
Here's a random story if ever there was one: a parakeet has managed to faithfully recreate all of the little bleeps and bloops that can be heard while navigating the Nintendo Switch home menu. And it's utterly fantastic.

Not content with copying mainstream phrases like 'who's a pretty boy, then?', this parakeet has proudly pledged its allegiance to the gaming community by talking in - what we like to call - Switch language. If you listen carefully, you might recognise all the familiar jingles from the system's home menu - such as opening up your profile and checking your friends list - and even the sound made when scrolling through your games at high speed.

We'd love to see it take a crack at the GameCube loading screen, but this is still pretty cool nonetheless. If you're reading, little parakeet, we salute you.

We'll have absolutely no negativity shared towards this wonderful bundle of feathers and joy in the comments below.

[source twitter.com]