More and more cheap titles on the Wii U eShop are being released with amateurish production and design, and Cypronia's Angry Bunnies: Colossal Carrot Crusade is only a half-step up. A port of a 3DS Angry Birds clone, Colossal Carrot Crusade contains the exact content of its 3DS counterpart, but with added online leaderboards. While the game is markedly better than the recent "Flappy" clones in the eShop, it's still a poor man's Angry Birds that's lacking in most areas.
Angry Bunnies follows the exact same gameplay as Angry Birds. For the few gamers who have not played the huge franchise, the premise is rather simple: fling angry birds into wooden, stone and ice structures that house trapped pigs in order to destroy the structure and kill the pigs. In Angry Bunnies, players fling angry bunnies into wooden, stone and ice structures that house trapped foxes in order to destroy the structure and kill the foxes. Like Angry Birds, there are different types of bunnies that have special abilities. In addition to the regular blue bunny, there is a brown bunny that speeds up when the stylus taps the GamePad; a white bunny that triggers several little explosions upon impact; a large green bunny that has more weight and can destroy more structures at once; and a "bomber" bunny that drops egg bombs when tapped while in flight. Additionally, each level has three carrots to collect.

There are five "story" modes, each with 30 levels to master, but there is no actual "story" to be found. The shoddy presentation is prominent throughout; the poor, low-res visuals recall the most generic of '90s PC shareware graphics — thankfully, though, the game runs at a better frame-rate on the Wii U than it did on 3DS. The sound effects — which amount to one-note dumb bunny "ouch" bites and simple crash-boom-bangs — are grating after a few minutes of repetition, but it should be said that they're improved over the tinny 3DS version.
These shortcomings would be easier to swallow if Angry Bunnies nailed the familiar gameplay, but it unfortunately fails in that area. The visual instructions for new birds — which also rip off Angry Birds' intuitive tutorial style — are not clear until experimenting with trial and error and restarting the level. Flinging the bunnies on the GamePad while having to look up at the TV screen to see the full stage is disorienting, and with no instruction at first the player will likely have to start the first level over several times. The bunnies also take far too long to disappear after a turn.
Angry Bunnies: Colossal Carrot Crusade is still an unoriginal waste of time and money, with the minor technical improvements and online leaderboards doing little to help the experience. There are actual Angry Birds games on Wii U — buy those instead. At $8.99 (at launch) for a port of a clone, gamers are recommended to take their money elsewhere.
Comments 16
Angry Bunnys... Wii-U WARS: Attack of the Lamo Clones!
Who needs third party support when you have games like these!
Haha, do the developers have no shame?
@SuperMalleo And Flappy Bird ripoffs. Seriously, what is it these days about birds in video games and people ripping them off too?
So it's a $9 port of the same thing as the 3DS... which is basically a rip-off of a free game that anyone could play on their phone. I'm sold!
Even Angry Birds was a clone, they just added charming visuals. I start to think Nintendo really should keep an eye on their eShop... Too many lackluster titles that downgrade the whole eShop. I don't blame the developers, though.
This is a situation where I can't quite figure out the best solution to the problem.
If Nintendo simply goes back to only letting select games on its systems then it loses out on the next potential Angry Birds, Minecraft or Flappy Birds mega hits as well as compounding the fact that it already has less third party support than the competition but if it lets just anyone churn out crap on its systems then it just cheapens the entire experience and undermines the quality standards we've all come to expect from Nintendo's brand, which is one of its few remaining core values and what attracts many gamers to Nintendo's platforms in the first place.
I'm not sure of the best way to go here but just letting any old crap on its system doesn't feel like the answer to me and that's coming from a guy that's making these really simple indie App style games himself.
At this rate we're going to start seeing buggy, virus infected and Ad riddled games/Apps on Wii U before too long.
There's got to be some way to exercise genuine quality control while still letting the indies easily develop games for the system, without just letting any and all crap on there.
Please tell me I read it wrong...
I understand it's only a bad made clone, but seriously... a bunny tossing down explosive eggs?!?! Couldn't they be... I don't know... carrots for example? DX
You can't get more lazy than that...
I picked this up for 1 reason, my 4 year old likes angry birds on the our tablets. He loves this. That's all this is good for. However, to boycott it because its a clone is lame. Most game are clones. What about those minecraft clones being done for wii u. Everyone is excited for them. Someone who likes angry birds would like this. But that's it.
And I admit this is was a waste of money, but tablets are so easy to use, he hates the thought of using a button controller. But in the last month, he has been playing Smash on the 3ds, Mario 3dworld, tennis and boxing now too. Now he has another game. Thanks Nintendo.
@Donutman Well, there's a huge difference in target audience, for one. Angry Birds is a decidedly repetitive game aimed at mobile consumers who wouldn't put much effort into learning a game. As such, Angry Birds is extremely easy, because quick success pleases the casual player. But such games don't serve as a good example for what a dedicated game console wants to offer. And even then, Angry Bunnies manages to be worse than the original in every regard. Giving the developers credit for it with a purchase signalizes the market that cheaply made games are in high demand, which will inevitably hurt the console overall, especially reputation-wise.
Minecraft, on the other hand, is a DIY game that doesn't demand anything, but has nearly infinite potential that only depends on ones imagination. Building impressive (or terrible) things without any artificial restrictions keeps the experience fresh. The original offered combat, crafting, and exploration elements to go along - things that simply appeal to the main userbase of gaming consoles.
Although, I wouldn't say everyone's excited for Minecraft clones - the userbase is heavily split up on that topic. And I, for one, never liked Minecraft at all - but regardless whether a game is a clone of something popular, if it's good, there's no problem.
@Kaze_Memaryu it was still quite a bit cheaper then buying angry birds for Wii U. I haven't given rovio $.01 ever, so maybe i gave the money to the wrong dev, but still. As far as im concerned, 95% of all gaming falls into the clone/shovelware category. A game like army of two is shovelware when compared to uncharted. call of duty is shovelware. they are good games in their own right. like i said in my first line. Angry Bunnies was purchased for a 4 year old. it didn't cost me $20 like angry birds. i'm helping Nintendo's future by teaching my son to play games. So in no way am i hurting anyone but rovio.
@KTT Can't believe I didn't consider such possibility XD
True enough, eggs can be a weapon for bunnies too, my apologies to the Easter Bunny for forget about him!
But if that's the case then the develloppers own him more apologies than me for making him appear in a game like this -o-
From the makers of Fruit Ninja, they proudly present 2 U.......Angry Bunnies, one of the most successful mo......I mean, 3DS eshop titles of all time (not really)
This is originally at its best, Angry Birds, what that, they stole from this from the bunnies.......who are angry (even if Angry Birds came after, the birds look better, and this is coming from someone who doesn't like Angry Birds, and that is saying a lot)
10/10 carrots (but 8 of them were eaten........but one of them somehow fell out of the rabbits mouth while it was chewing, and then become mayor)
Also this was revved up, but instead of 3D, it's not HD! (HD = Herp Derp)
Those are not eggs
I'm one too. Just look at my picture.
If you are looking for a really good Angry Birds Clone you should check out the following two games for inspiration...
By far the best example in my opinion.
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