
Topic: The Goodbye/Vacation Thread

Posts 3,621 to 3,640 of 3,696


@CANOEberry Always sad to see someone leave, hope your life goes well outside of here!

Space and Games are similar. Space is endless and new stuff is out there waiting to be discovered. Games are always being made but the creativity is different from one game to another and so many more ideas still haven't been imagined or created yet. (That came out better than expected lol)

Switch Friend Code: SW-1116-1320-6156


Sorry to say, but I'm deleting this account in an hour.



@CANOEberry @IceDomino I recommend keeping your accounts up just in case you guys change your minds or want to keep your accounts as a memory of some kind.

But if you two are dead set on deleting your accounts, it was great knowing the two of you and I hope you too luck. I do hope to see you two again, yet I hope y'all have a great life regardless.



@HotGoomba Well, maybe I could hold on a little longer. But I will take a break, my depression is getting worse.



IceDomino wrote:

Well, maybe I could hold on a little longer. But I will take a break, my depression is getting worse.

aww, you've been so active lately, we would miss you if you vanish forever. ❤️ Take a break if you need to though.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


IceDomino wrote:

@HotGoomba Well, maybe I could hold on a little longer. But I will take a break, my depression is getting worse.

Yeah, a break would be best, it's important to put your own mental health before a silly Nintendo website. Don't feel pressured to have to come back after a certain time, you can take as long as you feel necessary. I hope to see you around again soon!



Do what you feel like doing, don’t let anyone tell you different.Metal health should always come first. I hope you get better♥️

Switch friend code:SW-3744-8516-9497
User name: Lime!
Third kits??


GrailUK wrote:

@CANOEberry I want to say farewell, Canoe! Your posts will be missed

Very belatedly - thanks, Grail! I always look out for your posts here on NL, and I'll continue to do so when lurking in the background. I'll add you on NSO (con permiso).



@CANOEberry feel free

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


HotGoomba wrote:

it was great knowing the two of you and I hope you too luck. I do hope to see you two again, yet I hope y'all have a great life regardless.

Very late reply (sorry), but I wanted to say that the many clever posts I've seen from you are a highlight of this site, which I will continue to look out for when I lurk here. I wish you the very best!



Thanks I played lots of good games, while I was away. I think I will write a little bit about it, at a later time.

Hey everyone I am back! The winter is over, the sun is starting to smile gently again and I return to this nice Moominvalley once more.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


@Jhena Oh goody, pleased you've come back to us. Speaking of Moominvalley, what do you make of that new Moomin-themed game (assuming you've seen it)? I thought it was nice to see some new Moomin content, but from the trailer I'm a little concerned it might be a bit shallow.

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


@Jhena Welcome back! It's always nice to have your presence around these parts!

Currently MIA for exams; see you all in a bit! o7
Mario Maker 2 Maker ID: YT1-0Q2-YFF
Please ask for permission before using my FC!
Currently Playing: ....nothing XD

Switch Friend Code: SW-3505-5480-3330 | Twitter:


While I was away I watched the original Moomin anime and loved it as much, if not even more , as in my early childhood. The trailer of the game is really good, but like you, i feel it might be a bit shallow gameplay wise. What I expect is a game, that is simply played to relax and to enjoy the atmosphere and artstyle. Just walking around, talking and playing the harmonica is pretty much all I have seen. Hopefully they show a little bit more of the gameplay. But even if this is all the game has to offer, I would gladly play it.

Thank you! Hearing those words, really makes me feel good and welcome. I will cherish this feeling and I will try to give this feeling to everyone else on this site.

Hi! Good to be back and seeing you and everyone else, still hanging out on this site.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


Hello folks!

I'm popping in here to say that I'm going to be taking an extended leave-of-absence from here for the next couple weeks (until about mid-June to be precise). I've got some of the most important exams of my entire life coming up in the interim and, while I love engaging with online communities (both on here and on social media sites like Twitter or Tumblr), its become clearer by the day that it's having a major affect on both my studies and mental health as these tests loom closer. So, as a way to fully focus on what's currently important, I'm going to be logging off for the foreseeable future until I have these tests completely out of the way. I'll probably still pop up here and there in comment sections and the like but for the most part I'm going to be completely absent from the forums and other online areas.

I'll see you all in about 2-3 months time! o7

Currently MIA for exams; see you all in a bit! o7
Mario Maker 2 Maker ID: YT1-0Q2-YFF
Please ask for permission before using my FC!
Currently Playing: ....nothing XD

Switch Friend Code: SW-3505-5480-3330 | Twitter:


@Fizza Good luck on your exams! We'll miss you here, but your studies and mental health definitely take precedence.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


@Fizza Gonna miss you round here as you're always such a positive character but I certainly can't blame you for taking time away for exams XD
Best of luck with it all and we'll look forward to your return!


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