2022 might be the year of the good video game Nendoroids: We've got Ace Attorney, Doki Doki Literature Club, Sakuna: Of Rice And Ruin, and now Among Us, too.
In three colours, no less! Although the actual game has 18 colours of crewmate, the three colours available — Red, Black, and Cyan — make up three of the six most popular colours.
Each Nendoroid will come with a single hand, designed for pointing at the Impostor or "shushing"; a new head with the little red star, and the bottom part is detachable to reveal the bone inside.
Each Nendoroid is 10cm tall, costs 3,900 yen (about $34), and will release in September, 2022. Pre-orders are open now on the Goodsmile Online Shop or partner shops until March 2nd, 2022.
There will also be crewmate work shirts available, with "who is the impostor" written on the breast pocket, which are available in 12 of the 18 crewmate colours on black fabric with a crewmate-themed lining. Alongside the shirt, you can also get a white T-shirt with the same crewmate colour choices and "who is the impostor" written across the back. The shirt will cost around $83, and the T-shirt will cost around $46. Both are available for pre-order until the 13th January, and will ship in March.
What do you think of these new Nendoroids? Do you like the clothing range? Let us know in the comments!
Comments 19
This has the advantage over the other nendoroid figures, what other nendoroids can you kill? 10 points for Among Us!
@Jackpaza0508 I hope there's more nendroid figures you can kill, like a Minecraft mob, Mufasa, a Roblox avatar, a certain Marvel Studios character, Abraham Lincoln, Bowser.
43 bucks is a bit much but this is pretty cool. though I haven't played it I'm glad that it's gotten so popular as it really helps indie games (am I using indie right?)
@Doofenshmirtz sus
The article says the nendoroids are crewmates, but how do we know they aren’t imposters?
@Doofenshmirtz https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b9/f4/6b/b9f46b3b76d0544b1af6d5e4afcc9bcb.jpg
That’s a lot for a single very simple Nendoroid… it’s $43 for each color separately? 3 pack might be a big ask but at least a 2 pack for that price feels more suitable.
There’s so many at a similar price point that have much more detail and accessories.
$43 for a lump of plastic that just barley resembles anything.
APOLOGIES, everyone: my currency conversion was set to Canadian Dollars, not US. The actual price is $34 USD (which is still a lot!)
Are they hollow? They look like they'd be great for storage: jewellery, priceless antiquities, Amiibos, martinis. Crack open your Among Us figure to reveal the button that opens the secret doorway to your underground lair.
Don't worry my beans, Daddy will get you soon!
Murderable nendoroids? Not interested
Now, murderable Funko Pops...
is Among Us the new Angry Birds?
god....bless the world
@KateGray hey hey 10 bucks less is still something right? no worries though but thanks for the new prices.
@Grahamthecracker you know a two packs sounds pretty good! not likely we'll get one but a great idea!
I died while reading this. DNR pls
Will see what the CE looks like.
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