According to Wall Street Journal's Takashi Mochizuki, who is based in Tokyo, Nintendo has “at least one unannounced title for Switch” planned for the next fiscal year, starting in April. Apparently, it’s one "fans would be delighted to know" about. Below is the translated tweet:
“Nintendo said it is preparing at least one unannounced title for Switch in FY19 (April onward) that "fans would be delighted to know." What would that be? Reply your thoughts, please!”
This message was delivered during Nintendo’s latest financial briefing. Mochizuki also mentioned how Nintendo said another unannounced game for the Switch – due to arrive in the next fiscal year as well – would be a “nice fit” for the online service. Mochizuki’s interpretation suggests it's a game you will play with or against other players over the internet.
As there’s very little to work with here, feel free to wildly speculate in the comments below.
Comments 318
Yoshi’s New Switch Island.
F zero star fox racing game incoming.
oooooo I hope it’s a classic paper Mario game.
Wave Race
Just kidding, probably a 2D platformer
Well, on my dream list it would be a game from one of the IPs below:
Wave Race
Or, and I believe this has higher chances to be the one: F-Zero.
Next year what about this year. That's what one would say to deflect any lingering doubts.
It's the Super Nintendo online service!
That’s got to be Super Mario Maker, the game to build an online community
Mother 4.
It will never happen.
@SwitchForce next "fiscal" year. that means april 2019 till march 2020
Nice fit for switch online and still unannounced... Metroid prime 4 has now restarted development as a battle royale game and is unannounced as it will be renamed Federation Force: Battle for Zebes. I mean its really the only logical conclusion
Not even going to waste my brain space guessing. It will probably not be what I want to see anyway. We'll all know when/IF it happens.
Links awakening Ultra Delux.
Kid Icarus? I would like to see a 2d version though
If previous rumors have any credibility I'm going to lean towards Starfox Racing or Metroid Prime Trilogy.
Lines like that just set people up for disappointment. I'm not even going to try to begin to imagine what it could be.
Got to be Pilotwings !
And for once this traditional "launch day" franchise will benefit :
Hope so!
So that's 2 different games? Let's see here. I'd think F-Zero fits both of those categories, so I'm inclined to say it's not F-Zero. I know I'd be delighted to hear of a new Paper Mario or Zelda. As for the online game, it could be anything, even a new IP. But I hope it's something cooperative
Kuru Kuru Kururin! Finally.
(No idea. Practically every game has it's fans.)
The next Direct is gonna be insane
Mario Smash Football/ Mario Striker Charged?!!
I wonder if we'll know what the title is when it's actually announced. I doubt Nintendo is going to say, ''Hey, remember that unannounced Switch title fans would be delighted about? This is it!''
We'll see though. There's a number of titles I'd love to see but I doubt those are gonna be it.
Clearly it's the long-awaited sequel to Super Mario Bros. 2, the greatest game of all time BAYBEE
Dr. Mario’s Wii Fit x Nintendogs (feat. the Vitality Sensor).
Wii Sports DX
Know what would be nice?
An easily digestible distillation of news regarding multiple upcoming titles and events designed to engage and excite we the audience. Preferably in video form.
Call it... I don’t know... a Nintendo Direct?
Metroid Prime Trilogy or Skyward Sword HD.
@Browny It'll never catch on...
could it be Goldeneye ??
@Browny i’m craving news about 2019’s lineup too... preferably in video format!
Nintendo isn't exactly tethered to the brains of hardcore gamers, so it would not shock me if this were something along the lines of Chibi Robo.
Arms 2...and Legs!
I want it to be Wave Race
@Burning_Spear I believe before Whip Lash came out they said that that game would have to perform well or they might put the series on hiatus. But, yeah, I could see it being something along those lines.
new Kirby battle royale game
I know it’s a long shot but can they announce Mother 3 for the West? Reggie said ask him in a year a while back when questioned regarding Mother 3. It’s been more than a year since the initial interview and no one followed up on him on that response.
@MH4 Or Nintendoland Deluxe
I'll bet it's SNES Remix, and then later we'll get Mario Maker 2
Big Brain Acadamy 2 is my guess.
@sanderev I’d actually kill for Nintendo Land Deluxe
Wave race & F Zero.
If not - 1080.
If not Metroid trilogy.
Nintendo acquired rights to Def Jam fight for New York or Beetle adventure racing.
My alarm just when off... what have I just typed.... just like Big said it’d be.... it was all a dream...
Pikmin 4 + extra characters because a certain site have strange restrictions.
Mother 3 remake; Japanese only release!
@ZheDoctor having played this recently I would like to see this happening
Nintendoland Deluxe! Or Nintendoland 2! I can dream can’t I? Lol
While I'd love to speculate, it could honestly be anything. The only safe bet IMO is that it's not a new IP.
Even the announcement of a Direct is gonna drive people nuts.
Super Mario Maker Deluxe
It’s a port... I’m guessing super Mario 3D world
@Currypowderkeg79 there is no way in hell they will not have a direct until April.
This will be Picross S3. Without a doubt.
F-Zero would be a welcome surprise. Its long overdue really and would be a nice counterbalance to Mario Kart
Someone mentioned Wave Race. Another overlooked IP. Don't think it will happen this generation. But would also be another welcome surprise
It better be one of these or this is a disappointment:
Metroid 5
Pikmin 4
Eternal Darkness HD Remastered
Fatal Frame 4 & 5 HD Remastered
F-Zero Switch
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn 2
A new Mario & Luigi RPG for Switch
A new Star Fox
The Last Story 2
Baten Kaitos 3
Mother HD Trilogy
Battalion Wars 3 or a new Advance Wars
A new 2D Legend of Zelda
A new Wario Land game
I'll try not to get too excited because I usually end up disappointed when this sort of thing happens
My legit guess would be Paper Mario.
My Wishful Guess would be an HD port of Super Mario Sunshine.
It’s a game fans will be excited about.
Animal crossing!!!!
New F-Zero game... One can only dream
Shock horror, video games company has unannounced video games in the works 😆
@CurryPowderKeg79 Tbere will be a direct before then. Probably this month, now that the mp4 delay has been cleared up.
If I had to guess based on timing (April-May announcement and release about two months later) it’s a port/remake of the Mother Trilogy with it releasing on the 30th anniversary of Mother 1 in Japan.
Superman 64 Deluxe!
Goldeneye 64 - Deluxe Edition
@Ttimer5 LOL!
Wow I thought it was obvious but actually there's a lot of possibilities.
I'm hoping for Pikmin 4, but technically that was previously announced, even if it was 3 years ago for the WiiU. I'd really like to see FZero. Nintendo knows the fans have been asking for a new one for 10 years +. Then again, the announcement says at least 1 so we may get lucky.
As for the online service, I'd love to see Mario Maker arrive, but it's almost certainly the SNES games that were data-mined before.
Mario Maker 2 please.
I’d like the following assets included:
I just hope it's nothing Mario. I'm sick of Mario games all the time.
One is the Retro Studios game. The other is Zelda 2D with multiplayer online
My guess is that'll be another re-release, my guess is either Skyward Sword, Wind Waker HD (again) or Mario Maker
My hopes are... well, contrary to what @Kidfunkadelic83 just said, you know my tastes by now.
Excluding Nintendo, my other hopes are for ports.
mario maker
kingdom hearts
I know someone frowns upon posting boxarts, but I wanted to give @Anti-Matter some company.
-Please don't use so many big pictures
An HD remake is my guess.
@Ttimer5 I liked this game, i don't care what anyone else says.
@retro_player_22 I'd be happy if it was any of those games, especially Metroid V. But I don't want to have to hide in fear from another one of those dead priestesses games lol
@AlexSora89 (this pun was not intended the first time but it is now) I would buy that Kingdom Hearts collection in a heartbeat if it was released on Switch. Those other two games would go on my wishlist if announced as well
Assume official announcements of Metroid Prime Trilogy HD and Star Fox Racer.
Other possibles are:
Skyward Sword HD
New 2D Zelda
Mario Maker
Pikmin 4
Super Mario RPG or Paper Mario games
NES sports titles in 1080p 60fps.
Pleased to see someone shares my tastes.
Pikmin would be sweet
Alright, here’s my two cents.
Both games are separate. I believe at least one of them is the game Retro has been working on between DK and MP4. I’m predicting the online game to be Star Fox Grand Prix, but it’s equally possible that that was just a highly abusable rumour mill. The other game, the one for fans, would be Pikmin 4. I know it’s technically already been announced, but I wouldn’t put that past Miyamoto refusing to sign an NDA and no one arguing with him cause he’s Miyamoto. If this is Retro’s project, they’d probably stick a new subtitle on it (giving a relatively obscure series a resurgence and using a number seems really illogical). Regardless, I have no idea what I’m talking about and I have nothing better to do with my life then theorise on games tat may or may not exist. Thank you for reading my Ted Talk.
If you’ve read this before, that’s cause I put it in the thread. Think it’s better off here though.
Metroid Prime Trilogy remaster edition.
Well it needs to be online multiplayer so:
Top down multiplayer Zelda:
The Legend of Zelda: 100 Royale Swords (Battle Royalle)
Just the often rumoured games (Starfox GP, Metroid Prime Trilogy, 2D Zelda-and all 3 could feature Online multiplayer) on top of Yoshi, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Luigis Mansion 3, Daemon x Machina, Marvel UA3, Animal Crossing and maybe Boyonetta 3 before April 2020 would be phenomenal.
Don't give Nintendo any ideas.
I'd be down for some GTA V. Loved it on PS4. Would get it again on Switch for sure.
What would be the most anti climactic option... My money's on Metroid Prime Trillogy.
Halo 7 for sure
Metroid 5! Kid Icarus 3!
Zelda: A Link to the Future!
F-Zero SX Ultra Online!!
Pokemon core rpg and animal crossing!
If it's near release and they haven't talked about it at all then its a port. Metroid Trilogy or Wind Waker are the obvious guesses but it could be any first party game from GC onward.
E.T. Remastered
Nice fit for online, eh? Well, we've got a racer, first-party shooter, various third party puzzlers, some fighters, third parties carry the sports and "flavor of the minute" genres...
Yeah, genres don't give any clues. Pokémon and Animal Crossing were already mentioned, FE is already sufficiently covered on mobile, and Pikmin seems to be more on the couch-multi side of things.
So I guess it's F-Zero or Super Mario Maker (2).
@Aslanmagic Get Out! we dont speak of that must not be name atari game.
What the fans would want to know... hm...
Nintendo Labo: Mario World?
It's either that or Wario's Wonderful World of Garlic...
Nah, just kidding, it'll probably be either Metroid Prime Trilogy HD or Pikmin 4. The latter is a possibility, because it has already been lying on a shelf for over 2 years, and was as good as ready back then, according to Miyamoto-san himself.
And if the rumors have any truth to them, the Metroid Prime Trilogy was also already all but finished, and would have been released as a teaser and/or holdover for Metroid Prime 4, but now that this game is delayed until further notice, they've potentially got yet another nearly complete game lying on a shelf, so chances are that they would now want to make the most of that.
As for the online part: both games could be expanded with online functionalities, and the trilogy could have some added bonuses, such as a couple of the older Metroid games as unlockables, and/or Metroid Prime Hunters for the online part of it...
But we'll find out soon enough. April is only a couple of months away, after all.
April fools announced early...
The use of "Delightful" makes me think it's a Layton game.
Picross Sushi Strikers Edition with online service required even though it’s an offline game
I can't say that it's a bad game.... Never played it, bit the memes from it, I cannot ignore.
Obviously both statements refer to Aura-Aura Climber 2, which will include an online competitive race mode.
Diddy Kong Racing Deluxe
The EarthBound/MOTHER Trilogy released in HD for the Switch?
I doubt it's that, but Nintendo really should do something for the series. It's 30 years old this July.
It will be announced at e3!
Probably something not interesting at all.
Oh yeah, finally Axelay 2 will become reality.
Nobody here has said Kirby Air Ride 2 and that makes me sad.
@GrailUK the best game for GBA
Battalion wars would be nice
Wouldn’t it be hilarious if it was Metroid 4 and the whole restart was a joke!
My money is on Pikmin 4
@retro_player_22 you forgot a new Paper Mario returning to its RPG roots.
"Mochizuki’s interpretation suggests it's a game you will play with or against other players over the internet."
Wow!!! An online game that allows a person to play with or against other players on the internet??? If true, this is a big deal. I've never heard of an online game where you can interact with other players. It's going to change everything.
Assuming the two games are separate, then I'd say they are Star Fox Grand Prix for the online title and either Metroid Prime Trilogy HD or a 2D Zelda for the one we'd be delighted to know.
Smash discontinued, replaced with Urban Champion HD.
Metroid Prime Federation Force HD for Switch
Still hoping for a mario RPG made by square Enix lol. Geno?
Or a Golden sun game!
hahaha 😂😂
1080° or F-ZERO
Still wanting that Metroid Prime Trilogy as well!
2D Zelda game.
Metroid prime Trilogy
Another remaster....
Open world F Zero where we finally go bounty hunting as Captain Falcon and falcon punch s bunch of criminals. Seriously though it’s probably Prime Trilogy HD.
Anyone said about Super Mario Odissey 2?!
We have 2 Super Mario Galaxy, why not 2 Odissey?!?
Think about this...
Or 4, 5, 6 Switch? 😂
Well, I would certainly love another Mario Maker. Since the original has continued to keep me busy, I've been in no rush to get a Switch, hoping that they might release it in white at some point. But if Mario Maker was released for it, it might force my hand...
Mario Golf: Switch Tour please....
Endless Ocean 3/HD please. And if they got Game Grumps to star in its reveal trailer, that would be perfect.
Still clinging to that ever-shrinking rope of hope that is Eternal Darkness 2/HD.
It's Miitopia!
Jokes aside, I would love it to be either Paper Mario with the RPG elements of the first two entries or a Metroid Prime Trilogy HD with the things that were scrapped from some of the Prime games.
Either Mother 3 or F-Zero. I think a New Mario Kart is in the works too.
@Konnordano1615 Pikmin 4?
@Sparrow06 A Mario Galaxy would be great! Pikmin 4?
Big Chungus for the Nintendo Switch.
@Mayor_Haggar I hope you are right!!!
Metroid Prime Trilogy HD (maybe with online added since they specified online with some titles), Super Mario Sunshine 2, Pikmin 4, and F-Zero with online.
I would lose all my sh%%.
This is such a non statement. Nintendo have ALWAYS got something in development they haven’t announced that would please fans.
A long shot, but please Xenoblade X Switch!
Yea they said tune in to the video game awards if you're a Nintendo fan. Needless to say I was disappointed. I know some people were happy with joker in smash and marvel UA.. but I was pretty neutral on both counts. I take everything they say lightly until i see the true reveals
Startropics 3, obviously.
Or ARMS 2: X Teleroboxer X Punch Out
@6ch6ris6 @switchforce next financial year would be FY20, hopefully there is a mix up with the translation and the Game is coming BEFORE April!
A new Mario Golf is number one on my list.
@ReaderRagfihs Please no, for the love of Mario...please
@Level_Up Highly doubt it, but would love that!
Don't get your hopes up! It's nintendo.
@deusX They would relaunch Nintendo Power for all that goodness.
@nintendobynature I know right? I also got disappointed with the Game Awards. I am hopeful but being carefully that I don't put my expectations too high.
Lol as soon as I saw the article I came in here to post that!
Mario something something
@SamusLv7 total let down for me. I know people loved the smash news and marvel but that not really " tune in if you're a Nintendo fan news". I'm not knocking people for loving those reveals because everyone likes different stuff but if you say tune in if you're a Nintendo fan. I'm thinking metroid news Mario news zelda news or something along those lines.
Maybe Mario Kart 9 is coming and we are being all "Nintendo won't release another Mario Kart on Switch". Retro Studios helped make Mario Kart 7 with Nintendo EAD. Like 50/50. What if Retro has been helping Nintendo with Mario Kart 9 all along?
Goldeneye 007 Remake deluxe Hd or the legend of Zelda Skyward sword hd. That's my wish.
@nintendobynature Ever since E3 (including E3) it feels like Nintendo's mindset has been "Smash is enough to fully satisfy the Nintendo fanbase". Even the case of no Direct in January could potentially be summed up by that.
@nintendobynature True. I also thought that they will release a Metroid game.
Zelda 2D with a sumptuous art style will be more than enough for me, Zelda ALBW on 3DS was fantastic.
Otherwise 2D Metroid by Mercury Steam (new episode or remake of Super Metroid / Fusion).
This is kind of a pointless discussion since it's all speculation.
@Grumblevolcano I completely agree. Although I will say smash is one of my favorite games. I'm still left wanting more adventure games ( metroid/zelda). Smash is great but let's not bank on it since e3 like you said. I know this will be a great year for Nintendo and fans though. I'm not even an animal crossing or Pokemon fan but ALOT of people are so itll be a great year. I just wish there was more stuff coming to switch for me. That's a me problem though.
@SamusLv7 I'm still seeing tons online pointing towards mp trilogy for switch. Just wish they'd announce it if that's the case.
@Grumblevolcano as much as I like Smash Ultimite, I have to admit that I also get tired of the Nintendo only focusing on Smash. I don't mind that they are promoting Smash to increase sales, but when the only major first party game is just one, it can get exhausting after a while.
@nintendobynature Agreed. I have it on Wii, but I like this franchise so much that won't mind buying it a second time.
We dont need more hints or rumours, all we need is that #/#%$%@ Direct.
Please god make it be F Zero or Waverace.
BS the legend of zelda
Super Smash Bros. Mobile!
The Sims 4 on Nintendo Switch
MySims 😆
Pikmin 4 I’m hoping
Most likely something I’m not interested in like animal Crossing, Pikmin, not something amazing like Starfox, Fzero, Pilotwings,
@SamusLv7 @nintendobynature Smash Ultimate is very good though the focus on it by Nintendo got boring towards the end of E3 day 1.
Knowing Nintendo, this can be ANYTHING. All this really tells me is that it was not previously revealed, and it's probably one of their more popular ips. Which is still good news, but I'm keeping expectations in check.
That is an easy one. Pikmin 4.
Guys, guys, it's DEFINITELY Odama 2. Search your hearts, you know it to be true.
@Grumblevolcano yes, it was overwhelming the focus of Smash. I think that in E3 they should have focused on more games, even if the games were 1 year away from being released.
Captain Rainbow???
@Grumblevolcano exactly they just overkilled it. I was a day 1 purchase at the first announcement a year ago. I didn't need anymore details
Mario + rabbids 2 yes yes yes please
Just give me GameCube games upped to HD already ffs.. I’m dying to play F-Zero and 1080° Avalanche again.. those games were perfect..
Ice Climbers 2, for real
Animal Crossing
Star Fox, that would be ace.
@Sparrow06 All the 3D Mario games are in pairs: SM64 and SM64DS, Galaxy and Galaxy 2, 3D Land and 3D World. They could release an Odyssey 2 which would upset the balance, but right now Sunshine and Odyssey are paired
Splatoon, 2015. Splatoon 2, 2017. Splatoon 3, 2019. I could be wrong, as there's little to suggest that online multiplayer shooters benefit from regular release windows for their instalments...
...would be a “nice fit” for the online service...
..So i'm not really excited about it. I'm not a fan of competitive games so its not a "nice fit" for my taste.
The only logical game would be Splatoon 3.
@JohnnyC is saying what I've been saying, it's gonna happen.
it better be super mario strikers
@Mayor_Haggar thats all i want
@nintendobynature @SamusLv7 As it clearly worked how Nintendo wanted it to work out (12.08 million in 3.5 weeks), I'm pretty sure they'll do the same for Animal Crossing this year.
A new Punch Out would be amazing!
Also, I would love to see Nintendo give From Software/Miyazaki Kid Icarus to give Nintendo their own exclusive game, ala Bloodborne! I think the pairing could result in greatness!
Hotel Mario 2!!!!
You know it is Endless Ocean 3.
@Grumblevolcano I hope that they don't do a 1 major first party game again, as that would cause more people to grow tired and I am sure Nintendo must have seen that many people didn't liked this one-big-yearly-game approach.
@MH4 Greatest. Comment. Ever.
With the way things are going, it will be NES Ice Climbers for $7.99
BREAKING NEWS NOW: Pikmin 4. This is hitting the internet as I type this. So excited!
@pullmyfinger I can 100% see Nintendo releasing this with new Animal Crossing amiibo that would inevitably clutter store shelves as nobody but diehards such as myself bought them. 😜
As an investor & gamer I would hope Nintendo is developing some form/hybrid of Wii Fit for the Switch.
Fans delighted? Well, that means it's yet another 3DS game!
Golden Sun IV confirmed
Urban Champion Tournament Edition!
@MH4 I'm also inclined to believe that no one bought them. Because they're the only amiibo I can find for a lot less than their original retail price online. Bought a 3-pack just for K. K. Slider, and bought an amiibo festival bundle for the Isabelle amiibo. The former was 10 bucks and the latter was on sale for 12. Lol
F-Zero!!! Only that game would make me consider the Nintendo Online subscription.
It has to be f-zero. The switch doesn't have a proper original racing game yet (I'm saying original because the Switch only has MK8D and Fast Racing Neo, who were both l
ported from the wii U). It's also a delight for the fans and fits perfectly with the online service. But whatever it will be, quotes like this always make me really excited
I'm guessing Metroid Trilogy
@WaveBoy My man!
@Level_Up That's my bet.
@Browny They won't really be able to hold it back past this month, so keep your head high.
@AlexSora89 The Mario Maker Switch hurts my eyes.
@Burning_Spear Interesting idea. I can only imagine what ScottTheWoz would think.
Punch out
Mother 3
180 snow boarding
2d zelda game
Mario maker
"Wii" sports
F zero
Urban Fighter HD
@tourjeff Raw Thrills (featuring members of Midway) have in the last couple of years done a new Cruis'n game for arcades branded by's not impossible especially when Nintendo fans hardly ever (unless Smash related) get what they want...
F Zero!!! F Zero!!! F Zero!!!
"Hey we figured our fans would be absolutely delighted with a brand new Excite Truck that we were so dismayed with their complete disinterest. Man, these rabid Nintendo fans are so hard to please! We announced one thing and they are "ok...sure...but what about...?" I just don't understand! If only there was a way we could definitely see what they want..."
I hope it's an Amiibo tournament fighter, called "Amiibo Fighter"! It will be compatible with every single Amiibo figure to date, unlocking the character straight from the figure scanned!
I think we're due another Donkey Kong game. Am hoping Pikmin 4 will surface though.
F-Zero would be great if you could have 30 different people racing online at the same time but just a new F-Zero would be awesome.
Super Mario Maker sounds the most likely to me but I really think Nintendo are overdoing it with Mario lately, we need something different. Or maybe it's Wind Waker HD. My imagination is starting to run now.
Calling it: Waluigi based game!
@TinyAaron I’m not kidding.. Wave Race!! give... me... WAVE RACE
Nintendo has an upcoming game that has something to do with Piranha Plant. They added it to Mario Tennis and Smash recently, Nintendo don't do things randomly: they are like the illuminati, everything is hidden in plain sight, just open your eyes.
1080 PLEASE BE 1080
Metroid Prime 5.
On the top of my wish list is a new WarioWare in the style of Smooth Moves, with a myriad of absolutely ridiculous control schemes. I was hoping for a new WarioWare during the Wii/Wii U era that would have taken advantage of the benefits of Wii Motion Plus, but it never materialised.
I still have a Motion Plus-shaped hole in my heart for a WarioWare game that takes the Smooth Moves concept even further (and even some past games can be improved, as the motion detection in a few of the activities was unintuitive and poor due to the limitations of the vanilla Wii Remote.
I also really, really, really want new instalments in the Wii Sports and Wii Fit series. Anything beyond that is a nice bonus.
@MH4 : "A Wii U classic".
Even at $4, the game is still available in abundance in Australia.
The craziest thing is that these are probably all remnants of the initial (and presumably only) print from late 2015 as Nintendo were originally planning on issuing a reprint without the Digby amiibo (lol). "Get it before it's gone", they said.
It has to be Ducktales!
Could it be StreetPass?
@Retupmocnin you need help dude.
Pikmin 4 Pikmin 4 Pikmin 4 Pikmin 4 Pikmin 4 Pikmin 4 Pikmin 4 Pikmin 4 Pikmin 4 Pikmin 4 Pikmin 4 Pikmin 4 Pikmin 4 Pikmin 4 Pikmin 4 Pikmin 4...
I’d take a new Punch-Out or Mario Sports All-Stars. Need something a lil different.
Super Mario RPG 2
I'm proud to tell you I have switched my former favourite 3DS cover, the Luigi one, with my all-time preference, the Super Mario Maker one.
F-zero! Please!
@Silly_G Lol, I just thought of the most Nintendo thing I could. “A Wii U classic returns!” wouldn’t sound out of place in a Direct.
You didn't know that Nintendo is THE Illuminati? They have been controlling the world for over a hundred years.
@MH4 Would be awesome if the teased game was XCX.
gasp! wait, is it a crossover RPG or fighting game using nintendo characters?!
Donkey Kong 4
@hadrian The Excite games were among my favorite for the Wii. What ever this new game is, I hope it is a new IP or something that's a totally new incarnation of a familiar game. Kind of like Excite Trucks was based on the old Excite Bike, but you could hardly describe it as a remake. If it ends up being something like a new Donkey Kong, I'm not saying I won't enjoy it, but it's hard to get excited from something so similar to other recent games.
GODZILLA 2 the game.
Based in the info I have, I have several options: A Call of Duty game, Super Mario Maker Deluxe, Metroid Prime HD Collection or Metroid HD Collection, (With all prime games in HD and some 2D metroid included) with online mode of course
I really hope it is Pikmin 4!
I want more Donkey Kong Country, please
@Axelay71 But Pikmin is amazing... D:
EarthBound Trilogy HD?
EarthBound Beginnings
EarthBound to Nowhere (or whatever it's called)
@SwitchForce next fiscal year. That means past March 3rd
@Regpuppy @MH4 Animal Crossing amiibo are so common that even I've got 2 (Isabelle & Mabel) and I've never bought an amiibo in my life. They came included with my Switch for some odd reason. I'm assuming the shop just wanted rid of them.
@OorWullie I wouldn't be surprised to see them in gaming shop dumpsters, along with the plastic Wii peripherals, and empty game cases.
Good for me, though. They're cheap enough to be impulse buys. So they let me pad out my collection, and they'll most probably give me something in the next Animal crossing. Lol
@Regpuppy @MH4 It's Isabelle I've got, not Daisy. I'm not overly familiar with the Animal Crossing cast, only briefly played City Folk and couldn't get into it. I'll give the new one a chance though and perhaps I'll even get to use my 2 amiibo.
@OorWullie It's not for everyone, despite how chill and cute everything is. But it's always worth checking out.
@OorWullie I’m very happy with how cheap they were/are as an avid amiibo collector. I own all of the Animal Crossing series. 😆
Obviously Cubivore 2.
New GOLDEN SUN TITLE pls Nintendo 🙏
Please, please, let it be a new F-Zero title and the MP4 blunder is forgiven!
Moneymaker Supreme - the game that teaches you how to make more real money so that you can buy more Nintendo. That would delight fans.
Doshin the giant Deluxe...
Can't believe I bought the pal version on my cube.
@Mayor_Haggar yes please. Best option in here.
I'm pleasantly surprised to read that I'm not the only one wishing for a new Wave Race I think the chance is very slim though. Even Pikmin 4 or a new Paper Mario are more probable than Wave Race.
@deusX :"Zelda: A Link to the Future".
You're obviously kidding, but I actually though a lot about futuristic setting for a Zelda. I've see lots of cool fan art over the years. Not quit sure how it could work but I'm sure that Nintendo could make it happen
It would be great if this was mario maker. Most of the mm community have moved on to making smw rom hacks.
@antonio2244 I second your polite request for more DKC.
Its Dance Dance Revolution: Waluigi Mix.
Wave race blue storm 2
I have the feeling kingdom heart 3 will come to switch. Definitely will come.
Maybe they persuaded Microsoft to port Perfect Dark HD over to the Switch?
It's a remake. Metroid prime trilogy or Skyward sword.
Starfox Zero world be neat.
@hadrian Yes, I'm aware of that arcade, it looks really fun.
I'd imagine that they would have to create a new more race tracks as I remember there were only 4 but, yeah, the base of the game was all done.
I reckon that would be a great port and a great addition to the Switch as we don't have many good racing games at the moment.
Switch Sports Play
The wording plus playable online certainly makes it sound like F-Zero. I can't imagine many Nintendo games that core Nintendo fans would be happier to see make a return.
Earthbound 3 is hardly online friendly and I don't think Wave Race is quite popular enough for Nintendo to say this about it.
Of course that's if we're taking "fans would be delighted to know about" at face value. As in it's a game that the fans have been asking for.
@Dizzard The 'happy fan' game is a different game to the 'online' game. So it could be the much rumoured Earthbound Trilogy and Star Fox GP.
Can't wait to know...
Please be either Phantasy Star Online in some form or Dragon Quest 10.
Rogue Squadron.
Disney was willing to re-release Rogue Squadron 3D two years ago on GOG for PC. Whereas in the past, the publishing rights would have prevented this, I think Disney and EA would be clear to make or sublicense something now. EA needs to do something big with Star Wars before their license goes up for renewal, because Disney isn't happy with how Battlefront II went - to the point where they laid down the law with EA and removed lockboxes from the game due to the damages the fallout was creating for the Star Wars brand. Nintendo fans are relatively insulated from the lootbox mess. RS4 was nearly finished before Factor V went under, and the key developers have been open about wanting it bug tested and finished someday. Top that off with how Nintendo was just forced to announce a closure of a sci-fi shooter, and there's a gap that needs to be filled fast. If disney, nintendo, EA, and the re-launched factor V can work out a deal, they could swing this around in a year. Finish it, then port. Especially if code to run wii games is already in development by Nintendo for Virtual Console. Everyone wins.
@mattesdude legs! I love that, so funny. Just loads of ludicrous shin kicking and the like
Game for me would be Pikmin 4 for sure and something like Elite
Tokyo Mirage!!
Metroid: Samus Retuns HD for Switch would be a great holdover until the holdover Prime Trilogy. May never happen, but one can dream.
Metroid Prime trilogy?
@Sun-WuGoku I really hope that's what it is Sun, I was thinking the same thing!
It’s the Waluigi game obviously
We haven't seen an advanced wars game in a long time. Also Wario has been only having those WarioWare-games.
Dr Mario HD Deluxe Extended Surgeon Adventure Edition
Perhaps it's Super Metroid HD but with almost all content intact in the same way as Ocarina of Time 3D.
@RadioHedgeFund Go bigger with Rare Replay Nintendo Edition.
Yeah, that'll be my prediction. Rare Replay Nintendo Edition for the game fans will be delighted to know about and Overwatch with crossplay being the online game.
@Retupmocnin You seriously need help, dude.
@Level_Up I second this! But considering it would be a "nice fit" for online play, I doubt this is what it will be. But yeah, a new, traditional Paper Mario for the Switch would be AWESOME!
Golden Sun or Advance Wars would be the most hype for me!
Hi 👋 friends,
My thought 💭 was I wish is
1. New Paper Mario game for the switch
2. A new Mario party 11
3. New Mario Kart
4. A new sonic game like the next hero game or adventures games.
5. The next LEGO game like Batman
That my top 5 game that I wish it for real but I know Nintendo going unannounced one game later on this year. That my thought 💭
Please be Pikmin. Please be Pikmin. 🤞
They better.
I mean. It goes without saying.
If Nintendo wants to "delight" more than a dozen fans, then this upcoming unannounced game won't be some super niche title like F-Zero, 1080 Snowboarding, Pilotwings, Advance Wars, etc...
Akiba’s Trip Undead and Undressed
The strangest PS4 game lol
Either F-Zero, Kid Icarus, or Pikmin 4. Or Sticker Star 2, I don't know..
Finally half life 3
@MH4 you joke but as a free download with online play and streamlined amiibo usage, it might be decent.
Advance wars please
Metroid Prime Trilogy. It links with the recent announcement of restarting MP4, so consoling those disappointed at the news. It's 3 games so many of us will need plenty of time to complete them all before MP4 arrives.
Second option is some other re-release or remix, like an F-Zero Ultimate. F-Zero has been a "fan" request for years, so it would be one to definitely delight them.
@Daruncic I agree to an extent. amiibo need more love, so I would say they need to find a way to use them in a more creative way.
@tourjeff I would love to see any and all of your guesses. My guess would be one of the following:
Metroid Prime Trilogy HD
Pikmin 4
Mario Kart 9
F-Zero Remaster
Star Fox
But I would almost bet that whatever it is that it's likely a game Retro Studios has been working on before starting Metroid 4.
Wait... It's Kid Icarus. Codename "Heart" is freaking Hades, isn't it?!
Super Mario Run for Switch. (Which honestly, I'd love to see.)
Switch Fit with online leaderboards
Really, really hope it's F-Zero or a Metroid Prime Trilogy re-release. Or the Star Fox racing game that Retro were apparently working on - love the sound of that.
@ZheDoctor I would buy that.
Please be mario maker!
tomodachi life for the switch
F-Zero Warriors confirmed!!!!1
@tourjeff OMG, I want a new Cruis'n game on the Switch so bad. Cruis'n World and Cruis'n Exotica were two of my all-time favourite racing games on the N64. I played those more than Mario Kart 64.
Spyro reignited trilogy
games i would like to see:
pikmin 4
mario maker 2
mother 3
super mario sunshine HD
most wanted:
paper mario switch. with a good solid and magical story.
@DarthFoxMcCloud Me too, I had a lot of fun with Cruis'n series and there is a "new" game on Arcades available.
You can find videos on Youtube by the name Cruis'n Blast.
And here there is an article about the possibility of a Switch port:
@AlexSora89 Heh. All the power to you, brother.
Oh please Mario Maker 2, or maybe... maybe DKC Trilogy please please please
@impurekind I have to go with you on this. These kind of notices usually end in something abstract and a LABO tie hanger or something.
It would be nice to know what it is! But a battle over the Internet? I wouldn't mind!
Amen to that!
@impurekind That’s the spirit!
Amiibo Festival lolz aside, I am surprised that Nintendo hasn't bothered doing much with amiibo in 2018 outside of Smash Bros.
I guess they don't see much of a future in Toys-to-Life anymore like Activision/Disney/Warner Bros, but if there was any company who could make an actual amiibo focused game that worked and was good, it would be Nintendo.
@westman98 That’s what I’ve always thought. I have a bunch of amiibo sitting on shelves just crying out to be used, so an amiibo-centric game that pulled from several different franchises would be fantastic for me.
What is it probably going to be? Mario Maker 2
What do I want it to be? Final Fantasy VI Remake (not an iOS port!)
I'd say Maker is the most likely. Maybe with Mario2(the turnip one not super hard Mario) levels...maybe.
@Vriess Um, they already made a futuristic Zelda... BotW.
@deusX You realize the third Kid Icarus game was released back in 2012...
True, BotW takes place at the end of the timeline and Hyrule was very advanced with Sheikah technology before the calamity. But when I say futuristic I'm thinking more about this:
Looks like this was Labo VR then. Where are all you "delighted fans"?
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