We’re currently playing our way through Resident Evil 4 for our review, and while the prospect of once again enjoying what is perhaps the zenith of the entire franchise has pleased us greatly, there’s one thing missing from the Switch port: motion control.
It would seem that Resident Evil 4 on Switch is very much a straight conversion of the PS4 and Xbox One HD update from a while back, and no attempt has been made to factor in the motion controls that made the Wii edition of the game so appealing.
While alternative control options are available in-game, none of them enable motion control — something that could have been replicated quite easily thanks to the unique nature of the Joy-Con controllers.
You can’t really blame Capcom for this; directly porting the existing HD version is clearly the easiest option, and only a small portion of the user base on Switch will even notice the lack of motion input, but it still means that this isn’t quite the ‘definitive’ version of the game.
Capcom could, of course, patch motion controls in at a later date, but does it need to? Let us know your thoughts with a comment below.
Comments 149
@ReaderRagfish NOW you’re talking
Motion controls belong in the pit of oblivion! Next thing you know we'll get an article talking about how great they were in the Metroid Prime trilogy....
People do realize that Switch doesn't have the same brand of motion controls that Wii had, right?
I first played Resi 4 on the Wii and there genuinely is no going back to the regular controls after using the pointer - felt like a completely different game.
I would have loved to have had gyro aim (and hope Metroid Trilogy has them). But I must admit, whereas the Wii's motion controls for Metroid Trilogy were lovely, I found them clunky in Res 4. If I had to put my finger on it, I think it just felt awkward at the edge of the screen and not rotating the camera (if memory serves).
It's a PORT of the PLAYSTATION 4 version... not the WII version... what did you honestly expect? Capcom to put in effort? GET REAL!
I just think it's amazing that they fit all the FMV in the cartridge.
@BanjoPickles exactly! Play Cabela’s on switch and you’d see just how pointless motion controls would be without having a sensor bar
I hope Capcom supplied a code for this, no one should be supporting this price point.
I’m beyond gutted - I loved the Wii motion controls and this was my main motivation for re-purchasing the game. I might pass now.
It also apparently has an 'aiming acceleration glitch' that plagues the other HD ports as well and has not been fixed on those.
That glitch, right along with this port not having gyro aiming (something that RE Revelations 1 AND 2 DID have on Switch), as well as the steep price tag, means I will absolutely not be dipping into this version. If they fix the bug and add gyro, I will buy it once it drops to 20. If not, I will wait until it's 10. If in that case it never drops to 10 or below, I've still got my GameCube and Wii versions.
Sorry Capcom, you're gonna have to try harder than that to sell me this game a third time.
@BanjoPickles @stevep Yet it worked fairly well on Revelations 1 and 2 and it should be on this release. Motion is not just limited to pointer, it can be gyro as well!
What? Seriously Capcom, how hard would it have been to add gyro aiming when the R button is held down? I am so glad I didn’t preorder.
I’ve bought literally every single port of this game, I got the original GC release, the PS2 port, the Wii Edition, both PC releases, the iOS “port”, the 360 and PS3 versions and the Xbox One and PS4 ports. It’s such an amazing game but I will not be buying this version when it squanders the potential to be even better than the Wii version. 😭
So the Wii version is still the best. It was a missed opportunity here on the Switch.
My accuracy on GCN at the end of each chapter could be anywhere from 60-80%. On the Wii, it was usually around 90-95%. Complete game changer. And the Wii version cost me $10.
No thanks, Crapcom. I will gladly fire up my Wii version whenever I get the RE4 itch
It is 60fps, that is really what matters. Plus it is also the best game ever made regardless of gyro controls.
LOL we are arguing about this in the Switch thread. This will be a pass for me, but considering the game was originally made with no motion controls it might not be a total deal breaker, and there are no motion controls on the versions for the twins.
I just don't like RE enough to buy it a third time. (without motion controls)
£30, with no extra Switch Controls. That’ll be a No from me. I loved playing this with Wii Mote Controls.
I enjoyed the GameCube version THOROUGHLY without the need for motion controls. Hell, I may get the GameCube controller for this game alone (if it works for it).
I don't like motion controls, so it's still a buy (once it goes on sale) for me. I'll be damned if I'd pay the full 30, that's absurd ^o^
I'm still pissed that on Revelations they tie Y axis inversion to the gyro aiming, it makes the game almost unplayable, no other game does this and it sucks. I will take gyro aiming on all shooters please!
The price is the real horror.
So, we're getting the PS4 release that controls the way that it did during it's original release? The only two problems I see are with the price, and with the lack of a physical release.
Well considering that they are marking up the price by ten bucks I expect additional features when compared to the other versions, as it is I will wait for a sale.
£30 and still no motion controls. Capcom being capcom
@ReaderRagfish I actually own one of those. I put it on my night stand, on the cabinet opposite of the side I sleep on. Always fun to have to explain that, or to scare people with...
If I can't aim the reticle like on Wii, I don't want it.
It's bizarre. The Revelations ports had gyro support and were priced well.
We'll see if the pricing and the quality of the port impacts sales at all.
Motion controls done right only add to the experience. Playing RE over many systems and games, RE4 was always my fav due to how well motion controls were. Sad that the switch version doesn’t have them and I hope they are patched in later, which is when I’ll buy this.
@Donutman i agree. I loved aiming the reticle.
Is the same level of pointing motion control even possible without IR and sensor bar? I suppose you would just have to keep centering your centering your reticle like you do with gyro aiming. I did much prefer wii controls on RE4 and the Metroid primes. I can live with gyro aiming but I just can't go back to basic dual stick aiming.
After I played the Wii version with its pointer and motion controls, I couldn't go back.
Only gyro/pointer while aiming, works great in rev 1 + 2
One less reason to support the Origins rereleases.
Similarly, I would kill for a rerelease of Bully, but if they don't bring back the bonkers motion controls from the Wii version (which made the game so much fun) they needn't bother.
@BanjoPickles It's amazing how many people don't really understand this.
Including Nintendo, for that matter. While the motion controls in Skyward Sword were more precise in some respects than those in Twilight Princess, they required constant manual calibration because the "sensor bar" was no longer used to keep the pointer oriented in space. I still don't understand why Nintendo didn't combine Motion Plus with the sensor bar to get the best of both worlds.
It would be exactly the same problem in RE4, but more frustrating because of the high-tension nature of the game. Manually recalibrating in the middle of an intense zombie sequence would be awful.
Well that was obvious, it's a straight port of the HD version which didn't have them. Also they were pointer controls which the Switch doesn't even have. As such the Wii version will always be the best version of this game but it still works very well with normal controls
EDIT, probably not that obvious as the Revelations ganes did have them even if I didn't personally expect to see them
I play 100% in handheld so no biggie but the price and no physical release that's another story.
Let's be real here, there is "motion control" and then there is the Wii's infrared pointer controls.
And no amount of the former will ever beat the latter.
The motion controls in Revelations were pretty hit or miss...more miss than anything really.
So not a big loss here. If we really want Wii shooter "motion controls" back, bring Nintendo to release a new sensor bar and a SwitchMote.
This blows any kind of wonky gyro sensor straight out of the water
Omg it just gets worse! I don’t plan on buying any of these resi games such a shame too expensive digital only now this 👎
@Einherjar Totally with you on this. Metroid Prime Trilogy (with maxed sensitivity) and RE4 are wonderful to play on the Wii. The upscaled graphics of the Switch can't compensate for the lack of IR pointer controls.
Motion controls make it too easy and the horror inflicted from the controls would be less intense.
Game Maker's Toolkit explains it well
And nothing of value was lost. The game played fine with normal controls back on GC, and I'm sure it plays just as fine now.
Hard skip for me. The Wii Edition was my favorite one. The PS4 version, albeit it’s prettier, was a clunky mess to play for me. Capcom just killed their reason for the “Switch tax”.
I'm kinda glad I didn't get this game yet. As much as I love it, motion controllers would have been great. I'm gonna play it more in portable mode, but I'd play it with the Joy-Cons detached, the same way I play DOOM. Let's hope they patch it soon.
I will skip this then. The only version of this game I have ever played was the wii version and I still own it for that system.
@NESlover85 I might download the Wii U VC version, motion controllers made that game 100% more enjoyable.
Always hated motion controls anyway so doesn't bother me
I'll just play the Wii version on the Wii. Still the best version.
I recently booted up RE4 Wii Edition on my 4K TV, and hoo boy, is that low resolution an eyesore. But the upscaled graphics still aren't enough for me to forego motion controls. Besides, I, y'know, already own the Wii Edition.
Surprise, surprise! Yet another low effort Switch release from Capcom. Once again, I'll save my money.
@Razieluigi And yet, gyro aiming works great in Splatoon 2. You very rarely have to recalibrate, because you can quickly point in the enemy's general direction using traditional control and then you have the added precision of gyro controls for quick precise aiming.
As someone who has mainly played shooters on PC, I find this control scheme almost as convenient as the almighty mouse+keyboard combo. On the other hand, I find traditional console aiming extremely limiting. So much so that I find it really hard to enjoy console shooters without gyro aiming.
I can live without Gyro controls, I just really wanted physical release
Already have digital version on other platforms, as well as physical metal case for PS2 but god damn id love physical for switch
It's their call. Motion controls have been patched in post factum before (Warframe) and Capcom certainly doesn't seem averse to them per se after they equipped Revelations with them out the gate (granted, Revelations dilogy originated on handhelds with gyro sensors to begin with). But again, whether they need to is for them to decide. From what I hear, RE4 used to resonate with GameCube owners long before that.
Personally, I'd welcome such an option - the gyroscope is great for fine-tuning the aim which is especially topical when you benefit from targeting weak spots.
Meh, no biggie.
climbs out from under my rock Resident Evil 4 is out on Switch? 🤣 That's news to me. I'm actually looking forward to getting it. I love Resident Evil 4. The Wii edition was definitely my favourite too but I have my doubts that motion controls would be as good on switch. I might get it if the price hits about 19.99 😋
I don’t think I could go back to playing this without pointer controls.
@BanjoPickles It doesn't? Seriously, I don't have a Switch, I didn't know that.
@Kochambra I'm not knocking motion controls. I love gyro aiming in games like Splatoon and BotW. And the Wii port of RE4 is probably the best version out there if you can get past the lower resolution.
To your point, they certainly could have used standard dual-analog controls with the Pro Controller and then added gyro aiming and it would have worked really nicely.
But the premise of this article is that the Wii controls could be "replicated quite easily thanks to the unique nature of the Joy-Con controllers", and that simply isn't true.
Wow. This is the reason I was hoping to buy this version. Thanks for pointing this out so I didn't waste my money!
Didn't the Switch versions of Resident Evil Revelations 1 and 2 have Joy-con aiming options? I thought they'd be in this version for sure!
I absolutely agree. It looked terrible on the Wii but I definitely preferred the Wii motion controls over the standard controller configuration— which is pretty tough to go back to today IMO.
I was looking forward to trying RE4 with gyro aiming but now I have no reason to get it on Switch. I'll just stick to PS4, PS2 versions if I want to replay it. I think only having 2 versions of the game is below average, RE4 is Capcom's Skyrim. It's on everything!
I've only ever played Resident Evil 4 with the Wii pointer, and I absolutely cannot imagine playing that game with analog sticks, It's so intuitive to point and shoot with the pointer (though I know that version is a bit easier because of it).
I'm not sure it would feel the same with the Joy-Cons or the Pro Controller, but I'd love for them to include it all the same.
Not all nintendo fans want motion controls.
Personally, I prefer playing all my games with a traditional controller and control scheme.
Gonna start ACIII first then ill get to the RE games.
@Edu23XWiiU I agree. I tried my friends Gamecube copy and the controls just didn't click for me.
Only motion aiming makes a great shooting game perfect.
Examples: Metroid Prime Trilogy, Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition, Splatoon 1&2, DOOM, Wolfenstein II.
I usually like motion controls, but for me, the Game Cube controls are superior than the Wii controls.
I prefered the gamecube version to the wii one so the lack of motion control doesn't bother me. No physical on the other hand is a different story.
Boooooooo, Crapcom really? I don’t think your HD versions of RE4 sold as much as the Wii version. Do like you did with the RE Revelations series and patch RE4 on the Switch with its “definitive” motion control play style.
Maaan, Capcom, why you so &$@#ing lazy, yo?!
@ReaderRagfish @Damo A bit of good news: The game supports the Gamecube USB adaptor... so yes, you can play it with the Chainsaw controller!
Forget that, I’m still trying to figure out how RE4 is skipping retail for Switch when One and Zero are making it to store shelves! Who decides this stuff? RE4 for say $34.99 would’ve done well!
I think it is fine since this has a budget price of $20...
Ive played this enough, so getting it soon wasnt even a thought. But I had it in the back of my head to grab it for 10 or 15 down the road. Why? Motion controls. Wii is still my favorite version due to that. Oh well, money saved.
That is a huge bummer. To this day, the Wii edition remains my favorite version of the game, even above the HD remasters. Was hoping for sure this would be a blend of the two.
Having said that, let's not lose all hope here, games have released on the Switch without gyro controls only to receive them later via an update patch, such as Doom. If I hear word of that happening with Resident Evil 4 on the Switch, then that will be all I need to hear to make my purchase. But without it, I'll have to pass. RE4 remains one of the few third party titles that really got motion control just right on the Wii, such a shame to see those disappear despite being on a system that can easily handle it.
The 'HD' ports were lazy to start with (just being upscaled with no improvement to textures), so this must be the laziest version of all as it's just a straight port of those.
@CaPPa well when the game isn't advertising as a remaster, remake, reimaging, etc, I don't consider a straight up port as lazy, especially if the port works well.
What cartridge?
@CartoonDan Except it's $30
Lol and yet it’s $30 bones.
I was searching google for this info just a couple days ago, found out through random forums and youtube that it didn't have any gyro support and was disappointed. Honestly, as some have mentioned it wouldn't be as good as IR, anyway, but they should have tried. I also hear there are bugs from the other version, in which case I'm definitely sticking to my wii version.
Considering the price tag it SHOULD have motion controls (as an option).
It’s pretty lame they didn’t add motion despite RE Revelations 1 and 2 having gyro aiming.
I’m still buying the games anyways because... they’re great games and getting a handheld/console hybrid version is slick regardless. But still. I hope fans create an uproar on social media to let them know they will probably be losing at least some small percentage of sales because of this, even if not from me personally. And if they don’t... well, it’s still bad PR
This lost my sale for sure.
i used to love motion knife controls on the wii i could kill 4-5 mobs with it and sometimes take no damage.
At that price I would have expected something better.
I'm fine with there being no motion controls. I didn't even use the gyro option in the RE Revelation collecton. I think the port of all 3 of these upcoming RE games look amazing and have em preordered! Can't wait to play!
Why does the article presume that all Nintendo fans want gyro controls. I, for one, could care less about gyro controls. I would rather have a better graphical version on the go.
And there goes what little interest I have in owning yet another version of this game.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised because it's Capcom but they did such a good job of utilising everything the Switch had to offer with Resident Evil Revelations that I was expecting them to do the same here. Thankfully I already wasn't planning to buy it due to it taking up too much space and being too expensive for a digital only release because no gyro is a complete deal breaker. Wouldn't want it even if it was free without them.
@Dman10 Um, where does it say 'all'? Not everybody wants motion aiming but it's certainly a big deal for a lot of Switch owners. So hard to go back to clunky stick aiming after spending a lot of time playing Splatoon.
The motion controls were horrible in Wii version, though.
Yeah. It was too easy.
@THENAMESNORM the Switch doesn't have a sensor bar. They'd have to cook up a new control scheme. A direct port of the Wii edition wouldn't work.
Zelda and RE Revelations gyro aiming really has made me a believer, and I'm sad that it lacks gyro aiming, but I also have it on PS3 and PS4 (and Wii) so no biggie.
@BenAV where does it say "some"? I think it implies all
It will be $20 soon...hopefully.
Motion controls...yuck. Why would anyone want this feature at all.
Yeah, it totally changed my plans to buy it day 1. I'll wait for a patch for a little while, but if they don't add them soon, I'll just buy the Wii version from the Wii U eshop.
I expect 60 fps with motion controls this should have been the standard from the get go for 29.99 i get the portability but still..
No capcom does no need to add anything, what the world needs is less entitlement and more appreciation of what we have.
@rc529 sorry, I must have been thinking of this one:
Motion controls? What am I, some casual gamer?
The Switch is seen as a cash cow for many, get the games out as quickly as possible and for as high a cost as possible.
I hope your review reflects your comments and the high price and lack of a physical copy.
Team Sonic is new, looks good and is available as a physical release and is only £29.99. 👍 Saga
"swing and a miss?"....it was a miss the minute they announced the price!
I'm with everyone complaining about no motion controls. I was so excited to have RE4 on the go. But over one hundred comments and no one's refuting Damien's claim that only a SMALL portion of the Switch user base will notice? Get out of here with that nonsense.
@ShaiHulud ha ha ha, but they were great in MPT and RE4
@Kisame83 yeah I’m aware of that, if you look closely the switch also isn’t a GameCube. But seriously, the joy con work great with revelations 1 and 2 and some other games too, the system has the capability and for me it’s a massive oversight on capcoms part. I don’t normally prefer motion controls, but with RE4:Wii Edition they were as perfect as can be so it’s a shame that they haven’t included it. I already own the game twice, so no motion controls = no triple dipping I’m afraid.
Yep, the lack of motion controls is the only reason I won’t be buying RE4 on Switch. You never know though, perhaps Capcom will do a Bethesda and add the feature in later. Well, if there’s enough demand for it at least
You absolutely can and should blame capcom for this. It's just functional business this way, no love for gaming it seems.
I understand why it's not in, but a little update would be appreciated.
@THENAMESNORM "The Switch also isnt a GameCube." No need to be snooty. I was just pointing out that it wouldnt be a 1:1 conversion, and this was only advertised as a port. Revelations uses gyroscopic motion controls. That's a different mechanism. They would have had to program NEW controls. If that's what you with happened, that's fine. But people are acting like they removed a feature, which is as fair as someone saying they removed it from the PS4 version.
@ShaiHulud You do realize Gyro Aiming is the best use of motion controls, right? Why are you phrasing this as though we're still in the waggle phase from 2006? Stop spreading stuff that will make people compare the Joy-Con technology to the much older Wiimote.
I was really looking forward to playing RE4 on my Switch. Preordered it months ago.
Discovered there is no motion control aiming this morning. Have zero interest in playing it now. The better aiming on the Wii version is the main reason it got so many play throughs on that platform. It really made the experience so much better than the GC version, which I only played through a few times.
Wish I knew it lacked motion control aiming before I preordered. Could have saved some $$ and forgone the major letdown. Hopeful they'll update it, but ain't holding my breath.
On the bright side, at least I'll have more time for other things! Life is busy and gaming time limited!
No loss. I just don't see how that would be enjoyable. I have no problem landing headshots in mercs. i fail to see how overly touchy motion controls would be a good thing.
@Kisame83 I wasn’t being snooty mate, and I am well aware that the control schemes are different and that it’s a conversion of the HD remaster, but for the price they are charging I believe it should be included. How difficult would it really be when they are charging £30 a pop to expect a thorough job to be done? And while you mention the PS4 version, it would have been great for move support to have been added but that never happened either.
@NESlover85 And this comes from someone who played the hell out of this game on Gamecube. I unlocked everything on GC, so, by the time I played it on Wii, I only complete it twice and then dropped it, because I've already exhausted it on it's original release. The Wii version is so good, motion controllers gave this game a new life. I'll get it on Switch, just because it's portable as well.
$30 and you can't include the motion controls? I'm definitely going to be waiting for a significant sale on this one before purchasing.
Capcom is not doing the minimum effort for the switch. I stopped buying their games until they bring something new and good. Otherwise they can disappear.
@Edu23XWiiU I might get it for Switch when it goes on sale.
@NESlover85 I wanted to get it now, but I'm short in cash and I have two other Joy-Cons to get fixed But maybe, maaaaaybeee at the beginning of June. Or probably during Halloween, for sure it will have a discount during that time.
@THENAMESNORM I won't disagree with that. It's highway robbery what they are charging. It looks like they are aiming to do the same with DMC. And what moron decided to launch them during the Capcom sale, in contrast to the Revelations games that bare cheaper overall and currently on sale for combined less than any of these individual? I also agree Move support would be nice on PS4. I recently bought into VR, and the Moves make me nostalgic for the Wii.
Gotta admit, it seems lazy for Capcom to leave this out when it's more expensive than the same exact experience on other platforms (okay.. minus handheld). I already have a Wii connected to a decent CRT television (via component cables), so the need for better picture quality is lessened since it isn't as blocky as standard def games on an HDTV. Gyro aiming would have helped sway me towards buying the Switch version. For now, I'll wait to see if they patch it in, or if there is a really good price when it goes on sale.
Yeah come on capcom. I loved the Wii version with motion controls. If it is at all possible to put them I would buy it in an instant.
@Edu23XWiiU a halloween sale would be nice. I have too much to play through right now anyway. Still slogging through Dark Souls.
@NESlover85 I'm still deep in MK11, I really don't think I'll have time for another game in a while.
I loved my old Wii. One of my favorite game consoles ever. But I was never a fan of its motion controls for shooters. Granted, I never bought the attachment upgrade for the nunchuk, but the clunky motion controls for Metroid Prime 3 ruined the experience, and I never even finished it because of that. Now I balk at any mention of motion controls thanks to that.
@Ulysses I thought the motion controls for Prime 3 were some of the best for the system.
@Damo I mean it’s 30 bucks, with that price point you know capcom will generously return the love to us the Nintendo game consumers with a motion control patch
@Edu23XWiiU I been playing it too but I feel a bit unhappy with how it is in comparison to netherealms best piece of work injustice 2....they had a good thing going wut happun
@GabiTalks golf story and doom can really take over a persons life over RE4
@Mogster you forgot to say Kupo!
@ShaiHulud people need to lose their phobia for motion controls, including you, Shai.
They can be a great experience when done correctly.
@Ulysses You should lose your phobia for motion controls and give it another try.
@Disco_K Lose your phobia for motion controls. It can bring new life to plenty of games.
@sinn1 Because they're fun? Did that ever come to mind?
@MistaGuido I didn't play Injustice 2, but this MK is incredible! What do you think is missing?
@Edu23XWiiU the most important part of the game is missing, balance. Play injustice 2 it’s better
@Dog it's not a phobia, its just not broke so didn't need fixed. Controls are fine as is. I don't want to play House of the Dead, I want to play RE4. I own a wii but really don't see the appeal. I'll gladly keep my gamecube controller.
@RevampedSpider see this guy gets it
Or should i bring up Skyward Sword motion controls?
@MistaGuido I found it pretty balanced actually, and I don't think they'll port Injustice 2 to the Switch just yet...
@Dog People don't need to do anything in this regard. I don't like motion controls, so I won't play motion control games. Simple as.
@ShaiHulud Therefore, you have a phobia. You'd best lose it.
These RE4 ports since the ps3 have all been incredibly lazy. The Wii version IMO is still the only worthy remkae/port. This version not having basic Switch upgrades like motion and gyro controls is just par for the course. I wish Nintendo was like their old selves and forced companies to put in effort if they want their game on their platform. Now it's just Steam Greenlight anything goes garbage.
@BanjoPickles yeah, it's better. What's your point?
@Dog That's ridiculous reasoning. If someone doesn't like something, that's the way it is. You can't like everything there is, can you? I think Brexit is idiotic, but according to you I should lose my phobias and should try to like it instead?
Ummmm, that was my point.
@ShaiHulud his point is that not all motion control games are created equal. You probably played a few crappy implementations and rendered it useless and stupid. I think he's suggesting people use motion control when it's applied properly and to the right games. Regardless, I don't really count pointing at the screen "motion" control. It's just a better way to aim in this game, pure and simple.
What's really missing is a physical copy.
@Dog nobody is afraid of motion controls. They just suck. Just because you love them, doesn't make them the popular choice.
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