The good news? A brand new Bravely Default game has just been announced. The not so good news? It won't be coming to Switch.
Square Enix has today unveiled Bravely Default Brilliant Lights, a new entry in the series currently in development for Android and iOS devices. A trailer has been released to give us our first tease of things to come – it's in Japanese, but you can give it a watch up above.
According to Siliconera, Brilliant Lights will feature turn-based combat and a gacha system, the former of which is shown off throughout the trailer. Characters from past games in the series will make an appearance, and original Bravely Default writer Keiichi Ajiro has been confirmed to be involved with the project.

Incidentally, accompanying Brilliant Lights' reveal is the news that the Bravely series has now shipped more than three million units worldwide, factoring in both physical and digital sales.
Comments 40
Eughhhh gacha. Some mobile games can be good. This is glorified gambling.
I for one think gatcha mechanics are a perfect fit for traditional JRPGs like this. They essentially turn your wallet into one giant enemy whose health you whittle down with repeated attacks.
All you have to do is sit back, press a button and watch as your bank account’s HP falls to zero.
Immersive stuff.
Square Enix mobile game, say no more, it's a pretty hard no.
Not surprising considering their lame E3 Press was 70% all about mobile garbage. There's never an announcement nowadays where Square Enix won't throw a phone game or five at us until they finally made some mediocre console title reveal.
Welcome back to another episode of ‘Square’s Mistakes’.
Square Enix: Make thing, thing get popular, make mobile version.
Where the heck is World of Final Fantasy 2?
After Balan WonderWorld fiasco least they can do is give us Chrono Trigger, Kingdom Hearts and FF 4 and 6, please and thank you.
Square Enix with their obsession with mobile games
I’m still waiting on Octopath Traveller: Champions of the Continent.
Gacha - Yeah no thanks!
Beautiful art work...then they ruin it by making a stupid mobile game.
Well at least I only recently started Bravely Default 2. I think my traditional JRPG itch will be scratched for a while.
This however can go suck on a doorknob for all I care. I still remember FF All the Bravest.
@BloodNinja And let me add:
Ha hahaha ha, no THANKS!
Good, the subtitle means we can just ignore it as part of the "core" series.
After Bravely default, bravely second, and bravely default 2, there is a chance that might go down as the greatest series in the history of gaming.
If and only if they make a 4th game called "Second Bravely Second; the 4th game in the default trilogy"
Actually i think mobile is a good match for turn based RPG's. Any mention about a western release?
Square, don't be a... rectangle.
wonderful. Another crappy phone game based around gambling mechanics
At least it isn't a mainline game, just a gatcha machine.
I hated the first game with a passion, tried Second and couldn't stomach more than half an hour, and skipped 2.
I will try this out because it is ultimately free, and as much as I abhor the first game (and by extension the series), I do love me some Edea, and if this one provides me a few hours of fun playing as her again, I'll take it. And dump it once the gacha gets too toxic.
Whatever.. The series has lost its charm ever since its first entry. I dont really care.
If its free I'll give it a spin, but Square is notorious for overcharging on app games. (And a few years back, they used to make you download a weird portal app to access their other games which I hope they have stopped doing since)
"do you guys not have phones?" Was apparently forgotten.
Oh hey, remember this game?
I'm currently playing Bravely Default 2.
I'm a big fan of the series, but this news breaks my heart. Mobile gacha game? Hard pass. It wasn't bad enough we couldn't play Praying Brage...
Addicted to Bravely Default 2 right now. I'm about 20 hours in. The job system is sublime.
They couldn't give us BDII DLC, but they could make a mobile gacha game with a new set of heroes that reuses assets from the previous games?
Uh oh, two trigger phrases.
“Gacha” and “Mobile Games”
Time for people in the comments to express their disgust at the genres like usual. /s
Anyways, sign me up! Love the Bravely Default series and I’m excited to try this out.
So, they moved the original writer pf the games to a mobile project, hence why 2’s story suffered as much as it did.
@EliteXeos I mean, you act like people not liking this news is a bad thing, when in reality it makes sense. Gacha mobile games are mostly nothing but cash-grabs, and it’s annoying that they take over potential for new games in the series. Octopath got a canon prequel that was a mobile game, and it’s a Japanese exclusive gacha one, which most fans of the series can’t even play or experience the canon story.
Bravely Default II’s story suffered hard from having a new writer, and it just feels like most of us got robbed due to the writer of the original two being forced onto a mobile game project, instead of writing stories for the actual main series.
This reads like it's a spinoff with gacha mechanics (ew), so I wouldn't call it a huge loss. Still, what's up with all these meh mobile releases? I like some of SE's IPs, but I seriously don't know what they're thinking lately....I was pretty disappointed with their E3 appearance.
Hold up, just one thing.
I do not care about mobile games, but if the series has exceeded three million in shipments, it could tell us a story.
I checked that the original Bravely Default shipped around 1 million by the end of 2014. I doubt many copies were sold after that. Bravely Second on the other hand has sold 700k copies by April 2017.
This would indicate that Bravely Default II might have already shipped more that one million. That is more than I expected, az neither Nintendo or Square-Enix have said nothing of it's performance. If those previous numbers were correct, BDII has sold approximately 1,3 million, which is a good number IMO. Hopefully more like this is coming from Square to Switch.
Did 2 on switch flop?
I literally forgot it even came out, never hear it ever be mentioned anywhere.
Because of course it is.
I see Square Enix is trying to make money back the easy gatcha way after Balan bombed.
Only ever got into a couple of mobile games, and even then my reception was, at best, lukewarm. This is not likely to change my mind Square.
We just got a new game this year, I think it is ok for mobile players to get a game, whether you like mobile phone gaming or not.
I'm not one of those gamers who pretends mobile games can't be great, but Square Enix's mobile entries are typically horrible about IAPs. When was their last good one that didn't require constant purchases? Chaos Rings 2? Symphonica?
Square Enix has become the definition of a love/hate relationship for me. I love half the stuff they do and utterly despise the other half.
Couldn't care less. Mobile gatcha games are generally trash. Slapping a Bravely Default skin over garbage doesn't change that.
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