Last week saw the reveal of Pokémon's 9th Generation - Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet - for the Nintendo Switch.
We've found out a fair bit about these games since the initial reveal, but there's one detail a lot of trainers are still wondering about. While we know the game will be "open world" and battles will be similar to Pokémon Legends: Arceus, it seems the method of catching Pokémon might return to the old "traditional" ways.
Eagle-eyed trainers have noticed how the official game site for Scarlet and Violet mention how you'll now be able to experience the "true joy" of the series by "battling against wild Pokémon in order to catch them". Here's the exact paragraph where this is mentioned:
"Various towns blend seamlessly into the wilderness with no borders. You’ll be able to see the Pokémon of this region in the skies, in the seas, in the forests, on the streets—all over! You’ll be able to experience the true joy of the Pokémon series—battling against wild Pokémon in order to catch them—now in an open-world game that players of any age can enjoy."
It's raised a lot of discussions on social media. While some players weren't fans of the new catching mechanics in Pokémon Legends: Arceus at first, many have grown to love them, and believe it's the only way forward for the series.
We also loved the new catching mechanics - praising them as "addictive" in our very own Nintendo Life review of Pokémon Legends: Arceus. How would you feel about the next mainline games returning to the old ways of catching Pokémon? Did you enjoy the new mechanics in the latest entry? Leave your thoughts down below.
Comments 150
I kind of expected that to be the case. From the video, they're basically saying The Wild Area is now a full game and that works with me.
If it's just like every other main series game then I won't be buying it as I was super done after the mess that was Sword and Shield. I need to see that they're actually trying to move the series forward and the catching mechanics from Pokemon Legends: Arceus (but definitely not the battle system) would be a good step in the right direction.
Just wait until June 2022 for second trailer.
I want them to return to the classic battle to catch method for this game and keep the dodge, and toss to the Legends line of games.
Nah, the lack of battle transitions and actually throwable Poké Balls were a huge step forwards for the franchise. Doing away with that again seems silly.
Maybe. For those that don't understand what Arceus is - it is a one off. There won't be any poke transfers or any of that. Go ahead and get your anger out now so you can breathe later. Throw a few pillows around and have a drink.
Removed - trolling/baiting
It would be incredibly jarring if they kept the traditional battle system and catching mechanics in a SEAMLESS OPEN WORLD game.
I hope they're smart enough to realize that.
If that ends up being the case, I might have good reason to skip it, because the catching mechanics in legends was a big step forward, and if they get rid of that, its just going to be the wild area the game.
But I kinda doubt thats the case, but if it is, I might just skip it.
@Thoughts as maligned as they are, I actually liked the catching mechanics in Let's Go, because at least it was something different.
And this is a bad thing how?
I think battle transitions are gone forever since overworld battles in Scarlet/Violet looks to be set in the actual overworld much like how it was done in Legends Arceus.
Throwable Pokeballs might be gone though...
That would be unfortunate.
I’m still waiting on making any evaluation of the game
Is anyone surprised? Every time GameFreak actually improves their games, they will take two steps back the next game. This has been the case since literally going from Gen2 to Gen3.
And cue the hate train.
@MostHandsieBoy The Pokemon Company said Legends Arceus would be made compatible with Home in the 8/18/21 Pokemon Presents.
It's still at the very least going to have seamless battles like Legends does. I mean... you can tell that just by looking at the battle screenshots, which just take place on the overworld, pretty clearly. Hard to say about catching stuff by just throwing Pokeballs, though. This game will likely not be focused entirely around filling out the Pokedex, however, so there would already inherently be less incentive to just catch a couple of dozen of every Pokemon in the first place. I think it's probably a good idea to just wait and see exactly what they're planning.
@MostHandsieBoy "There won't be any poke transfers or any of that." We know that Legends is going to have Pokemon Home compatibility, and we know that Pokemon from Legends will be transferable into BDSP (from datamines) and Scarlet/Violet (from official confirmation). I presume that transfers into Legends will probably be possible as well, as the game displays Origin Marks.
This is like expecting Mario Kart mechanics in Odyssey.
This is why Legends Arceus is that; Legends. It's intended to try something different from the formula, under a different banner.
Guess we can also do away with trading too, since that'd also be too archaic for a step backward.
I wouldn’t mind personally. It made sense in Legends because catching the same species over and over is necessary to complete the Pokédex. But I absolutely hope the seamless transitions between battles and overworld become a series standard.
@BenRK True, you're not wrong. You'd think the series would have continued to grow and evolve over the years with the new hardware technology yet somehow here we are in 2022 and the GBC games are still the series' peak.
Oh here we go as usual. Speculation starts flying around and everyone starts treating it as fact 🙄
As long as it isn't Go style, but Legends was really fun.
@BenRK True that.
Reminder that this is back in the present time now. So trainers don't have to sneak up on Pokemon anymore.
It’ll be disappointing if they go back to classic style mechanics completely, but I’m not going to let it ruin my experience. I’ve enjoyed classic Pokémon for 25 years. I think I can still enjoy it after Arceus.
@mr-duster Even present day, I think a few of the pokemon games make it a point that you should not walk in tall grass because you could get attacked by a wild pokemon.
So maybe not sneaking around, but allowing us to catch them in the overworld just like the anime would be great!
I’m worried that the baby thinks people can’t change.
Scarlet/Violet should improve on the traditional mechanics. Arceus is its own thing, and it should stay that way.
I'll just wait until the next trailer to make a decision, but it would be such a shame if they return to previous gameplay when everyone has loved the different options you have to catch Pokemon.
Makes sense, honestly. Arceus wanted you to catch 25 of every Pokémon for the dex. It would have been awful to have to fight each time. This is a completely different-style of game and possibly never having to battle a wild Pokémon to catch it wouldn’t make sense. To me, this is no biggie but hopefully the battle transitions stay out. I will miss wild Pokémon attacking you though. We were always told, since Gen 1, you needed a Poké partner for that very reason.
This makes sense. Arceus, while being a main series game, was developed to be a separate branch of the main series. Elements from Arceus are bound to not be implemented into Gen 9, especially given that Gen 9 itself was in development around the same time as Arceus, with no signs of knowing how well it was going to preform.
It'll suck though if the catching mechanics revert back to how they were in previous games, but as long as the battles still happen in the overworld, and manual evolutions still exist, I'd be happy.
The catching and battling mechanics in Legends Arceus are superior - really hoping these carry over into Scarlet and Violet!
@VoidofLight Same. I Just don’t want it to go completely back to normal, not that it’s not like LOC, as long as they improve
, I’m happy.
I'll give Scarlet/Violet a try, but I've been playing the hell out of Arceus while all the other Pokemon games I've played on Switch have languished since I bought them. Throwing balls, whether to catch or to battle, is so addictive and fun. Unless there's something newly great about how they're implementing things in Scarlet I hope they just put Arceus type freedom in this new gen of Pokemon. Or, release the next Arceus type game at the very beginning of 2023! Oh, and increase the frame rate in Pokemon to 60fps! That would be especially awesome with Arceus type gameplay.
I'm not a pokemon fan, I played pokemon red years ago and loved it but after that every pokemon seemed the same not a lot of evolution and after catching all the pokemon in red I really didn't want to do it again. i tried going back to it with X played 45 hours of it but didn't finished it because I was bored. I finish shield because I played with my 2 years old son, i still need to finish the second dlc but I never tried to catch all the pokemon because I really don't like the catching mechanics. Arceus is the first pokemon I really liked since Red and because the catching mechanics are great, it's what I wanted for a pokemon game for a long time, sneeking, throwing pokeball, being able to move during battle... If they go back to old mechanics I'll wait for another legends since I really don't like the archaics mechanics in the older pokemon, arceus is the first pokemon I want to complet the pokedex.
I could potentially see catching Pokemon in the overworld returning, with the Pokemon chasing you and triggering a battle if it breaks out, and I think seamless battle transitions are a must, but other than that I don't think much will or needs to return from LA.
That's about what I'm expecting, tbh. This obviously shared the bulk of its development time with PLA. GF is incredibly conservative about how they choose to evolve the mainline games, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if they chose to keep the more real time aspects of PLA out of these entries.
With that said, I'm not really sure I'm willing to go back to the previous status quo any more. PLA has ruined traditional Pokemon gameplay for me. These entries will sell well regardless, but, for me, there's no stuffing that genie back in the bottle.
I want PLA’s catching style to stay. I’ve been playing since gen 2 and I’m tired of the old way if catching Pokémon. I saw no joy from watching a ball jiggle 1-3 times after spending some time weakening Pokémon. There have been entire Pokémon games where I left most of the dex blank until the postgame and my playthrough party consisted solely of gift Pokémon because I just hated the old way of doing things. PLA was the only game I actually had fun catching Pokémon. If we go back, then the prof can ***** right off with their Pokédex - I’ll just catch what I want
Good. People are demanding Arceus mechanics in the way they are for only one reason: they've spent years building up this narrative about how Game Freak is evil and how Pokemon needs to be violently removed from their possession. You can see quite a bit of it here in the comments already.
My one and only expectation for gen 9 was an entire game based on the Wild Area. That expectation means little, but was fulfilled anyway. There will likely be more Legends games, maybe even more Let's Go games, but it doesn't matter if even this fails to happen.
Contrary to what the fans believe, Pokemon is in a great place right now. There is absolutely nothing wrong, and a lot right, with Pokemon retaining the solid foundation it has. Those who claim otherwise have no idea what "evolution" is, and should stop pretending that they do.
Game Freak is a good developer. Pokemon is a good series. They deserve a better fanbase than what they have. They deserve a fanbase that recognizes hard work and that cares little for ridiculous wish fulfillment.
I want to see some improvements like these:
1. Character have soundbite if voice acting is not possible.
2. Keep all abilities learnt and can only set 4 abilities during battle as usual. Also, player can custom three different set of 4 abilities for battle.
3. No random battle. We can see the wild Pokemons and battle will be immediately happen without loading screen, just like FF XII.
4. 3 vs 3 battle like Yokai Watch games.
5. Equipment for Pokemon to boost the attributes.
6. Leveling up system like Fantasy Life which you can choose which attribute to level up.
7. Day and Night cycle on entire region and we can set the time anytime like Yokai Watch games.
8. Full customization for player from head to toe like The Sims games.
9. A lot of different consumable items such as foods or drinks that can restore HP or PP or cure bad status or power up for temporary time, not just only Potion. Also, if your Pokemon like certain of foods or drinks, it will double the effect and they will like you more.
10. PP is used universally like standard RPG games so abilities are not tied by individual PP.
11. Pokemon can learn Passive abilities such as Auto Potion or Counter attack or Bad status resistant or Double EXP from scrolls and we can equip them like FF IX.
12. Mini games so at least there is some activity to do after post game.
Take a note, some 3rd party games I played did better than Pokemon games in my opinion so better Gamefreaks have to improve their Pokemon games to compete with 3rd party games.
Arceus is Pokemon Legends game it was supposed to be different. If you want that style, go play that instead instead of trying to change the main series. You only like it because it's easier and most modern gamers cannot handle a challenge. If you don't like it, don't play it. Don't ruin it for the rest of us. I want traditional pokemon gameplay.
i think its fine to go back. arceus was more like go, you were catching Pokemon and fighting was just an addition but that doesn't work for mainline pkm
I get that catching was core to Pokémon Legends: Arceus gameplay and that it might be weird to constantly throw pokeballs everywhere in SV. However, beyond the ability to catch without battling, I’d like to see the following QoL improvements in the new Gen.
1) ability to throw your Pokémon out to start a battle instead of transitioning into a battle from collision
2) movement during battle, being able to run away by running away
3) swapping Pokémon in battle without going through the menu
4) throwing a pokeball in battle without going through the menu
5) choosing went to evolve
6) equippable moves
7) taking out your Pokémon to interact with them
8) ride Pokémon (possibly even ride your own Pokémon like LGPE)
9) easy swap between riding
10) battle animations where Pokémon actually go up and attack each other (as opposed to attacking the air in the center of the field)
11) visible shinies in the overworld
I’m happy for Legends to just be a spin off.
I am happy about this, It mean Legends can be it’s own thing running side by side with a more classic mainline series. That cannot be a bad thing, you got something for everyone.
I think catching some Pokémon is way too easy in Legends. But it is cool to just throw a PokéBall at them and catch them that way.
And what is it with this trend of people demanding things from a game developer? Let them just make the game they want to make!
PLA works just like the Safari zone in older games, and tbh I'm okay with not the entire game being one big Safari zone.
Also you can still chose to battle a wild Pokémon in PLA. Simply by throwing your Pokémon at them. (And personally it's still my favorite way of catching them)
Lol the pokemon related comments are really... Funny...
Just wait till more info arrives or gameplay.
@The-Chosen-one Yeah, generally they're just full of tons of people jumping the gun, or saying one minor thing is bad before knowing the full context. I sure do love the pokemon community!
Arceus' new way of doing things were fresh and fun, but I prefer the old way better. I am sure there will be more games with Arceus' battle system, but I prefer not every pokemon game being like it. Variety is better.
I'm in the minority here but I prefer traditional battles and catching to the new system, and am really looking forward to these titles.
This is all gaslighting to avoid scrutiny about the again terrible graphics. They never learn
@MostHandsieBoy Actually it has already been confirmed that Pokémon home will work with legends arceus. My guess is you won’t be able to transfer stuff into it because it’s data system in different but you will be able to transfer stuff out.
@Cero I'd embed the princess bride "you keep using that word" gif but I'm on mobile
Good. Pokemon is my comfort food game, and I don't really want it to be modernized outside of spin-offs like Arceus. If they want to bring back pixel art, HMs, and evil organizations with unreasonably convoluted secret bases, I'd be all for those, too.
I feel like the only one that hated the catching mechanics in PLA, so i would prefer the traditional method.
I'm not really fussed about it.
The Legends catching mechanic did make things more streamlined, but I don't know if that was the best made catching feel more trivial.
Maybe if pokedex research doesn't return it won't even be that important anyway, since you won't have to catch 20+ of a particular Pokemon so you'll be catching less Pokemon anyway.
Honestly I like the idea of being able to throw our own Pokemon out more than the empty pokeballs.
Considering that this game is coming out this year, the mechanics were likely already set in stone before Arceus even released. It shouldn't be surprising that they didn't take from what was supposed to be a spin-off.
Good. If you were supposed to hide in bushes and toss balls to catch them at full health Pokemon would have been a short cartoon since Team Rocket would have stolen them all.
We know absolutely nothing about the game. My opinion is it will be some kind of hybrid game but idk. I will be glad to play it no matter what.
Good, leave the sneaking/dodging stuff to PL:A, chain-catching like in that game only makes any kind of sense in games where "Catch 50 Bidoof" is the sort of thing you have to do, imagine the utter mess in your PC-boxes if that was in mainline Pokemon games! @_@
Besides, can you imagine those two wussy trainer characters we were shown, being thrown into a wilderness where the wildlife can and will plow you into the ground?
The presentation said you can find and fight pokemon, anywhere, even in the streets, try to imagine that with wild alpha pokemon...
Anyone that thought these games would just rip almost everything from Legends was setting themselves for disappointment right off the bat
New Gen Mainline Pokémon games follow a formula where they rarely deviate from. People always jump to conclusions based on two screen caps
@BenAV I liked the battle system in arceus but for that game. So i agree. Taking the catching mechanic and fusing it with pokemons standard battle system would be a good blend for the main games.
“Some people on the internet are worried about things they don’t know about in a video game.” FIFY
I am not surprised in the least - Legends is its own thing, and I wasn't expecting all those new mechanics to make it into the Gen 9 games. Unless Scarlet/Violet also include wild pokemon attacking you (which I sincerely doubt), we are not getting overworld catching mechanics, and I am personally not really disappointed about it.
From the looks of it, battles are going to take place in the overworld just like they did in Legends, which hopefully means that we will have no battle transitions/text boxes, so the entire process is going to be far more snappy and streamlined than it was in Sw/Sh anyway. If I can get into a battle, fight/catch a pokemon and be on my merry way again in 1 minute or less, I am going to be a happy camper.
As fun as the catching was in Legends Arceus...maybe it's best kept in a Legends sub-series.
I'm not the biggest fan of this "catching first" approach used in Go, Let's Go and Legends Arceus for the main series. In these games, you are rewarded for catching as many Pokemon as possible, which IMO makes every Pokemon feel disposable. I'm happy for the main games to focus on traditional catching mechanics if it means that they're more focused on battling and team-building rather than catching multiple of everything.
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I think it’s best to keep the two separate, personally I wasn’t that into Arceus and much prefer the originals. I believe making two games (the traditional series and legends series) could be the way to go, make everyone happy in the end.
BDSP made me appreciate the Arceus and Let's Go catching mechanics more though in the latter case there really should've been an update to add pro controller support (pro controller has gyro so could easily work). Catching Pokemon the traditional way after you get access to Quick Balls is pretty much:
Step 1 - Start a battle with a wild Pokemon
Step 2 - Throw a Quick Ball
Step 3 - The Pokemon is caught
You don't actually need to reduce its HP to catch it (even Legendaries) in the traditional way so at that point you may as well have a system like Arceus where you don't even need to initiate a battle.
In Sword and Shield you just needed a quick ball and you can catch most things anyway.
I'd be fine with the mainline series sticking with the usual method. Pretty sure the Pokemon Legends will become its own sub series at this point, with its own catching mechanic.
Don't buy the game and send them a message that way. Is what I would say but it's got Pokémon in the title. It'll sell by the millions.
As long as Pokemon have their abilities again, and there are online battles, I will be happy.
In the trailer they did show the same long grass as was seen in PLA, so I do feel the sneaking/catching elements will remain as they are so good. However now for aggressive Pokemon instead of attacking and damaging the character, there will just be a transition into a battle.
I hope they still have the option from Arceus: Sneaking on Pokemon and catching them without fighting. And I bet they will!
I’m glad I don’t want want too many arceus elements in my mainline Pokémon. You like arceus you play arceus.
This is great news for me and can't wait to play them
Personally I would like if they go back to a grid based movement, but hey if the internet says this then we must listen.
And personally I was gutted that they announced a new Pokémon game because I absolutely hate the self righteous crappy comments about the games. I think they should have shadow dropped it to save me.
Arceus Is the equivalent of Nintendo making BOTW and declaring it a side game rather than the way forward (Aonuma Style probably wishes he could do this), if Scarlet and Violet didn’t release until next year or beyond there would be lots of expectations in light of Arceus but announcing it now means they get to double down on what they’ve been doing
I like how catching Pokémon does work in Arceus but it's not perfect, it would work for a game like that (a spin off mind you)
I like both, the Arceus method and the old one, but if I had to pick one it is the old one.
But then again, me versus the internet...
Pokemon Legends Arceus required you to capture the same Pokemon multiple times to complete the Pokedex, so naturally a simplified catching mechanic was useful to prevent the game from becoming a complete grind.
That won't be the case in Scarlet/Violet, so I could see why you would want to return to the normal "catch Pokemon by battling them".
But then again, all of this is speculation based on a single sentence from the Pokemon website.
Ofcourse it will go back to the encounter method of catching Pokémon. It figures people would start to imagine it be different otherwise. The catching method in Pokémon Legends will most likely remain a Pokémon Legends gameplay style exclusive to that series.
SIGH ...It looks like in the end, people still managed to find something to complain about this game regardless, it figures... 😕
I’ve learned over the years that this fanbase is way too toxic, don’t put up with it, just enjoy the games and have fun!
Even though I tend to dislike them these days, it'd be nice if GameFreak were to handle their Pokemon games like Atlus, where the mainline are to SMT in the more traditional gameplay sense, and Legends are to Persona, with a "similar, but different" vibe.
Pokemon legends Arceus was super popular and appealed to hard core pokemon fans and newbies alike. I'll just wait for the next pokemon legends game.
I'll love and defend traditional Pokemon for life, but honestly I feel like Pokemon needs to evolve into more of an adventure game. Legends Arceus was a great step in that direction as it felt like our character was actually out in the field studying Pokemon, sneaking up, out smarting, and going toe to toe with them. I'd be disappointed to go back to our character being a literal walking sim again.
And for that reason, I'm out.
I hate it when someone defines joy to other people. Let the players define what true joy means to them.
I can't see myself enjoying an open world game if I have to transition into a battle with every Pokemon I see in the massive landscape. Legends not only fixed that tedium but made it very fun and engaging to plan how you wanted to go about catching any Pokemon you discovered. Sneaking around rocks and trees, throwing bait and smoke bombs, waiting patiently for them to turn around so you could throw a sneaky ball, or just running up and engaging in a classic battle like the old days. The options were refreshing, made a lot of sense for the series, and reawakened my love for the world that Sword and Shield killed IMO. If they take away those options I'm not coming back, I'll wait for the next Legends game.
@nameless_shame I said he USED to be a piece of *****!
As long as we don't have to see the battle transition and move to a separate battle screen every time we run into a wild Pokemon, I'll be happy.
I don’t know why people thought it would be Arceus style. Just because you can see Pokémon in the wild? Like in some of the other games?
Also, and I get that for adult gamers, I’m probably in the minority, but I’ll be glad for it to return to the classic style. I love playing Pokémon where it’s pretty easy, and I can just leisurely do what I want.
Arceus is great, and the battle system is amazing, but it’s also one that keeps you on your toes a little more. Nothing wrong with that, but it’sa game I want to play when I have a little longer to play and able to concentrate more.
The traditional method is so boring. In fact it would be amazing if battles were more dynamic where you would still have aim and throw a ball at a wild pokemon even in battle. I would assume the catching mechanics from Legends will carry over just for the open world aesthetic clearly in place (looks at the flock of Hoppip flying through the air as an indicator).
If it doesn't include a refined version of that mechanic, this game will be an immediate no purchase from me.
If you compare Arceus to a typical Pokemon game, it's content-poor. No gyms, almost no trainer battles, a decimated battle system, no multiplayer. It needed the repeated, action-based catching to be fun.
There is usually no reason to catch 20 or even 5 of a Pokemon, unless you are grinding for something really specific. If you proposed that mechanic to a Pokemon fan in 2019 they might even say it sounds like busywork.
One thing I liked about Arceus is it not actually forcing you to stealth headshot Pokemon over and over for research tasks - you could also usually get their dex entry just by battling with them a lot. That's a playstyle freedom that arguably won't be in Scarlet/Violet. But they'll have plenty of content in place of those research goals, trust me.
Pokemon fans just can't be pleased.
Catching pokemon in Arceus is great, but it was also great in the previous games.
They need to keep the open world Acreus catching Pokémon without battling unless you throw a Pokémon to battle. That should be the move forward. Arceus doesn't require you to Grind as others whine about just look at YT SpeedRuns they didn't grind but SpeedRun to the end. So people talk about useless stuff again. Acreus is freedom of movement and how you want to play style that most gamers wants and like because they have a choice what they will or will not do to battle or just catch'em all and you can release them so why do people just whine.
@Snatcher But in Legends: Arceus, it was explicitly stated that humans and Pokemon hadn't known how to bond or coexist yet.
I'm ok with battling in order to catch a pokemon, but I would not be ok if transitions between battles and the overworld isn't smooth like PLA.
Honestly, if this reverts back to the old catching ways (pre-Arceus) it's a no buy for me. You can't put the cat back in the bag NINTENDO!!!!
Okay here’s my two cents. I personally feel like the catching mechanics in legends should stay in legends. Cause when you think about it in-universe Pokémon were easy to catch in legends because they didn’t know about poke balls at the time because they were new. So if we keep the PLA catching mechanics in the mainline games it would be impractical in universe because Pokémon now know about poke balls and can easily escape them.
Overall I much rather have the PLA mechanics to stay as mechanics in Pokémon legends.
They can still implement the same PLA in Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet without issues. If this is going to be Open World then this feature would give players Freedom of Choice how they battle and catch Pokémon's.
@BenAV What do you dislike about the battle system?
@MysticX A kindred spirit, I see. I agree with you that the new trainers look like wimps and much too childish, at least for my taste.
@mr-duster Thats true, But that it doesn't sound like they haven't stopped attacking people, I don't think they kill, but they do defend still.
But thats the reason why I want to play these. It goes back to the better games
People are that soft they don't want to battle Pokemon to catch them anymore? I swear the new generation like to ruin everything. When I watched Pokemon on TV, they always battle to catch a Pokemon and not throw 20 stupid pokeballs consecutively to do it. Get over it you dumb cancel culture crybabies.
@kartus There's a middle ground between hating the haters and acknowledging the criticisms. Pokemon can be far better than it has been.
@swoose The game was pegged from the beginning as a singleplayer game that focused on completing the Pokedex, and that's exactly what it is. It adds some story, lore, and sidequests on top of it, but little else. I think most of the positivity towards the game is a sigh of relief that the gameplay and scenario were overhauled, but in reality, it can't possibly appeal to everyone's tastes due to that very specific premise.
I'm not as worried about being able to catch out of battle, but the battles themselves were so much more snappy, with far less dialogue for mundane things. After playing Pearl/Diamond remakes and quitting halfway through because battles were so terribly slow and boring, I don't know that I'd ever want to go back.
Maybe I'll just stick to Legends spinoff.
@Savage_Joe Sure, but you forgot one thing, Legends Arceus is a mainline game for the series. So technically not its own thing I believe.
@IceEarthGuard it is considered a "distant prequel" to the "original" DPP games. I don't know how much "mainline" it gets, but the game itself, including its gameplay, vastly differs from the traditional pokemon games' narrative and gameplay to be put on the same category.
As an example, the Metroid Prime series are set directly after Metroid 1, yet, they are considered spin-offs.
Scarlet/Violet should have many traditional things of the main line series. I want Arceus to be it’s own thing. I want Arceus to be darker and more adult. The main line series needs an evolution obviously. I don’t mind battling Pokémon to catch them. I just don’t like the stale formula, I’m going to a gym. I having some cult try me a little bit and everyone’s happy. The end. It is boring now.
I don't see the need for hate. Look at Dragon Quest ... Open world, enemies in the open world, but turn based battles.
Maybe enemies around the enemy you encounter end up in the battle - there are a lot of things you could do.
There could also be free moment in the combat, along with turn based combat ... Like a free games try.
Give them a chance, it could be the best of both worlds.
Arceus looks like fun, but it's also edging closer to a slow paced 3rd person shooter with the mechanics.
Well, if you don’t like this one, you can just wait 6 months for GF to regurgitate the next one!
Am I the only one who doesn’t have a problem with the old ways?
Old catch mechanics = no buy from me. Too tedious.
I'm not a fan of Arceus, And i much much more prefer the old traditional way of catching pokemon.. Sword & Shield> Arceus
I hope it goes back to how catching is in SwSh as I just don't like the catching mechanic is in PLA and all that nonsense about catching multiples of the same pokemon to properly fill the pokedex just seems like pointless busy work.
Let Game Freak make these games, there aren’t out yet and people are bashing them. Geeze people calm you undies down. Stop complaining… It’s like kids love Pokémon, but Adults bash them. Grow up people. Not the end of the world. I love Scarlet and Violet, I’m glad they are making them. Diamond and Pearl are reboots, Legends of Arceus (muddy mess) is a Spin-Off. Its about time Game Freak made a Generation 9. People just need to chill! Like god! Its not rushed either, they went to Spain back in 2016 and thought of these games. Have you heard of “ Don’t judge a book by it’s cover!!?” These games aren’t even out so stop bashing.
🤣🤣🤣 Arceus is tedious and I don’t have the game cause its a muddy mess unfinished pokemon etc. Pokémon is all about catching them and training them. Arceus is the most tedious game 🤣
@IceEarthGuard LEGEND OF ARCEUS ISN’t mainline its a Spin-Off of a Pokemon game just like Yellow is to Blue, Red, Green and Emerald.
😂🤣🤣🤣 Pokémon is Pokémon why not stop bashing hater and actually enjoy Pokémon cause its Pokemon who cares about mechanics or gameplay its the Pokemon every game is catch to battle its in Arceus or are people that clueless! You catch Pokémon to battle you can run away same in original Pokémon games you can RUN away from them lol 😂 same in Arceus just that yahoo you can dunk and roll I never bought Arceus cause it looks stupid. Its a unfinished horrible mess. Yeah as a true Pokémon fan I see all the wrongs in that game. The “new mechanics “ whoopy! Have you played Final Fantasy games those are Turn -base Pokémon is turn base so is Arceus you take turns fighting or you can run away same in other Pokémon game you don’t have to battle you can click “run” and exist out of a battle. Scarlet and Violet aren’t out yet and people be bashing like children crying for something sad.
@Jax1988 It is a mainline game though. I think Nintendo life cover it on an article here if I recall, and if you google it, it say it's 100% confirmed a mainline game.
And technically Yellow is a mainline game too, so don't know what you are talking about there. It's literally the same game but you get Pikachu as a starter and with some additions to the game.
I don’t mind this as long as it works like Arceus- throw a Pokémon out to start a battle and have it fight right where you are, no transitions or anything. Also hope that trainers don’t just run over to fight you when you catch their line of sight- just have it be an option to battle after reading their dialogue. The constant stopping and starting of previous gens really has to go, if I want to run around without battling then let me.
@Jax1988 Let Game Freak make these games, there aren’t out yet and people are bashing them.
Was that a joke. If one doesn't like don't reply. Gamers of Pokémon series can make their input. Whether you like or not is of no concern to us. I think your the hater not the respondents on here. Those whom own and played Pokémon since DS series have more then enough experience to say how it plays out. Nobody asked for your opinion to start with here and you went on the hatin' already.
@Jax1988 To each their own. If you like the old mechanics - awesome. I don't, and that's why Arceus was the first mainline(ish?) Pokemon game I've bought since the GB days. Going backwards just means I'm probably not gonna be playing anymore mainline games for a while.
I really hope they change some of the mechanics similar to what Arceus is. Sword and Shield felt like it was made it 2007. Can we at least get voice acting? And can we PLEASE get finished animations?! If it's just and open world version of Sword & Shield, even with new Pokemon, I'll be skipping it no doubt.
@Jax1988 my statement was entirely about my personal preference of what I want the games to be like in order for me to invest time, or money into them going forward. I've played them all, with the exception of ultra sun and moon. So my preference is based on seeing arceus progress the franchise and your whiney little incoherent retort to my statement of preference is childish. My preference isn't yours, so what? You buy what you wanna play and I'll buy what I wanna play, plain and simple. My preference should in no way make you this visibly aggrevated. "How do I make this not sound like I'm belittling his preference? I know start off with laughing emojis." Enjoy your dedication to the now very stagnant feel of Pokémon's original way of having random encounters, tedious time-consuming transitions into battles, and the plethora of things that have been made more enjoyable due to the updates brought about in Arceus. I will continue to enjoy new features being brought to the franchise that makes it feel new and relevant, you know... how the final fantasy games progress how their battle systems and encounters work from title to title.
There's an internal logic to the catching mechanics in PLA. That game is set so early in the Pokemon timeline that people in the world do not have a normalized relationship with Pokemon, nor any of the environmental and social infrastructure that comes from same. People don't know much about them and thus are underequipped to deal with Pokemon, hence why you sneak around and ambush them.
Scarlet and Violet may not take place in this same historic context. If there are modern Pokeballs, Pokemon Centers, breeders/researchers/trainers and all the rest, there's little reason ambushing wild Pokemon or getting attacked by wild Pokemon would be a staple of the gameplay. That said, if it were to make a return in a mainline game, I'd enjoy it. And if it doesn't, I'm pretty sure I'll still enjoy everything else the new games offer.
@TheDragonDAFan its not BAD, its just kinda sad to see the regression since arceus is so flippin fun.
@Jax1988 do... do you know how to type coherently? Like, you know that periods exist, right? I'd say no offense, but you're making yourself out to be kind of a troll. If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all. And even more so, don't drench yourself in layers of irony and emojis, it makes you look like an attention-seeker that has no real personality. The funny part here is that I agree with your overarching statement that Arceus really isn't a pokemon game. I still love it to pieces, but it's barely what i'm nostalgic for. I lived on the ds and 3ds games. But coming out here like this isn't cool, nobody thinks it's cool, and it's safe to bet that deep down, even YOU don't think it's cool. Make statements, make points, make debates, but DON'T make internet drama. It's a waste of your time, I promise you. Please, I beg of you.
@ThisisJosh i totally agree that the old formula is stale, but im kinda loving Black 2 and white 2 rn. Something about the games is so charming that it just kind of negates the blandness of the series. I highly recommend to give them a try (yo-ho-ho, sail the seven seas, old pokemon games are expensive, ect. ect.)
Eh different strokes for different games. Legends Arceus != Core games as it's an action RPG. I expect SV to integrate parts of LA but I think if they wanted everything from Legends in a new game they make a Legends 2.
I doubt there'd be out of battle catching in SV, but I suspect the Pokemon won't be attacking the PC or running from you either because of the change in setting to the more established one. So you can be more selective regarding which Pokemon battles to have.
Yet another reason I am not excited about this game. I am just kinda burned out on Pokemon in a sense where I don't feel a need to have yet another Pokemon game on the Switch, especially considering how this one isn't exactly innovating in any way.
I think its possible you'll be able to do both, but under different circumstances. But I'm too mentally drained to elaborate on that right now.
This article definitely needs an explanation of the Arceus catching mechanic because I’ve never played it and that tweet video is wildly confusing. Did they only catch 1 Pokémon with all of that?
They can cleary do a PLA mechanic in the up coming Pokémon series. If this going to be open world then doing what previous Pokémon series where - is going backwards not forward. Open World just means that players choose the game play, so what they are doing is a contradiction onto itself to what the term Open World means.
After playing Legends Arceus, I can’t help but feel underwhelmed at Sw/Sh’s old gameplay. If Scarlet and Violet are basically just open world Sw/Sh, I’ll be really disappointed. Game Freak would just be taking 2 steps back again.
Now that I think about it, what you said is completely within the realm of possibility. As much as I love the action elements of PLA, there’s no way they’ll be bringing those into the new gen. However, if GF manages to add some or all of what you mentioned, then it wouldn’t feel as if they regressed
Can we go without finding something to complain about in a Pokémon game… FOR FIVE MINUTES?!
No really, people have been complaining about so many things for a game we have seen a minutes worth of footage.
Not to mention all the stuff they complained about with everything else, whether it be trees, diamond and pearl box art, eyes being too small, just give it a rest!!
At least wait until we know more about this game before you start ripping into it!
@Alpha008 no and it will most likely get worse if their having the anime foreshadow what gen 9 completive is going to be like...
As long as there's no transition to a different "battle area" it's fine by me, I grew up with these games so I'm totally fine with the classic approach
"We'll make one game have the awesome new catch mechanic, and put TRUE open world in the other game without the new mechanichs! Release the one with the fun catching in it first just so they KNOW the other could've done it too. It'll drive those kids *****' nuts! Ahahahahahahaha!!!"
@JazzyBeat I also want real flying and no more of this gliding
I completely agree! And games arent even out yet! People complaining or bashing Scarlet and Violet already.
Yellow Version is a spin-off of Red & Green. Americans had Red and Blue and Japan had Green. Yellow a spin-off of the show. Its not Gen1 original. Gen 1 is Red & Blue or in Japan Green. Like Emerald spin-off of Ruby & Sapphire. As of mainline its not. Generations come in 2 games.
The Legend of Arceus isn’t mainline its a spin-off. The game is still turn base. But doesn’t have the cut scene grass. You still catching them. People complaining about Scarlet and Violet when they aren’t even out yet. I never bought Arceus cause the Pokémon look trash. I’m an artist and I see not so detailed pokemon. Its basically like if Final Fantasy popped out FF13-2. Let Game Freak do their thing and the people who don’t like well they don’t have to buy them and let the people who don’t care buy them cause they are gonna be amazing!
@Jax1988 Sure, but there is not enough changes in Yellow for me to call it a spin off still because it has everything that the original red and blue have. So it is a main line game still according to me. (And once again Legends Arceus is a mainline game... and that is a fact... A TRUE spin off game is Pokemon colosseum, Gale of Darkness, Pokepark, Battle revolution, etc.)
Ok I have only picked up Pokemon Arceus so far and I love it to bits, can someone tell me what is the difference between the 2 different iterations??
@Scarftail There isn't actually a middle ground at all. Either someone's claims are right, or they are wrong/highly subjective.
The "criticisms" against this series are almost entirely minor and extremely personal, not at all the supposedly massive objective flaws that Pokemon fans make them out to be, and definitely not anywhere near bad enough to constantly demand Game Freak to be dismantled for it.
What people want is not to "criticize" their favorite series, but to whine about whatever they want with impunity, whether they're being truthful with any of their whining or not. It's morally wrong to pretend otherwise.
I think it’s smarter to go back to the old system with arceus the battle system was completely broken it didn’t matter what level your pokemon was you could still get wiped out i didn’t mind being able to catch pokemon outside of battle but the whole reason i played pokemon was to get the strongest team not collect pokemon info so having to catch multiple pokemon to complete an entry was more irritating than anything else
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