In case you forgot, not long after the release of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition and the Overwatch: Legendary Edition last week, the Switch received Nintendo's new exercise game, Ring Fit Adventure.

While it hasn't been making headlines as much as the other two games, there are plenty of people out there enjoying this fun and exciting new game. One of these individuals is our very own fitness fanatic, Gonçalo Lopes.

As you can see above, he's posted a video highlighting a neat little easter egg - where you can flex and rotate the Ring-Con on the game's main menu to make some noise that sounds similar to a drum. Nintendo's often added interactive menu easter eggs like this to its games over the years, so it's great to see the tradition continues.

If you would like to find out more about Ring Fit Adventure, be sure to check out our Nintendo Life review.

Have you tried out this game yet? Did you know about this start menu easter egg? Tell us down in the comments.