If you're looking for a way to be classy and nerdy at work, a wedding, or even a funeral, you can't go wrong with Pokémon Shirts — an officially licensed range of rather lovely Pokémon designs, on shirts. The company that makes them, Original Stitch, adds new designs regularly, the latest being a range that cover the original Pokémon Red and Blue starter families.
Have a look:
As well as the new designs, which were announced in an Instagram livestream, there's also now the option to add Pokéball buttons and Unown embroidery to your custom shirts:
The new starter designs will be available from December 2021, on the Pokémon Shirts website.
Which one of the new designs would you wear to a funeral? Let us know in the comments!
[source instagram.com]
Comments 30
Oh gosh I was planning on buying a few of these next year. This is gonna hurt.
Really like the Squirtle and Blastoise prints.
"Which one of the new designs would you wear to a funeral? Let us know in the comments!"
@Fiyaball the mewtwo one would be moderately tasteful enough.
All non-kanto pokemon still feel like filler material after all these years.
I reckon the Ivysaur, Charmeleon, and Wartortle patterns are the best designs here.
The Wartortle design also features Squirtle and Sandygast.
Having never attended a funeral, I can't say that I'd wear any of these. I'm guessing this is for funerals that take place on casual Fridays? LMAO.
@Fiyaball it's a reference to the first line of the article!
Those are actually really nice designs. I like all of them. The Squirtle ones are especially pretty.
Oh, these are nice! Better not let birthday girl see this. She already wants a nice pocket knife
@HobbitGamer I’m in the market for a pocket knife. Any suggestions? I have only looked at Swiss Army so far.
@Ryu_Niiyama For her, I'm probably going for a Swiss. She's 12, and a bit adventurous on the huge plot of land we have. The extra tools are practi al without being a bully multi tool that she didn't like. It's the first knife I had, so there's that. That said, there's some nice affordable single blades out there. The Old Timer Minuteman has two, and it's beautiful. I'm torn between them.
@HobbitGamer ooh very nice! I wish my father had been so open minded (in his defense however he isn’t handy. My mom and I tend to fix everything). My mom is not a fan of blades at all…which kinda makes my knife and katana training hilarious in hindsight. I hope your daughter enjoys her new present! She should get a lifetime of use out of it if she takes care of it.
Always nice to have enough yard to ramble around on and have some adventures.
Thank you for the suggestions.
New Pokemon shirts? Cool.
Featuring only Gen I Pokemon? Not cool.
@Friendly That sounds like gen-wunner talk.
@Harmonie Is it really that big of a deal?
@Harmonie They have more gens on the website. The Tropius one is awesome
@mr-duster It is to me because I'm really tired of having Gen I Pokemon shoved in my face all of the time. It used to be that they weren't focused on as much by Pokemon media and merch (beyond Pikachu, for obvious reasons) and when they appeared in a new Pokemon game, they were a joy to see, giving me a nostalgic feeling (I started playing Pokemon back in 1999 myself).
But now they are everywhere and GF, TPC, etc. have played the nostalgia card way too hard (and constantly) and now I'm unfortunately irritated by seeing them instead of feeling nostalgic. This handling of Gen I Pokemon is a textbook way to completely ruin nostalgia and it's sad.
@Gravitron Thanks for pointing that out. Looks like the article here misrepresented them a little bit. I see that their Hoenn collection is incredibly large. Although the site wasn't loading very well so I didn't really get to see them, but it's nice to know they're there.
These are a zillion gillion squillion times better than the “meh”-inducing designs from the original batch.
@mr-duster not saying that it’s the best gen. But it’s definitely the most promoted gen by the Pokemon company.
You see gen 1 everywhere including these t-shirts. Where’s the gen 8 stuff?…
@Harmonie I wouldn't say it's being "shoved down your face". It's not about nostalgia cards. Gen 1 is what started the Pokemon franchise in the first place, and is the most iconic group thus far. Though I do agree it would be nice to have Gen 8 merchandise like this too.
@Friendly Gen 8 merchandise would be nice. And I'm not saying gen 1 is the best either. I think every generation is equal in quality.
@mr-duster "Iconic" to older Pokemon fans who have been playing since Gen I perhaps. But Pokemon is a long running series now.
We now have Pokemon fans who have grown up with Gen II, III, IV, V, VI, VI, VII, and even VIII Pokemon.
I feel like before Gen VI, Gen I Pokemon were treated differently. They weren't given much special treatment. This special treatment is a recent occurrence. It's like TPC is trying to, themselves, hammer the Gen I Pokemon as the most iconic Pokemon, when it wasn't seen that way before, aside from people who only played Gen I and stopped afterward. Which is the crowd that, for some strange reason, TPC wanted to draw back out. We saw it happen with the Pokemon GO craze back in 2016. I heard time and time again during that craze from people who had long since forgotten Pokemon. They made comments like "There are too many Pokemon", "I don't acknowledge Pokemon past 151". And you know what? Many of these fans did not go on to get back into the franchise. GO was just a passing fad for them that they probably wouldn't even acknowledge they ever took part in now.
Yet somehow, now we have to deal with this continued pandering to them. Perhaps it was just a self-fulfilling prophecy. Perhaps TPC wanted to bring those people back, and in that effort gave Gen I Pokemon so much special treatment that there was no going back after that point. They'd already decided they were iconic, and now they think they've made it so, which many of us longtime Pokemon fans are just annoyed.
I have played since Gen I. I did not abandon Pokemon when they started making more, and have found favorites all across every generation, and don't for even once second think that those favorites are lesser than Gen I Pokemon, in fact, many of them I like so much better.
I think TPC/GF need to go back to approaching Pokemon from an all generation perspective, because fans longtime and new (and everything in between) have favorites that are from all generations, and don't hold Gen I Pokemon on any kind of pedestal.
I think that the GF games are slowly but surely getting slightly better about it, but it's still cringe at points, like all of the previous generation Gigantamax Pokemon being Gen I Pokemon. It's just...overkill. At least regional forms are no longer exclusively for Gen I Pokemon, even if they are still leaning on Gen I far too much. Seeing forms for Zorua/Zoruark (Gen V Pokemon) is very refreshing. They need more of that, and less of Gen I forms.
@Harmonie The Gen 1 Pokemon are the most iconic period, not just to older fans. It's not about "pandering", or "leaning on" anything or "hammering in" that fact. Not all of the Gigantamax Pokemon are from Gen 1. And it's not about holding them on a pedestal either. Yes, Gen 1 may have gotten a bit more attention in recent years than people would've wanted, but that doesn't mean it's the only one that The Pokemon Company likes or wants to focus on.
@Silly_G How exactly are the designs "meh"?
@mr-duster And I just got done explaining how gen I wasn't put on a pedestal until recently. Gen I was considered one of the many generations of Pokemon before then. Of course, it had a special place in many old fans' hearts, but that doesn't mean that it's the most "iconic". Sure a Pokemon like Pikachu is iconic, but that's because they made it the mascot.
"A bit more attention"? I think you're severely underestimating how much attention Gen I has gotten as opposed to other generations. In Gen VII, every single regional variant Pokemon was Gen I. Every. Single. One. And even in Gen VIII, when they finally expanded to other generations, Gen I still had more. Literally well over half. That is completely off-balanced representation. And the Gigantamax forms? When I said that I meant previous generations' Pokemon getting them. It turns out that I was wrong... but only in a very small way that doesn't negate my point at all. In terms of past generations, only two Pokemon got Gigantamax forms that weren't Gen I Pokemon - Garbodor and Melmetal. But lets look at the numbers: Gen I - 12 Gigantamax Pokemon, Generation VIII - 19 Gigantamax Pokemon, other Generations - 2 Gigantamax Pokemon. This is far and away from being "a little bit of attention". This is total overkill.
@Harmonie It's literally "the beginning" of the series and the most iconic. You're reading way too much into this. EVERYONE knows who Bulbasaur, Pikachu, and Charmander are. The later generations outside of maybe Gen 3 just aren't as iconic. Sorry, but that's just the truth of it. They didn't have the impact that Gen I and II got during the Pokemon boom in the 90's. Unless you play the Pokemon games you would have no idea who any of the new generations are. My grandma knows who Squirtle is. That's the difference and that will never change. You had them on literally everything. Bus stops, commercials, the news, cereal, everywhere you turned they were on something back them for quite a few years. You're not going to see...Grookey on every shirt and bookmark from here to the ends of the Earth. It just isn't going to happen.
@Harmonie But it IS the most iconic. Everybody knows who the likes of Pikachu, Charizard, Bulbasaur and Jigglypuff are. It's the generation that everybody grew up with. And no, I'm not underestimating that fact. And you literally said that Gen VIII got 19 Gigantamax forms while Gen I had 12. It's not about "overkill", and it's not about "terms of past generations".
@mr-duster You say the generation that "everybody grew up with", but that is an inaccurate statement. Pokemon as a franchise has been going on for 25 years now. While I may have grown up with Gen I, a heck of a lot of the Pokemon fanbase didn't. I said earlier that there are now fans that began with and grew up with each generation after I. Do you really believe that people like me who have been with the franchise since the 90s are the majority? It's a franchise geared toward children. I'm in my 30s now. lol
But okay, perhaps they are iconic. I still believe this status has been largely manufactured over the past 8 years or so, leading into the 20th anniversary.
"And you literally said that Gen VIII got 19 Gigantamax forms while Gen I had 12. It's not about "overkill", and it's not about "terms of past generations"."
Generation VIII is the current generation. It's only natural that it would get the most focus. What you need to look at is the way the previous generations were treated. That's where you see the dramatically uneven representation. Gen I - 12, Gen II - 0, Gen III - 0, Gen IV - 0, Gen V - 1, Gen VI - 0, and Gen VII - 1. This is Gen I overkill. Completely and totally.
@Harmonie No, it's not "inaccurate". Ask anybody who's played a Pokemon game. Their answer will very likely be that they started with Gen 1. And no, the franchise isn't just geared towards children. It's for people of all ages. You can still play Pokemon games and be in your 30s. It's not something to go "lol" about.
I know Generation VIII is the current generation. But we weren't talking about that. We were talking about Gen I.
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