It's currently that pre-E3 calm before the storm season, Nintendo hasn't announced any of its plans yet, and everyone in the world is fed up with reading 'Switch Pro' rumours only to find that Nintendo still won't announce the darn thing. News is pretty slow right now as a result (trust us, we should know), and that frustration is starting to bubble over into innocent Twitter trends.
This morning, 'TWICE FOR NINTENDO SWITCH' has been trending online thanks to the latest marketing partnership between Nintendo and K-pop group, TWICE. The supergroup has starred in a new pair of commercials for Miitopia which show them playing the game as well as their in-game Mii characters:

TWICE's official Twitter account shared these videos, causing diehard fans to trend the 'TWICE FOR NINTENDO SWITCH' phrase in support. A quick look at the trend shows messages from plenty of confused Nintendo fans, however; some thought that 'Twice' was a new game being announced for the console, while others thought it might somehow be related to a new, 'second' Switch console. We're not sure what the new, rumoured Switch will be called, but we're fairly confident it won't be the 'Switch Twice'.
You can browse the trend here if you'd like to see all the confusion for yourself, but be warned there's a fair amount of bad language from those who seemingly can't tolerate the very idea of K-pop even existing.
Why are we talking about Nintendo Switch promotional campaigns on Twitter? You saw the bit about news being slow, right?
Comments 51
I will never understand how stans become so scarily obsessed with a group/person.
this is funny, ngl
Never heard of Twice, or is it TWICE?, but I can appreciate both the promotion and the confusion.
And Nintendo being quiet, quelle surprise.
E3 is right around the corner, People need to chill LOL.
Lmao! Somebody is just like T_T right now.
@Jake_qwerp agreed. it is legit disturbing. some of it even involves doxxing
I thought 'Twice for Nintendo Switch' was a reference to the Wii U (and now 3DS) ports.
I appreciate your attempts to give us nintendo related news.
Game sites in the past ( cough IGN cough) used to overload their nintendo page with Xbox and Playstation reveals when it was the late wii era-wii u era, and I hated that.
Being genuinely disappointed with some measure of perspective aside, I wish more people would read their tweets aloud and realize how ridiculous they sound before hitting the post button.
Ah, here comes all the pre-E3 hysteria. How I've missed it.
Fr though I totally understand the people here talking about how creepy kpop culture is, it's practically cult-like.
I'd do them twice. I'll see myself out
But like... is it really the kpop people’s fault that some dumb Twitter users thought a new console was announced based on an innocent and harmless Twitter trend?
Like I hate stans as much as the next person but this isn’t really anything to get mad about lol
I actually likey one of their songs. Not a big K-Pop person but I can respect others' love for it. If we obsess about video games, let them have their obsessions too. Obviously some take it too far but that's true for so many fanbases we shouldn't let the bad ones define the benign ones.
Getting no new announcements SUCKS. Sigh, if only Switch had a few thousand games to play in the meantime... but that's too much to ask.
I swear, people are seeing "inevitable Switch Pro release" in everything now. People are probably taking the arrangement of their cornflakes as a sign.
Never really been big into K-Pop to be honest. That Loona Odd Eye Circle album is great though. I dunno, there’s loads of interesting albums coming out of the Korean indie scene by people like Mid-Air Thief and Parannoul, whereas the K-Pop scene is like stupendously plastic. It makes Stock Aitken Waterman look like Daniel Johnston or Captain Beefheart.
Does everyone get their gaming news from the Twitter trending page now? Serves them right, haha.
As a casual K-Pop fan who finds the music in the genre to be preferrable to their own countries' music...this is why I don't really talk about music on the internet. It's more toxic to talk about music than even any gaming fandom that I can think of, at least.
Couldn't make head nor tail of the headline until I figured out 'twice' was a band. Feel old.
@Chlocean We're in the gaming fandom. None of us have any right to paint K-Pop fans with such broad strokes. That would just be hypocritical.
@NikHogan good thing doxxing has NEVER been a problem for the gaming community, right?
my issue with k-pop is not with k-pop itself, but the shady ***** that happens behinds the scenes with it.
@ChandlerKeith19 well played, have some internet points.
Actually this was Once for me. Twice would be too much.
This isn’t the first time TWICE x Nintendo Switch has started trending. It was also trending about a month ago and perhaps a few times after that.
My immediate reaction to seeing TWICE however comes from having to play their song “Special” countless times in Just Dance 2021 to Megastar it. Apparently, its one of the few K-Pop songs in the series to accurately represent the stage moves the group actually does, so I guess that means I’m good enough to dance on stage.
Reactionary Nintendo fanboys get confused about literally nothing. In other news, we still breathe oxygen.
I don't get how seeing TWICE playing Miitopia is supposed to make me buy it...but it's entertaining to see idiots on twitter get angry.
Rather see them promote their new album, but I'm sure they will be busy with that next week
@NikHogan That's the worst part, although the community isn't all bad.
@Shadowmoon522 Yes I couldn't agree more.
@Jake_qwerp Awkward teenagers who don't have a fully formed sense of identity, therefore they develop an obsession in order to identify through something? I dunno, man, your guess is as good as mine 🤷♂️
@Jake_qwerp What is "stans"? Sorry for asking, don't know the word.
@Olmectron people that devote their life to something
EG I stan BTS
I hate this bad rap k-pop gets, the other day I mentioned to a friend how I was a fan of Apink and they quickly brought up the crazy people, and even compared it to bronies. Ugh.
And I'm so casual about it too, I can tell you the names of the members I like but the rest are just a haze.
“and everyone in the world is fed up with reading 'Switch Pro' rumours only to find that Nintendo still won't announce the darn thing. ”
Solution: stop listening to baseless rumours that lead nowhere
To be fair, nintendo has a history of trying to hide things for long periods of time just to "surprise us." The higher ups have stated again and again how much they dislike leaks that ruin their "surprise."
We want them to reveal what everyone knows is coming at this point.
They still think they'll surprise us if/when the time is right.
Anymore, usually they wait too long to amaze people, and their big announcements bounce off the public with a "That's it? We knew that already." response.
@EmmatheBest Dream fandom is typing...
Honestly Twitter really just brings out the worst in everything and everyone— and the constant war between haters and stans sucks for the normal/casual fans in the crossfire.
I'm sorry, but what's a "stan?"
All I can picture is

All I know about TWICE and K-Pop is that all the female students I used to teach while working Japan loved them and loved K-Pop. Which amused me, because I've always loved Japanese music and J-Pop and J-Rock in particular. So I grew up, went to Japan and low and behold a lot of kids in Japan like Korean music.
There must be something about foreign music that a certain subset of people just like.
I always wondered if my neighbors were surprised after I moved in and only listened to Japanese music. Never worked up the nerve to ask them though.
Makes perfect sense Twice is promoting for Nintendo.
1. They are huge in korea(hence the Nintendo of korea connection).
2. They are huge in japan, there adopted country, where they outsell many domestic groups. Probably why nintendo of Japan worked with them.
3. Quite a few members had switches since last year when they were playing animal crossing and one of them has been a long standing pc gamer(mina).
Just wanted to throw that out in case people are wondering if this partnership is out of no where. And before anti kpop fans think I'm bringing this up out of nowhere...im posting in a article about Twice and the switch. Exactly on topic.
@Heavyarms55 From what I've heard from Koreans, K-Pop is a product tailor made almost entirely for export. Koreans listen to other Korean music that isn't wholesale exported like that. Ballads are popular, etc. So it makes sense the Japanese (and now Americans) are the ones listening to K-Pop - it's made for them. Not sure if that's still true, it was "older" (not old) people saying it, because I'm a dinosaur, etc. etc. I'm sure for the kiddies, it's different today and they're steeped in it in middle school. But that at least used the be the way it was some years back.
@Kiwi_Unlimited I agree that if it had been the case that they were trying to hide "the switch pro" for like 3 years then yeah people would have definitely been disappointed with that. Though to be fair, that's the reveal of most things in the gaming industry nowadays, this would have just been on a bigger scale.
Twice are very cool, actually.
Also imagine being mad about a music genre. It's permissible if you're a teen to say something like "rap/metal/etc sucks" or "rap/metal/etc is the only good music" but not for grown men and women. There's good and bad music in every genre, every artist/group, and so on.
Who gets the idea of a new console from the sentence "Twice for Nintendo Switch"? You gotta be grasping at some serious straws to come up with that.
Maybe if it said something like "Twice the Switch", then I could understand why.
@NEStalgia Ha! I pictured.
Had to read the article to know Twice is a Kpop group. Thanks
That Twitter link has been a pretty amusing time-waster, so thank you for the heads up, NL! I'm honestly surprised that Kpop perception has devolved into anti-stan online bickering. Ah well. I've got freshly made popcorn at the ready.
Once again, Miitopia is marketed as a communal experience, and yet Nintendo did not add any multiplayer component to the port! I'm sure they could have worked in some sort of local co-op system, something like each player choosing their attacks for their character in the party.
With that said, I also grew up with friends or relatives where we would sit down with a singleplayer game, and everyone else would watch and talk with the player. I guess in practice it sort of feels like watching any other sort of content like a show while you talk.
And this is why social media fandoms are so annoying these days. For every good social media has done in the last 15 years, toxicity is unfortunately one of the many side effects.
Give anyone a microphone and you truly find out how bat ***** crazy they are. We're always one Pokemon announcement away from going zero to death threat in secs..
@Olmectron @NEStalgia @MetalMan
For all the people wondering what "Stan" means... I am guessing it is in reference to the Eminem song "Stan", which concerns a dangerously obsessed fan.
@Olmectron "an overzealous or obsessive fan of a particular celebrity." I think the word came from the words stalker and fan combined.
Although there's still time, and more random indicators, I'm beginning to think I owe you an apology.
If nintendo doesn't tell us something by the end of e3, you're definitely getting one.
I officially owe you an apology.
You were right.
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