King of Seas arrived with a bit of buzz back in May, though we felt it was overly grindy in our review - it certainly seemed to be a game that would benefit from updates and balancing tweaks. It had an initial patch in the summer but now has a major free 'Monsters Update' today that adds a bunch of content and 'big quality of life improvements'.

The headline addition is a group of mythical and intimidating creatures to take on, along with some other new additions that you'll discover at sea. Pleasingly it also promises 'modified' requirements for some questlines, hopefully easing the grind. Details are below.

The Monsters Update introduces several new quests in game which once triggered will summon mythical sea creatures including a Basilisk, Abyssal Fish, Cursed Golem, and Kraken for players to fight and loot.

- Guardian sharks and crabs that defend treasure and shipwrecks
- Friendly encounters with whales and killer whales out in the open ocean
- Modified requirements for some questlines making them easier to complete
- Big quality of life improvements to make the King of Seas experience better than ever.

It should drop today, so if you're a King of Seas player it may be worth checking out.