new or repaired Nintendo Switch system (standard charges apply for non-warranty repairs).
If you have access to your original Nintendo Switch system and you want to transfer your island or an individual resident to a new system, you can transfer your Animal Crossing: New Horizons save data"

Edited on by Kirby_EU



@Kirby_EU Thanks, but is there a way to transfer other games' save data?



@LordOfOwO You can do a data transfer from one switch to another. But you have to initiate the transfer from switch settings/menu. So, if you can't do that, I'm not sure you can transfer game save data (obviously, if you had a Switch Online subscription, you can access game save data that way too.)

**Note: if you do a trasnfer from console 1 to console 2, that process removes the game save data from console 1.

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LordOfOwO wrote:

@Kirby_EU Thanks, but is there a way to transfer other games' save data?

Can only be done with both units present and on adapter power to transfer saved data. There is no other way. So you have to purchased the second Switch and have both at hand to do saved data transfer. Not sure about online saving but that requires a NSO account to do that. So you should really contact NIN support for help on this to get the correct help in your situation.


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