Perhaps the biggest surprise of May so far has been the reveal of Game Builder Garage for the Nintendo Switch.
It expands on a similar idea seen in Nintendo Labo - allowing users to make all sorts of games with many different tools. There'll also be guided lessons and the ability to share your own creations online with others by exchanging codes.
In the latest update, Nintendo's Japanese YouTube channel has released a new video, showcasing the software's capabilities. There's also a promotional shot of the game being played with a mouse. Yes, you can use a USB mouse for easier control.

If Nintendo uploads an English version of this video, we'll be sure to let you know. Will you be adding this game-building software to your own Switch library in June? Leave a comment down below.
Comments 33
THIS, I'm looking forward to. I can't wait to see what people make.
@Kalmaro Already pre-ordered! Will be great to chill with while watching Nintendo's E3 Direct.
All I understood was Geam programinga!!
I'm looking forward to it, and MG Super Rush.
Super excited to create some things and then be blown away by what everyone else shares online! I love this concept and I can't wait to see how complex the community games will be 😁
Bring out the aspiring game developers!!!
I loved Warioware DIY, would have loved if this released when I was that young and up to my knees in free time. However, I will get this if there's an easy way to search up and play others' creations online i.e. through Youtube.
I do want the game, but it's a bit pricey for something I don't see myself spending too much time in. But my opinion my change when they put this trailer in English.
I want an official switch mouse. Just because
YESS!! Online sharing! This just got way better! Will most definitely be picking this up!
I just hope there’s a way to browse uploaded games without requiring specific codes. I think that’s the most important thing in terms of whether this will succeed. Trying to scout the internet for codes is way less convenient than in-game searching (even if it makes quality control harder).
Anything creation related like this and Mario Maker.... my 15 year old self would've LOVED. But as an adult with a family and 2 jobs, I just don't have time and dedication to create anything worthwhile. The repressed creator in me still kind of wants this game, but like Mario Maker I'll probably dabble with it for a few days then leave it to collect dust on a shelf. That said I think it's awesome that Nintendo has been giving people creation tools. Like I said if I was 15 this would be heaven but when I was 15 the most creative thing we had was Mario Paint...
Oh no, more Cat Mario games 🤣
@Freddyfred lol! When I played the winning eleven (Pro evolution soccer) series in Japanese I only heard Waduya Shaka Winning Eleven! and Subarashi! YEARS later, after I chatted with more Japanese people, I suddenly realised that Waduya Shaka was ACTUALLY World Soccer....
currently watching at work with no sound. Can you upload your creations online for others to play?
I obviously can't make any final judgements, but I fear this will be too simplified for the sake of accessibility. I don't see people being able to recreate Kojima's P.T. in this like with Dreams.
Regardless, I'm still looking forward to see what people will be produce to do with this game.
Mario Maker 2 should get an update to support USB mouse.
This is going to be amazing and I cannot wait to see the community that is bound to thrive around it. The ability to share and download other peoples games is brilliant.
@John_Koshiro I think you're wrong, The first trailer showed a full pixel and character design suite, I think whilst basic in comparison to something like Game maker, people are going to create incredible games, and the limitations of something only pushes creativity further.
My kids wamt to be game developers. Thia could be a great first step.
And I want that llama fighting game RIGHT NOW
you can make up to 71 games on this and I do have a ton of ideas. and from the look of the video. it looks like you have to unlock some of i think they are levels you make and another player has to unlock them by progression. now that will be fun. i watched the video again to make sure.. I am still looking very foward to this title.
I would love it if I could connect my bluetooth-MIDI compliant keyboard to this to make music for the games I create
No where no Dreams level, but still looks interesting, I will pick it up a month after release so I've got plenty of user created stuff to play
@Grumblevolcano Mario Maker 2 should have an update where we get another game style, more bosses for 3d world like dry bone Bowser, more enemies and power ups like tanooki suit for mario 3 and 3d world, yes mario maker 2 needs all these things but it is unlikely we will get any of them. because of nintendo being nintendo. oh well maybe super mario maker 3.
This looks very neat. When I was younger, I had Mario Paint and spent many hours with that. This is a Nintendo product I hope that turns out well.
A portable Dreams with some dilution.
A wired USB mouse? No deal.
SmileBASIC (PetitCom4) is 2 years old on Sunday.
Would be nice to see something on here..
I'm surprised to see this many people excited for this, when it's apparently the exact same design suite as you had available in the last two LABO releases.
Both of which were practically booed off stage. :V
Have you ever wondered what would happen if Nintendo Labo and Super Mario Maker Had a Baby? WELL HERE YA GO
@Marioman2020 Without that cardboard junk.
Labo 2.0HD here we come...
@MasterJay Yes please. Being a Switch/PC gamer, it would be a nice novelty to have.
Fun for starters but then move onto Fuze (already on the Switch eshop and half the price of this)
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