Ryan Reynolds

We were rather fond of Detective Pikachu on Nintendo 3DS, so much so that we said we'd like to see certain traits of the game be brought forward as standards for the series in our review. Naturally, hearing the news of a full feature film based on the game had us excited and worried in equal measure, but we've never been more sure that Ryan Reynolds is the perfect man for the star role.

Today, Reynolds has shared a short clip where he talks about his role as the walking, talking Pikachu. Things start off seeming pretty serious, but you'll soon start to realise that the whole thing is a joke, full of the humour and style you'd expect from the leading man. He talks about refusing to pick up his daughters from school because Pikachu doesn't have daughters, and wanting to lose 182 pounds to be the correct weight. It's worth a watch.

Excitingly, the video arrives alongside confirmation that a new trailer for the film is set to be shared tomorrow. We'll make sure to keep an eye out for that one and share it with you lovely readers when it drops.

Still hyped for this one? Did you see the latest trailer which was shared earlier this month? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

[source twitter.com]