Bayonetta 3
Image: Nintendo

Nintendo has revealed a brand new trailer for Bayonetta 3 called 'The Witching Hour' and it's one that folks might want to hold off on viewing if you're keen to avoid any spoilers.

The footage goes heavy on narrative details from the start, but also features some killer gameplay that we can't wait to try out when the game launches on October 28th. Primarily, we get a glimpse of some new 2D gameplay in which you infiltrate a laboratory and utilise stealth abilities to take out the enemies. It's certainly a significant step away from the franchise's iconic hack 'n' slash mechanics!

It's also worth pointing out that we also get a good listen to voice actor Jennifer Hale, who has taken over the role of Bayonetta from Hellena Taylor. As expected, she sounds absolutely fantastic to the point where more casual fans might not even be able to tell the difference.

If you want to check out some more footage of Bayonetta 3 but don't want to encounter any spoilers, Game Informer recently revealed two extensive gameplay videos showcasing both Bayonetta herself and newcomer Viola.

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New Bayonetta 3 Footage Shines A Light On Demon Masquerade, Viola, And More

What do you think of the new trailer? Looking forward to picking up Bayonetta 3 later this month? Let us know!

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