The Nintendo Switch isn't even two years old and already it's got a library of more than 1,800 games.
According to Perfectly-Nintendo's list covering every region, the Switch now has a total of 1,868 titles. Nintendo Soup points out how 100 games have been added to this list in about one month. Here are the regional breakdowns as well as comparisons to the previous yearly totals:
Total (all regions): 1 868 (2017: 388 / 2018: 1 298 / 2019: 182)
North America: 1 702 (2017: 343 / 2018: 1 164 / 2019: 195)
Europe: 1 689 (2017: 342 / 2018: 1 160 / 2019: 187)
Japan: 1 043 (2017: 243 / 2018: 732 / 2019: 68)
Obviously, this list includes every game on record. We're talking about the shovelware, the first-party releases and even the free-to-play. So, next time somebody asks you about what there is to play on the Switch, show them this list.
How many games do you think you've played on the Nintendo Switch so far? How many of them do you own? Tell us below.
Comments 93
Maybe 5 games lol
But the Switch has no games! There hasn’t been a direct since September, nevermind those Indies. Nintendo is so anti-consumer!
Oh my goodness
(switch haz no gaims!)
Bring on the ridiculous “but it only has, like, two good games” comments which NEVER get old!
Lol i forgot i had a switch.
@BanjoPickles Look at #1 (if it's not an answer to the questions at the end of the article of course).
To me switch is a curious machine. When I browse the eshop I find less than 50 games that interest me, and I do not own even half of that yet. Been sinking hours into some amazing games (looking at you BotW) that call me time and time again. So, while I'm guessing that 90% of those games are not even slightly within my interest, I am far from telling anyone that there are no games for me to play there.
Trolls will be trolls.
The Switch is absolutely my favorite console since the SNES, a great library of first party games and fantastic indies and it isn't even halfway through its life cycle.
Since i own a gaming PC i'm only buying exclusives and local co-op games (to play with my family). But even so there is a lot of games for the Switch.
I'm pretty happy with it so far.
but it only has, like, three good games
No seriously, I know that the vast majority of of these titles aren't exclusive or anything, but having them portable and on something simple to get going for local multiplayer is great. Smash, Bomberman, Kart, and Jackbox 1-3 have been workhorses. That's before I get into single player experiences like Odyssey, Sonic Mania, and Star Fox(coughlinkcough).
Again it's all about perspective,to the core internet forum posting minority gamer there may need to be more proper (in their opinion) games on the machine,for the mass Switch buying public (who do not spend most of their lives playing video games) there are loads of games they have never played.
It's just the same with the Wii U ports as their are a lot more people with a Nintendo Switch (around 20 million or so) that will view these titles as brand new games,than the section of the very small Wii U user base that feel they are being ripped off.
Nintendo were wise to make the Switch a haven for indie titles imho,it makes their outputs droughts less if an issue.
I have played 0 games on the Switch.
The closest I got was BotW on my Wii U that I bought digitally.
I have decided not to get the Switch because I do not like the lack of backward compatibility the Switch has on it digital games.
Still think that is a good console
It's not an answer to the article though,the article is simple in that there are a lot of games you can buy for the Switch.
If the guy had said but there are only 5 titles that I myself would personally buy then that's fine,but his comment is just bait pure and simple,Nintendo have not just made their console for one demographic,as if they had of done this they would have had another Wii U disaster on their hands and the comments on here would be far worse.
My Switch Collection:
Almost as large as my Super NES Collection:
And yes I had play them all, had not beat them all though. Also if you count the digital games I bought, that's even more than what is physically here.
1800 and about 75-100 are honestly good. Which is fine by me.
I own about 30 titles. I try to encompass every genre. Two genres that are weak are; RTS and realistic racers. There is an inordinate amount of shovelware on Switch. While I enjoy NL, I go check Metacritic before I spend my money.
I have like 30-40 games on Switch, but I’m pretty selective with my purchases and wait for deals most of the time. I don’t think that there are that many more currently on Switch that I’d want. I want Katamari, Flipping Death and a few more metroidvania is all.
Of course there are a lot of 0 star and -1 star games, but in the end what defines a system's library are the 4 star and 5 star ones.
1,800 games, and for sure there are some gems among them.
Maybe just me, but I would like Nintendo to do more to highlight these gems in the e-shop (because not all 1,800 are gems...).
I rather have few quality games, then like it is now with the vast majority of it being shovelware!
In all honesty, it is so bad now, that shovelware is just drowning out everything else and it's now very easy to overlook a new game that might actually be nice and worthy buying.
Since, you can't just rely on the top-30 ranked games list.
If you rely purely on that, you will miss out on quite a few games. /shrug
So much for Nintendo being more strict on what games it allows on the platform.
Switch has a ton of amazing games for sure, but it would be willfully ignorant to say that there's not way too much crap there too.
I'm put off browsing the eshop largely due to the amount of bad games I have to trawl through to find something I want to play. That and the eshop generally sucks for browsing anyway.
And still no freakin’ folders!
Yeah, I don't really understand why people bring up how much shovelware there is on a platform. That's true for all of them, the majority of games on any platform are mediocre at best and at worst garbage. The Switch still has a dang good selection of games and there's always something for me to find on the eshop that's worth my time. I have 85 games on my Switch right now and only regret purchasing one or two of them, and there's plenty on my wishlist that I plan on purchasing in the future.
My own collection. It's not grown so much the last few months, I've been taking it easy and actually playing the games I bought.
Not to mention, the Switch has Zelda Breath of the Wild which happens to be the greatest game ever made and Mario Odyssey...the other greatest game ever made.
@OorWullie 😂 that looks very much like my own collection- lots and lots of those top§ and bottom red borders. Anyone who says there are less than 200 excellent games hasn’t been playing games as long as us. I draw the line at Fortnite mind- not a fan.
@OorWullie how do I get a screen like this?
I own about 80 retail and approximately 150 digital. As an older “old school” Atari/Sega weened Gamer, the best thing for me about the Switch is the astonishing amount of classic arcade games now available thanks to Hamster, Capcom, Atari, Sega, Zero Div and Johnny Turbo! AND NO THANKS TO NINTENDO!! 😉
How many are physical titles?
Yet the eshop makes it very difficult to separate the good games from the shovelware.
@darthstuey Agreed,of all those games I've bought I only regret a few. If I added all the games on my wishlist it would be close to 250. I'm not a fan of Fortnite either to be honest, I played it quite a bit when it came out then archived it to free some space. I gave it another go a couple of weeks ago to see what's new and couldn't get back into it.
@Spudtendo I'd say not even a 3rd of it's way through. I sincerely hope it does a 3DS and is around for the best part of 7-8 years. I have absolutely no qualms in not having a console with similar power to PS5 or the next Xbox. Sure we might not get as many 3rd party releases since they'll not doubt rather utilise next gen power, but as long as Nintendo continues to put out stellar 1st party title and good quality indies continue to flow at a steady pace, I'll gladly support it until the end.
@misterMike Absolutely BOTW is the best ever- can't recall an experience quite like it. Pure opinion of course.
@SuperCharlie78 I took screenshots from the All Software list, uploaded them to Twitter then downloaded them,used an app called DU Recorder to stitch them together, cropped them and then used another app called Collage Maker to place them side by side
Right now i have 27 Switch games.
100% agree, I have my PC for more graphically intensive games but my PC has kind of been collecting dust since I bought my Switch. The portability and fantastic library means that when I have the free time to play games and I don't have plans, I spend it relaxing in bed the Switch. I wouldn't mind revisions to the Switch like the 3DS got, but at the same time I'm completely satisfied with the Switch as is.
@BanjoPickles it only has like 4 good games, and no great ones yet either.
And yet you still can't make folders.
Your 100 demos and dozens of games just lie there in total chaos; I'd say, like it's 1990 - but even the non-graphical user interface of the MS-DOS operating system had directories...
That does not work though,just look at the Wii U.
And this includes a new Mortal Kombat.
So you are suggesting nintendo list games in good and bad sections,you surely can't be serious.
And I own 105 of them
@johnvboy Of course not, thinking more about an eshop design at least as good as the Wii U eshop. Easier to find games, a review system in which you have to play for a certain amount of time to review, etc.
The switch section in my local GAME store looks kinda bare compared to the Xbox one and PS4 sections and for whatever reason they group the Wii ,Wii u and switch together just to confuse parents and it occupies the same space the Dreamcast used to which is one section of shelving where as the others have a whole side of the shop each makes it look a bit sad ☹️
@OorWullie you've been clearing your backlog? what an absolute mad lad!
@OorWullie Did you get RIVE: Ultimate edition? Looks right up your alley.
There are a lot of games on there so it will always seem a little cluttered,I always look at reviews before I buy anything.
@misterMike Well the fact I highlighted two greatest ever mades (gems!), I had hoped I mocked the hyperbole. But still, getting annoyed over another mans opinion on a game is quite naff my friend.
Good. Choice is good, variety is good. It’s what people want. Doesn’t matter whether there’s shovelware, do your research.
You would expect a Nintendo site to be positive about most anything Nintendo do, after all its their bread and butter. But sometime it's good to be objective.
Seperate physical from downloadable games, now split physical into categories you play and those you don't. That is a true measurement of games available to individual Switch gamers.
The eshop has become an overpriced dumping ground for games. Once the games fall from grace and prices are reduced then a bargain can be found.
It is the vast amount of downloads that allow Nintendo to postpone physical releases and if you are not one who buys from the eshop, the amount of games available is embarrassing low.
Also. Your heading says 1,800 games yet your photo shows all physical games, misleading?
@Tokiwa Yeah, this. I still have tons to play on the Switch.
Let's get it right about 98% of them are available elsewhere and in many cases have been for some time. In terms of great exclusive games the Switch has the smallest library of any console I've owned (which is many since the early 80's), similar to my Xbox One X ironically.
However between them I have the greatest library of games that I've ever had access to and as a retro gamer they compliment each other fantastically well. On the one hand I have my NES and Megadrive games which are now portable, I tend to get my Indies on it for the same reason plus new games like Mario, Zelda and upcoming Yoshi amongst others. Then on Xbox I have og Xbox games likes Panzer Dragoon now in 4K and many enhanced 360 games such as Fallout 3, plus the likes of Disney Afternoon Collection and Contra arcade games and of course Resident Evil 2, which looks a bit different then I remember 🤔.
Overall I am one very happy gamer at the moment with more games to play then I realistically have time to do so
1,800 odd games, that's a lot. Out of them all, i reckon 8-900 are worth playing with the other 1,000 (ish) just shovelware
@KingdomHeartsFan I’m afraid you are right don’t get me wrong I love the switch but like you I own a Wii u and a PS4 and the majority of switch games I’ve either played on the Wii u or PS4 and many of the indie games which I’m not really fussed about are so much cheaper on PS4 if you had none of these consoles then the switch library looks amazing but the reality is it needs more good exclusives
Something something "shovelware" (by now officially up there with mary sues, plot holes and other blast processings of composite fanspeak), something something "old ports that everyone short of a few Sentinelese folks has played because I know I have". Ergo, Switch has no games.
On a serious note, glad to see the "gap" between US and Europe is still relatively small - even despite Switch's lack of region barriers, I do prefer to keep such eggs in one basket when possible.
~320 of those games had physical releases.
@KingdomHeartsFan you know what- I also found both of those a little dull. Haven’t gone back to Mario in over a year.
@OorWullie however I absolutely love Warframe. Can’t believe that was free!
@Gs69 I've noticed noticed that Nintendo merchandise seems to get more shelf space than the games, and it seems to be the same in most GAME shops that I've visited.
@Dizzy_Boy exactly years ago it was a struggle to find Nintendo merchandise here in the uk but GAME seem to have it all ever wanted Mario cuff links GAME is the place wanna buy a an actual game you’re better off at Argos
@KingdomHeartsFan Exactly. When I get accused of trolling for saying the Switch has few games, I mean it has few exclusives worth buying another £280 console for when my Wii U and PS4 already covered almost everything.
@KingdomHeartsFan yeah you could be right at the moment I actually love the concept and idea of the switch more than I actually like the console itself it’s frustrating no wireless headphone support is one of my issues a small thing I know but come on most devices have this and when you look past the novelty the cracks start to show
Let's say there's 100 good games out of this 1800 games: it's 1/18th of the total. LOL, so much trash in the eShop.
Wake me when we 1869.
I own about 70 games all together of which about 16 retail games (but I have at least two hands full of retail games I bought digitally) and played 5/6 more as I usually trade games I did not like much or that I don't see myself coming back (this is the main reason I stopped buying retail games digitally)
@SuperWeird Weird since 3DS, VITA, Wii U, Xbox One and PS4 have folders.
@AdamTendo You get early the 2019 Award of the most boring comment.
@KingBowser86 yeah mate I love Star fox on the Switch. Have heard good things about that Starlink game might get it on the Xbox...
I’d say it’s more like 200. But so what if some aren’t good. 100 or 200 good games on a system in less than 2 years is excellent. The rubbish is completely irrelevant.
“It's a great point of entry for new gamers without a history in the hobby”
As someone aged 42 who’s been into gaming for over 30 years it’s difficult for me to disagree more. I think you’re just projecting you personally not liking it (as you’re obviously perfectly entitled to do) and over analysing it, trying to explain it when there’s no need to.
I can’t see anything in the Switch library, the design and price of the system, or the current userbase with its very strong adult representation to set it out as a system for new gamers.
Yet my local Game (uk) store has the smallest of centre display dedicated to the Switch with less than half a dozen new game releases on a shelf underneath which is a shelf of pre owned games and on the opposite side is PC peripherals.
Where as Xbox has one entire side of the shop wall top to bottom and PlayStation has the exact same on the opposite side of the shop.
There are absolutely some amazing games among those 1800+ (most of them first party retail titles and a handful of excellent indies), but the bulk of that sum is unfortunately shovelware. I don’t even bother reading the list of games available every Thursday anymore. It’s just sad.
@BanjoPickles It has like ±100 good games. 1700 of detritus.
Of those 100, how many are AAA? Don't get me wrong, I love some indie games, but so many of those 100 are "retro-inspired" or some other descriptor for which the subtext is "easier to make."
The list keeps growing!
I have 20 retail games and around 80 playable icons on my dashboard (ten of which are probably demos). My game purchases have slowed way down for 2019 so I'm looking forward to the next Direct. Love having so many console and arcade quality games portable. Many for the first time. By not being a PC gamer since 2012 I've missed quite a few good indies like Enter the Gungeon, ShovelKnight, and Broforce that I've sunk about a hundred or so hours into each.
I expect even more great games on Switch.
Wow. I still have four (4) games on my Switch that I haven't played. Not counting the free-to-play games that I eventually plan on playing once and then immediately deleting because I should be spending what precious free time I have playing games I paid for. Or commenting on articles at
@OorWullie DAFUQ DUDE or girl?! How do you find the TIME to play all these?? I have 39 games and heck 1 not opened yet, 2 not played yet, 3 only played like 1 hours and most of them not even finished yet?! You have like 200 games? how do you do that?
@SonOfVon Yep, chipping away at it. I've no idea where the common sense to stop buying every game I want on release and actually play the games I wanted came from.
@MisterDevil Dude I'm self employed and living far away from home. I've got too much spare time and very little commitments. I've also got a problem with buying games I don't yet need haha. For the last few months I've tried to fix that problem though and work on my backlog.
@misterMike oh no fear mate. I'm not annoyed at all 🙂
I thank Nintendo for expanding the library. I know it's a marketing strategy to be in line with the resyt of competition as humanly possible with indie releases. But I love to have the option to purchase my games on the Switch, games like Stardew Valley, Bloodstained, The Missing and Celeste just to mention.
Most of which are shovelware games.
I think it’s pot luck really. If you don’t like all the new games and have played all the remakes/ports (of which there are a lot of course), it’s going to be a struggle. Others will be loving it as the new games are up their street and the remakes/ports are things they either haven’t played or are happy to replay. But then that’s true of any system. Personally I see it as a system laser targeted at adults/long time gamers but it’s all opinions.
“Seperate physical from downloadable games”
Why? They’re games.
“if you are not one who buys from the eshop, the amount of games available is embarrassing low.”
Over 300 physical releases I believe. In nearly 2 years. But yes, as with any system, if you personally choose not to buy games because of how the code is delivered then you personally choose to cut yourself off from a lot of games. The individual choice does not mean the games aren’t there though, nor diminish the library.
Some stats from Metacritic
61 Switch games have a Metacritic score of 85 or higher
215 Switch games have a score of 79 or above.
506 Switch games have a score of 70 or above.
@electrolite77 most eshop game's are not good value for money, most don't come with demos, and a lot receive mixed reviews.
Once downloaded its yours. If after the first hour it not for you, hard luck. It has no resale value.
The cost is not relevant to me, I can afford to buy games, but value for money is important. And eshop games are very poor value.
That’s a ludicrous generalisation really, that ‘eshop games are very poor value’. All of them? What about Celeste? Golf Story? Thumper? Oxenfree? Floor Kids? Implosion? Stardew Valley? All the excellent ACA games? Hollow Knight? Wargroove? Into The Breach? Mini Metro? etc.etc.
But yes I agree, if you choose to ignore lots of games whether they’re good or not, on any system you will-by choice-greatly reduce the pool of good games available to you. But that reflects on the individual, not the strength of the library.
@zool if you're so concerned why don't you read some reviews or watch some let's plays or reviews on Youtube. Or, you could go to game rankings and see how it scored. The last thing you want to do is go off a title screen and the few sentences on the eshop page. It's 2019, we have the internet, I mean you're using it right now, if you're going to spend your hard earned money, do a little research.
And, I'm sure some people are noobs just getting into this hobby, and don't know any better, but, every video game system ever made now or in the future, as well as PC, Android, and IOS games as well has overwhelmingly more bad games than good. The Switch (a video game console), is no different, and I'm not sure why anyone would think it would be.
Hyper Sentinel is down to $1.94 (from $9.99), it is an excellent spiritual sequel to Uridium (C64). I highly recommend it especially at that price. Not sure if on sale in the UK too
@OorWullie oh damn XD and I thought that I have a problem with buying games too fast XD but enjoey your time then with Nintendo XD
@Nintendo_Thumb @electrolite77 There is always two sides to a coin and I can see both sides, and I am still on the side of physical games. Not because I must have or collect physical games, but because they are much better value.
I download ebooks, movies, music. These are normally good value at £5 to £10.
Smash bros for example was £49.99 to download. I though I would give it a go because it had good reviews and a single player mode and I had not played Smash before. It was OK. I had a good few hours of play but was not overly impressed. That could have been fifty quid down the drain. But I bought a physical copy new for £40 and it has a resale value of at least £30, so it cost me £10. If I wanted to keep it it was still £10 Cheaper than the download price.
There are some bargains to be had in the eshop sales once a particular games hype has gone and sales have dropped.
Logic says a download should be less expensive than a physical copy, but there will always be folks who will pay the asking price so market forces win.
A physical copy has many lives, it can be traded and resold, given away or lent and NINTENDO, for example receive no further revenue. You would think that would reflect on the downloaded price being lower.
Downloading games is a risk and not good value, in most cases, so for me if it ain't physical it is not my first choice. And I think I'm right in saying that you never own a downloaded game you are renting it.
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