Ring Fit Adventure was a moderately successful and quirky fitness title at launch, but became a much bigger hit in 2020 (even before global events left many of us at home) as Switch owners decided it was time to get fit. Mirroring the days when Wii Fit and its Balance Board were hard to find, stock was tough to come by for a long time.
Of course some fitness 'enthusiasts', like this humble scribe, played for a couple of months and then... didn't. That poor Ring-Con is sitting gathering dust in a corner, and it's at that stage where loading the game up will likely prompt a stern telling off for our lack of commitment to bodily health.
The latest Japanese trailer does remind us, however, that with content updates in particular the game allows for various kinds of exercise, not just the 'run on the spot until you infuriate the neighbours downstairs' sort. The game even supports some relatively relaxing activity while sitting down, so there's really no excuse for the continued slacking off.
Are you still using Ring Fit Adventure, or is the Ring-Con silently judging you from the back of the cupboard? Maybe it's time to try out those sitting down exercises...
Comments 39
Does playing Tetris 99 with the Ring Fit Adventure theme count?
@Silly_G Yes.
It did spend the best part of a year doing nothing after only a few uses, but I have finally cracked it out again to try and burn off some of these lockdown pounds! Only played the adventure, not tried out the mini-games yet...
I like the game but dislike that an exercise where you casually twist your wrist does 3 times as much damage as an exercise that actually tires you out, like doing 70 squats. I ended up giving up on the game after like 7 worlds because the game was forcing me to do gimmicky new moves instead of the exercises I wanted to do.
Hope they add ring con modes to more games, I'd love to work out while playing BotW2.
This ad is adorable! Why do places other than the UK get the best ads? In the UK, we get Love Island host Laura Whitmore to advertise the game and she just doesn't look like she's enjoying the game lol
I'm on a 153-day streak, no dust on mine
@Raylax Impressive!
I've finished the main game in 2020, totally worth it. I've set my long-term goal to "finish the game" and otherwise just used it to complete the 30min daily exercise my fitness tracker demands of me on the days when I had to shelter at home. So slowly but steadily even my lazy ass could complete it.
Currently preferring Fitness Boxing because it allows for quicker sessions. I sometimes open RingFit Adventure to 100% some of the worlds. It seems some of the side missions are too difficult for me though. Have not started the new game+ yet.
Beat the main game. Going through Ng+. My main tips are (1) pick exercises you like and be careful not to hurt yourself because the game doesn’t do a good enough job protecting you from repetitive motion injuries (2) be especially careful and choosey with the bonus stages and don’t worry about 100% ing everything and (3) use smoothies liberally. I would love a sequel where it dynamically adapts the levels to what you have already played and lets you calibrate exercise/attack specific settings (eg 5 reps of this really hard exercise for me = 20 of this easier one). Nowadays I use RFA to augment my other workouts. I think it’s a great game and I love how it doesn’t body shame. That storyline is kinda awesome.
RFA saved my mental state during deep pandemic winter in New England. I was like damn all these glowing reviews I’ll give it a try. I use it now to compliment running but seriously if you’re on the fence go for it!
Anyone finished Ring Fit NG++ ?
I played almost every day fora few months, got lazy and let it lie for a few months, and then came back and have been doing it 2-4 rimes a week since then. I finished the main game and am in extra levels now, but am also doing the custom workout which I've made mostly yoga-based. I'll start with ten minutes of yoga and then do a few levels of Adventure.
I like it because I can do things on my own schedule and do pretty much whatever workout I want, and the leaderboards give me a gamer's sense of competition to keep me playing.
(Also, by the way, the game doesn't bug you about taking a break, but it does say "hey, you haven't played in a while, do you want to lower the difficulty until you get used to it again?").
its the motivation to get it out and start again, I really enjoyed it for a few months last year and my excuses for stopping:
Poor excuses but there ya go haha
I love the way she says "Victory!"
@korosanbo I love playing the pottery game with friends, it never gets old seeing them try so hard and then getting 0 points with the most ugly piece of pottery lol.
I try to use it twice a week as my overall fitness exercise (I also go running a few times a week). I just hit day 100 last week, and I've finally made it to the final "world."
My ring-con isn't dusty at all. I made sure to keep it in its box all the time.
Just finished Day-182 this morning.
If you need someone to blame for being lazy, it's much quicker to look in the mirror than blame Nintendo. The thing is fully customizable.
What it won't help you do is put down your phone and stop complaining about life being too hard. That falls on the user.
I never even bothered to get the game due to it not looking all that appealing, not to mention I primarily play in handheld.
I picked this up at launch and play it almost everyday. Sometimes I'll do adventure and other times I'll do custom mode with some jogging and rhythm games.
I wish they'd let you build a longer routine in custom mode. I end up going through a bunch of different routines and it breaks up the pace.
Been looking at this does it feel work and get people fit?
Created this account just so I could leave a reply to you. Yes, if you don't generally exercise then you'll be feeling pretty good after a few weeks of it. I do P90X but when I'm bored with that I do Ring Fit Adventures and I'm just as sweaty and tired as when I do P90X by the end. It's very customizable in terms of choosing which workouts you can do in the game, but you have to do some of the standard exercises first before unlocking more options. But there's also the non-campaign portion where you can just do all the different stuff in whatever order. Or you can put it in random.
It's a little confusing, figuring out how to set things up outside of the campaign, but there's plenty of help online
I still play it since I got it 7 months ago. I normally stop exercising after a couple of months but this keeps me coming back
@FINGER Indeed. People who buy it and don't use it are the same kind of people that buy a gym membership and never go.
Cheers just ordered it.
@tkdboy1889 it's wild. Any article I see complaining about it or the old "so, does everyone still have this sitting on the shelf or what, hyuck hyuck" is the same schtick. They should just admit that they are lazy and move on, save the world some time.
@suikoden don't kill yourself at first, take your time and find your rhythm/routine. I love adventure mode and have incorporated the Rhythm Update into my routine before I begin my workout. Do it for yourself. I've received some amazing compliments since I started at launch and some people still don't believe that all I do is Ring Fit.
Being able to start playing is my goal right now. Surgery complications.
@Aiodensghost same, plus I have my own workout routine. Tho I might get this if the pro isnt handheld 👀
ive put it back on my routine for the past few months, usually spacing my breaks from the game every 1 or 2 days. stops me from getting burned out and making the game feel like a chore
@citizenerased i feel that, i actively ignore some exercises if moves seem too standard or just heal. gotta make my own challenge with higher difficulties, using weaker versions of a move, not using smoothies, ect.
but thats also where custom mode comes into play for me, lets be focus on exercises without the gimmicks of enemies or a story mode, quicker to finish for the day too
I bought this at launch and have used it sparingly. These comments have made me feel guilty so I'm going to dust off the Ring Con and make more effort with this
I tried playing it 30 days in a row, but I ended up at like 15 instead
The rhythm game is quite fun
Just received my ring fit, was waiting for the price to drop and finally managed to get it at an affordable price.
Seems fun, now I just have to keep up with the routine
My son gave it me for Christmas and I absolutely hate it but not in a bad way it kills me 5 days a week. I was over 23st and a couch potato when I decided I needed to get healthier as at 49 I want to be around alot longer for my wife. I'm now 19st 9lb. I do 30 mins of adventure mode every morning for 5 days then take a 2 day rest. With a healthy diet and the brutal workout ring fit gives me I feel 150% healthier. Still got 4st to lose but hopefully come Christmas I'll be really close. It definitely helps in getting you in shape and age or time shouldn't be an excuse.
@Raylax, @FINGER you ripped? Tell me what kind of results I can earn with discipline. I wanna get swole.
@FaroreAbhorsen Something like Ring Fit isn't gonna get you ripped, you'll need to look into specialised weight training programs for that (consult a specialist etc etc). It's good for general fitness, posture, and, combined with diet, weight loss. I've been playing daily since the back-end of December (along with diet, 20-30 minutes of Fitness Boxing and a daily half-hour walk) and I'm down from 19st to 15st, so for me its working very well for what I'm trying to achieve, but I have not noticed any particular gain in muscle mass.
@Raylax and that was the day that I learned that "Stone" is a unit of weight still in common use and that its abbreviation is "st". I thought there was something wrong with your keyboard. I was like, "19th? ... percentile?". So, based on a little search engine magic, it sounds like you lost about 56 pounds or 25.4 kilograms. That's phenomenal. I only want to lose about half that. Thanks!
@FaroreAbhorsen Yeah stone/pounds is still commonly used in the UK for weight, especially weighing people. Not entirely sure why, we seem to be split straight down the middle on whether we use metric or imperial for all sorts of things
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