One of the six games revealed during Square Enix's Dragon Quest 35th Anniversary live stream earlier today was Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake.
According to the game's producer, Masaaki Hayasaka - who has previously worked on games such as Octopath Traveler, the "HD-2D style" combines pixel art with 3D effects to produce a sense of depth and atmosphere like nothing else.
The development team is aiming for a worldwide simultaneous release on home consoles, so a Switch release sounds promising. The release date of the game hasn't been decided yet, so stay tuned for that, too.
Do you like the look of this upcoming remake? Leave a comment down below.
Comments 85
I'm excited to play this version. I low-key hope that they revive the Monster Medals.
Should give us hope for no more crappy mobile ports of DQ and Final Fantasy 2D games!
I require FFVI to be remade like this. This looks spectacular.
The Dragon Quest collection on Switch should had just include remakes of DQ1, 2, & 3 in this style. Instead we got lazy mobile ports that are dreadful to look at and play. Hopefully they remake all three games quick and soon so I could replace those trash with these treasures.
Ah, they took what they started with Octopath Traveler.
Oh yeah, Final Fantasy V and VI for Example look brutally crappy.
They even keep the mobile Menue in FF IX.
I find it funny that in the presentation, they also slip up the possibility of 1 and 2 will get the same treatment. I think I hear something about since 3 is originally the first in timeline that they decide to release it first, and maybe they would add some twist (and got whistled to stop talking about it)
I may hear it wrong, though
Great to see more of Square-enix's HD-2D style being used in their games.
This is looking beautiful, count me in.
@Azuris Let's be honest, at least they didn't just carbon copied Octopath Traveler's graphics and design. Only the perspective feel similar to OT but the style is still pure Dragon Quest style.
Glad they are using Octopath Traveller's engine for more games
I'm glad I never gave in and bought the game on Switch, this'll put it to shame.
Nice I look forward to playing it.
This looks very nice! This will be the definitive way for me to play it! I have never played this one before.
Yes yes yes a thousand times YES! This is exactly what I was hoping for as they moved forward with games using this aesthetic! More of this, please! Less of the 'flash/mobile' style garbage. It's just... ugly.
This is how remakes are f***ing done!
2D-HD is the best new thing in gaming hands down.
Looks very similar to octopath traveler! Simply amazing!
ok guys, this is amazing and just a step from Final Fantasy 6 in HD2D
Won’t be surprised if this is how they do chrono trigger..
Oh excellent. Cannot wait to play this.
Interesting to see if they do other classic, retro RPG remakes like this
This looks gorgeous
Does the Enix side of SE make any other games besides DQ?
This looks wonderful!
Hope Square-Enix realise how beautiful this looks and make the HD-2D studio recreate more oldschool 2D JRPG games in the future.
Helllll yessss!
Octopath traveler style. Seriously hyped about this one. Love the classic style in a new jacket.
Man i want this today!
Day one buy for me
This just makes me pine for a HD-2D ‘Octopath style’ Golden Sun remake
I love DQ and Octopath, so this is easily a day one game for me! This was my personal highlight of the anniversary stream, it looks fantastic and I hope we hear more soon!
Let's hope this means they are doing a Dragon Quest 1 and 2 collection like this.
I'm getting it, if it comes to the Switch. Had a blast with Octopath Traveler, still haven't played a Dragon Quest game (yes DQXIS is on my list!).
The song that played during the trailer, is it from DQIII OST?
I played the mobile version of first 4 Dragon Quests a few years back and I have to say that 3 was easily my favourite. This remake looks beautiful and I'm sure it bodes well for getting similar remakes of 1 and 2 since 3 would be the biggest lift by far.
Oh yeah! And maybe they could do the same style for the first and the second but only in a compilation 😊
This is a good way to do classic remakes I'd say! I'd love if they would do Super Mario RPG this way as well.
I do hope they go back to 1 and 2 with this style. I legit screamed. Actually I would take 1-6 in this style. Even V despite it having a 3d version.
Octopath was one of the few JRPGs of the past decade that I really liked (no surprise there, I suppose), and while I am not a fan of DQ, this looks more to my liking than the 3D iterations. I might bite, if only to let the devs know this type of graphics has a place in the gaming spectrum.
Never played a Dragon Quest game, but I want this, it looks incredible
Love the aesthetics of HD-2D. Please bring us more of these, Square/Enix!
That orchestrated soundtrack sounds wonderful!!!
I hope enough people buy this for Square to consider other games from their library to be given such a makeover, like Chrono Trigger. But I am not going to be one of those people.
Gimme gimme gimme!
@yamato2706 That was exactly my thoughts as well — when you complete DQIII (at least in the Switch version), it says "To Be Continued in DQ 1&2) — hopefully if this game does well, they'll release versions of 1 and 2 to continue the story. And they're not particularly long games either; 2 kind of feels like an expanded remake/continuation of 1, like the second Evil Dead film.
The Octopath art style interests me as someone who's never played a Dragon Quest game before. The price is gonna be a determining factor for me.
Yep, wasn't ment as Critzism
It shows that it was a good Investion to let the Devs play around with a Engine and find a nice Way to also remake Things.
And, as said, it looks way better than the other overhauls that could be out of Stock Stuff from the RPG Maker.
This looks ridiculously good. It is an easy cash grab for them. Dragon Quest III is on my top five dragon quest games. This is day one. I expect this one
This was the most exciting announcement imo. DQ12 is hype, but nothing was shown really.
Wow, awesome! I was about to start the SNES version of it lol, now I'll wait.
Damn I just completed the Switch version of DQIII. Not feeling like diving back in in quite a while tbh.
Out of everything they showed this looked the most exciting to me, very much looking forward to playing this. Having the Octopath artsyle is such a cool way to breathe new life into an older game.
Inject FF VI HD-2D into my veins right now!
They were oddly silent on which "home consoles" this game is coming to...
I'm glad I never bought it in its current Switch version. I didn't like what they did with the graphics anyway, but this new version is the way to go. After all, I already played it on Android a while ago. It's time for a good remake. I don't know what to do with the first two, though. I wish they had announced plans for them. One day I'll want to play them again and I'd prefer not to do it in that strange redrawn port of mobile versions.
This mean that every old Dragon Quest game has been remade except I and II, right? III Remake looks beautiful.
So ready! I hope it comes out soon.
This looks beautiful.
I really dig this HD-2D style.
Can't wait!! I just played DQ3 on my NES last year, but I'm just as excited to play it again in this form.
@mjhopkins81 Ooooh what are monster medals?
This is great. Ever since Octopath Traveler I wanted to see classic RPGs being remade in the same style. This gives me hopes for a Final Fantasy remake in the future.
Gorgeous looking game. I love the Octopath style.
Definitely will buy this if it comes to the Switch. Fingers crossed it does!
Square should just do these remakes forever.
Ah. I was hoping for Dragon Quest V since I haven't played that one. I already have Dragon Quest III on Switch, even if it is not a remake like this. Oh well.
Pretty excited for this, DQ3 was the game that introduced me to the series and made me a fan. Particularly the GBC version which is still my favorite version to play.
Hm. I’m not sure how I feel about this. Something like this should span the first 4 games, at least. 5 and 6 could use this treatment, and I would literally pee if they made 7 look like this, with the PS1 script intact. The 3DS version was so bad! But they went with 3, which for me was my least favorite. Oh well. A man can dream.
Ha I just bought the DQ 3 remake on the eshop yesterday. Oh well I'm glad to support these games.
HD2D is amazing. Out of all the various JRPG's, my wishlist is a Final Fantasy Tactics HD2D remake. At the least, thank goodness for Triangle Strategy to scratch that itch.
Outside of the announcement that almost everyone expected, this reveal was my favorite thing in the presentation! This looks gorgeous. I'm very, VERY glad I haven't picked this game up in any form yet. Even better is that they teased that the first two games might get this treatment too.
@yamato2706 The literal whistleblower about killed me at a couple of points in the stream. XD
I’m excited about pretty much all the DQ news... really wish there was some say on release date though. Even what quarter or year!
I passed on the mobile ports. I was disappointed that SE didn't port the NES versions to Switch instead. However, this looks much more appealing! I echo the comments requesting the first two games to be remade in this style and released to the West.
I hope they call it Dragon Warrior III in the west
That battle scene is giving me some serious Suikoden vibes, Dragon Quest 3 is one of the better entries in this series I think so I definitely do approve of this. Though 4 and 5 receiving this would be even better.
It looks great and I also missed III so this will be a day one for me if it comes to the Switch. I would love to see this applied TO DQW as well.
I assume you won't be able to rotate the camera like in the DS remakes, but it looks great.
Why? I doubt they will.
Very, very excited for this! Is it too much to hope that we will see more during the Square Enix E3 show, even if just a little bit?
Now this is how you do a remake of an old game
@SMH88 because 1-4 were called Dragon Warrior in North America
@pixelpatch Monster Medals were a feature of the Dragon Quest/Warrior III remake on the Game Boy Color. Collecting them unlocked additional post-game dungeons, and they were kind of neat to collect.
First post on this site but,
I love DQ and I wacthed this stream praying we would get something akin to a re-master of 3. I never dreamed it would look so good. The HD - 2D style works even better for DQ because of the amazing colors and Akira toriyama art style.
I don’t even like chrono trigger like that but I actually want to see it in this style now. But the first six FF and DQ games first please!
Damn wanna buy it just because it looks so nice!
Very cute approach for a re-release.
serious golden sun vibes
Beautiful, BEAUTIFUL way to revive a classic and hopefully set up the next five games for similar masterful remakes.
Day 1 on my Switch!
What if they added voice acting... 🤯
@Automated_Unit_4937 I know that, but why would they go back to naming it Dragon Warrior now? It would confuse the heck out of everyone.
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