New offers available through the European My Nintendo Rewards scheme have discounted two classic Mario Game Boy games by 50%, meaning you can play both for less than £5. Not bad.
Both Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins and Mario Golf are available at reduced prices as we speak, going for just £1.79 / 2.24 respectively when you use up your Reward Points. You can access both offers by logging in to the website.
Also up for grabs is a 30% discount on Mario Kart 7 and two Mario themes for your 3DS. Both themes cost 100 Platinum Points, which you easily gather by regularly visiting the site.

Further Reading:
Feature: Best Super Mario Games Of All Time
A very similar deal is also available for The Legend of Zelda series at the moment, with both Oracle titles on Game Boy Color also being available for cheap.
Will you be picking up any of these discounted games? Let us know with a comment below.
Comments 31
I would love a 3DS Switch. Give me two screens Nintendo.
This scheme had so much potential. I doubt there are many people logging on to get those points these days.
I'd love a Switch with the circle pad.
Not going to moan about the rewards, I'm not going to moan.
Rewards is the wrong word.
Convoluted discount scheme.
Bonkers sale system
(only on 3DS)....which is pathetic in they Year 2020.
Do these work on the 2DS as well?
@ukaskew 2DS is a 3DS - 3D so yes they will.
Such a great deal. I think I paid double that 8 years ago. Great games
Why don't you write that the games are for the 3ds?
You only notice that the themes and mario kart 7 discount are for 3ds.
It took a little to see where to play them.
@kostasfil Only 3DS and Wii U gets rewards like this. Nothing elese.
Very tempted, as I skipped Mario Kart 7 all together and I enjoyed Marioland 2 back in the day. Got some recent games in the sale on Switch and it has put me off getting anything 3rd party for it for the time being.
I bought Mario Land 2 and Odyssey Theme.
Finally got to use platinum for like the first time in 2 years.
We need Game Boy games on Swich.
And games coming faster for NES and SNES.
This game would be awesome remade on the switch. However, hoping for a classic Wario Land more....
@FargusPelagius Mario Kart 7 is great fun, highly recommend it.
Going for the themes as I have everything else.
Will these work on my Atari lynx?
Great games these. Although I have both originals I’m really tempted. @Ventilator I’m quite happy with the eShop gold coins reward system however I wish the platinum coins were worth something on eShop. I’d love to be able to trade platinum for gold points.
@USWITCH64 will these play on my Acorn BBC Micro?
@beazlen1 Not sure, probably a bit too old. Think they will definitely work on the Gameboy though cos it's Nintendo right?
Not everyone knows everything. At least i dont and i'd like to read about it.
I mean, I' m in a website, where u read stuff, no?
@Andymad i'd say Wario land was better too..
@beazlen1 True, but Platinum coins is worth something on eShop right now, but only for 1-2 games. Mario Land 2 is one of them. I bought it at 50% off with Platinum.
@kostasfil True, but My Rewards site always only shows rewards for 3DS, Wii U and one more system i forgot. Cell Phones.
3 in total then.
There were 0 rewards for Switch for over 3 years now.
SML2:6GC is deece - deffo get if you haven’t already!
okay, now we need these rewards in the U.S. or better yet, why doesn't Nintendo just release a remake of Super Mario 64 on the Nintendo Switch that can be redeemed with My Nintendo rewards points...
either way, i still have those games on the original Gameboy. and for some reason i still have the original gameboy, the gameboy pocket and the gameboy color. unfortunately, i have to idea of what happened to my gameboy advance
no virtual console required for me in order to play these games.. although i might have purchased the games through the virtual console service.
Psst! Hey Nintendo! I'd buy these games....
On Switch!
Surely gameboy and GBA games are up next for NSO!
Picked up the Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins offer. Nice to have as i'm getting some more VC games for the 3DS. Wish the Switch had a VC though.
Also still hoping that the Pokemon VC games go on sale but I doubt it. £8.99 compared to the £3.50 average is a bitter pill to swallow.
Nintendo needs to add the Gameboy to the online store for the Switch soon- I hope.
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