Team Cherry has confirmed that a Hollow Knight sequel is coming to Switch. Entitled Hollow Knight: Silksong, it features a vast new kingdom packed with enemies and bosses to fight. It's coming to Windows, Mac, Linux and Switch, which seems to suggest it's a console exclusive for Nintendo, at least initially – Team Cherry has said that other platforms "might happen" but Switch will have the only console edition at launch.
Here's some PR:
Explore a vast, haunted kingdom in Hollow Knight: Silksong, the sequel to the award winning action-adventure! Discover enchanting secrets and face foes in lethal, acrobatic combat as you ascend to the peak of a land ruled by silk and song.
Hollow Knight: Silksong is the epic sequel to Hollow Knight, the epic action-adventure of bugs and heroes. As the lethal hunter Hornet, journey to all-new lands, discover new powers, battle vast hordes of bugs and beasts and uncover ancient secrets tied to your nature and your past.
Hollow Knight: Silksong will be launching on Windows, Mac, Linux and Nintendo Switch
That's some nice news to kick off your Valentine's Day, right?
Comments 86
This year just gets better and better.
Nice of them to keep it free for Kickstarter backers too, with it being a full game they could quite easily have not done that. It looks absolutely brilliant, I cannot wait.
I'll happily pay £20 for this. I assume it will be free for KS backers and chargeable to everyone else? They did say it's the second game by TC so I'm assuming it isn't DLC.
It looks even better than the original. I played 20 hours of HK and never completed it. I've been away from it for that long I might just start again.
Argh, I really need to get back to Hollow Knight. Brilliant news!
I doubt it's exclusive, just that it's easier for them to release on fewer platforms initially.
[announcements intensify]
This is why people don't take journalism seriously. You did not watch their discussion video where it's discussed to be PC/Linux/Mac initially and Switch/XBO/PS4 will possibly be coming later. Even if they didn't say that it's a PC game that got ported later for a wider audience so why on earth would it imply that.
delet this
@nintendo_idiots they said PC/Linux/Mac/Switch initially and possibly others later.
@oatmaster That's why the 'console exclusive' title is blatantly wrong.
@nintendo_idiots This is why people don't take random commenters seriously. We clearly said:
"It's coming to Windows, Mac, Linux and Switch, which seems to suggest it's a console exclusive for Nintendo, at least initially."
Delet this
@nintendo_idiots it's exclusive to that particular console. At most I'd say a little misleading but not actually wrong. Unlike your comment about it coming to Switch later than PC/Linux/Mac which is entirely wrong
Team Cherry's video on youtube explicitly says 'Hollow Knight: Silksong will be launching on Windows, Mac, Linux and Nintendo Switch.'
Hell yes! I hope this gets a physical edition too. Well done Team Cherry.
What I wonder is between all the DLC and such, how do these guys find the time in making a sequel too in such a short time span? And keep a consistent quality too. These guys must be wizards or something.
@Damo in what world does that imply that it's console exclusive? It's coming to, initially, four platforms. Not 'switch first'. It would make some sort of sense if Hollow Knight was a switch game that later came to PC, but no, that's not how that went.
I really, really want to like Hollow Knight. I mean, it is a technical marvel. It is just to damn hard for me. I found Shovel Knight a lot more forgiving, and a hell of a lot more enjoyable.
@Nomad I'm expecting some sort of bundled physical e.g. Hollow Knight 1& 2 in one.
@nintendo_idiots PC isn't a console
@Damo But the actual Title of the post says exclusive, bad form.
Anyways, so it's not a DLC it's a sequel, BRILLIANT!!
Now for the physical with both on [crossedfingers]
@nintendo_idiots The official YouTube video only lists Switch. Not "coming soon to PS4, etc".
So it's a console exclusive. Time limited perhaps, but still exclusive.
Day one for me. I still play HK even i achieved 100percent but it doesnt get boring for me. As to the switch exclusive part: yeah i doubt it, it will come to all platforms sooner or later.
I have not played yet the first one as I am waiting a physical release.
This would have been a great inclusion in last night's Direct. Could have replaced the Disney Tsum Tsum game =0p
Official Video:
"Hollow Knight: Silksong will be launching on Windows, Mac, Linux and Nintendo Switch."
@gcunit That would be great. Some kind of special edition would be good too.
It'll come to other platforms, Hollow Knight itself was a timed exclusive to the Switch console.
@nintendo_idiots The term "console exclusive" is commonly used to refer to games that only launch on one of the home consoles in addition to PC. The original Hollow Knight was also a console exclusive when it launched on Switch, having been on PC before that. That ended up being only temporary when it launched on PS4 and Xbox One later in the year, though.
@nintendo_idiots Do you see any other consoles named in that list?
One of those games best played on Switch, just like Celeste. Day one buy.
So Hornet's getting her own game. Day one.
I've just bought the first game during a sale. (Unemployment, folks!) And I've yet to play it. I'm still glad we're getting a high profile indie title, though. Which leads to the question, what does indie exclusivity actually entail?
On one hand, if we start getting indie exclusives, there's oughta be some derision we'll be at the receiving end of, as in: "that's all the third-party support Nintendo Switch is ever going to get, lol" - we're used to the "desperation" jokes at this point. Moving on.
On the other, the reaction to a possibly - yet very unlikely, given indie devs need money far more than heavy hitters such as EA and the like - growing trend of exclusive indie games would go from a few eyebrows to the logical conclusion of "wait a minute, I'll need a Switch to play that game!".
That last scenario would give the Switch an appeal in line with the uniqueness Nintendo had always been gunning for.
You're, like, the NintendoLife equivalent to PushSquare's ShogunRok. Dat "back atcha" reply, man.
@MisterKorman Yeah what a shame. Sucks to be them. After they dissed Nintendo...
WHEN WHEN WHEN can i buy it?? Looks and sounds great just like the first. I still have to go back and do the last released dlc of Hollow Knight and defeat the 'true' final boss as i just couldn't do it at the time. Maybe time to go back and try again. Hornet is a great character too,so can't wait for this. I hope there are some quality of life improvements over the first though,generally with the mapping system
Wow, a full sequel?
Who said something about "free for backers"? That seems a little too good to be true if you ask me. I'm not getting my hopes up. But, if it is by chance true, that's downright incredible.
You aren't very bright, are you?
@JaxonH quote from the Team Cherry blog post:
'As a backer, your support made this happen, so you’ll of course be receiving your copy of Hollow Knight: Silksong 100% free.'
I look forward to buying this! I said it on an earlier post that I’d buy anything Team Cherry makes and more HK is just perfect
@Spudtendo He "signed up to comment". Of course he's not very bright)
Looks glorious. Love this art style . Not since Shovel Knight have I been so so impressed with a dev. team . Team Cherry are phenomenal devs.
Wow i have to say, they realllllllyyy impressed me with this game! Loved it.
nintendo should hire them to make a new Mario side scroller. Those animations and backgrounds! Beautiful.
Does anyone know how Hollow Knight sold on Switch compared to PC, XBox and PS4?
I play through all that content in Hollow Knight...I love the game almost as much as Super Metroid...and then they come and dump a second helping in front of us? We don't deserve Team Cherry.
Folks arguing about whether it's exclusive or not and I'm here just like "take my money whenever it hits Switch". Loved the original HK and I always thought Hornet was the coolest character in it. Playing a whole game with her looks like it'll be a blast.
@PapaPedro Someone should have mentioned this sooner. Hopefully that answers all his questions, because jeez.
Holy moly, it's a freaking SEQUEL?
This is the week that keeps on giving, isn't it?
Wait, so it's not a DLC, but a full freaking fledged sequel?! Shut up and take my money. Wow. Mind blown.
Any word on release date, though?
Welp I guess I better finish the dirst game then.
A full sequel?! I need to lie down..
Well this is just getting plain old nutty. Bonkers, even.
One of the best Indies on Switch keeps getting better.
Any word on release window?
Very surprised this was not included in the direct. This is Hugh news. By fingers hurt already from the frustration (I wouldn't mind an easy mind although o beat the story in the first one (but not all other challenges)
How did Team Cherry find the time to make this? Amazing. Can't wait!
Also I've never said this before but I hope they charge more for their game this time. I feel bad about how little I paid for Hollow Knight given the huge amount of content and the time I've put into that game.
I look forward to this game a lot. I still have to finish the majority of the first game, it is amazing!
This really has been a great 24 hours of news. Hollow Knight is hands down the best non-Nintendo created game on Switch, and now we get a sequel!
@MisterKorman If only everyone, from all platforms, thought like you. I wholeheartedly agree, even though I'd have bought it on the Switch anyway.
Cannot wait, superb game.
Oh oh. There goes my money and any free time I might have had
wow this is almost better than Zelda LA! Hope it's not too far off...
Wow, love the trailer. First need to beat a few bosses tough
Also, maybe PS4 owners might like to learn how to wait for a change? Since it's a platform where it sells less. Patience is a virtue, you know.
I was really hoping this was in the direct yesterday, as they would have followed with a download now. But as this is a standalone second game in the series and we know how much game team cherry like to put in their games I expect it will be a few months out. Still great news as far as I am concerned.
OMG, her voice still gives me nightmares. For some reason the second encounter with her was the hardest I had in the whole game... will be great to be her!
Shocked. Did not expect a full-on sequel game. And basing it around Hornet is just so awesome. This is the most exciting game release news and I do wish it was part of the direct. Weird omission as it is even launching on Switch first.
Either way, I'm greatly, greatly looking forward to this. I'm with @Ooccoo_Jr and think they should charge a bit more if the game is as large as the original. I'll happily pay less, and I wouldn't mind if it was half the size, actually, as long as it's good!
The trailer made it sound more like an expansion than a sequel.
Great news, I will absolutely get it.
The Hollow Knight sequel is a Switch console exclusive, and they didn’t put it in yesterday’s direct? Such a missed opportunity.
Day 1 buy for sure!!!
Wow, looks amazing. Team Cherry has been a godsend to gaming and seems to be one of the few developers out there not motivated by greed. Charging only $15 for the original masterpiece, giving away free DLC and now backers getting the sequel for free! Unheard of. Idk whether to call it wizardry or slavery. I won't even get mad if the decide to charge full price for the sequel.
This one announcement is a bigger deal than all of yesterday’s hyped up Nintendo Direct. 😂
How???! How are they this far along with a sequel. How do they make such quality with such speed?! I’m equal parts impressed and baffled!
I'm very excited. I just wish it had "Hornet" in the name. Hollow Knight was such a cool title. SilkSong feels kinda weak.
I would recommend PC if you have one that can handle it, the first Hollow Knight plays a lot smoother and looks better with higher framerates.
At this rate... man, the Switch may end up with one of the best collections of metroidvanias of all time. I'm so freaking excited;.
It is possible to have the game now!? I mean as an exclusive for me only!? I'm kidding! Looks awesome!!
Oh yessss, this looks so sweet!
Weeeeeelllllll there goes another large portion of hours of my life and trying to leave work early.
@Scottwood101 I had to do after a long break - and it proved worth it. I've now logged over 40 hours and think I must be close to finishing the first ending. There is still lots to discover but I've committed myself to finish it now – all other games can wait.
Hornet is a great character - so this is game news.
@brunojenso Once I'm done with Sundered Eldrich Edition I'll definitely be starting it again (definitely check that out if you like Metroidvanias with unique art styles, £3.50 right now on Russian eshop, £15 over here!).
Quick question on HK. The expansions... Are they simply implemented into the game or do they unlock after completing the main game? Not sure how I would know if what I am exploring is DLC or just part of the main game...
If it doesn't come Physical then I am not there. Switch Owners demand Physical and will pay for it.
@Scottwood101 they are integrated into the main game. I had encountered large portions of the DLC by the time I got near the end.
The crazy thing about Hollow Knight... I played it so much, but still couldn't completely finish it. Never completed the radiance nor the God Slayer (?). Lacked patience. Played steel soul mode and got reasonable far... I'm not hardcore (or good) enough to finish that... Not even close. Clocked over 120+ hrs.
@Scottwood101 As far as I can tell, and on what I've read on the DLC contents - they are seamlessly integrated.
I was disappointed by this at first – and even felt a little cheated (If possible for the amazing price of this masterpiece) because it's not the traditional use of DLC. But now I like the idea that the so called DLC has allowed it to become an even more fully realized game.
I still think DLC is the wrong wording though and a little deceiving.
My main negative for this game, is 40+ hours in, I sometimes kinda felt I occasionally needed a 'White Tanooki' or 'funky Kong' helper mode for the boss battles in particular. Some 'Dark Soul' types would be disgusted by the idea – but they could simply not use it.
I honestly didn't know if I could finish the game because I can't count the number of attempts some of these bosses took. I've heard of a lot of comments where people clearly love the game but haven't managed to finish it yet. That's a tragedy for a game this good – to not be able to experience the entirety of the story and environment, because you suck at boss battles.
I now feel I can beat the game – but I'm still daunted by the prospect of some of the late bosses and the 'true ending' challenges.
So excited for this! I considered Celeste my GOTY....until Hollow Knight came swooping in last-second for me and edged it out just by a hair. Most anticipated game of 2019 right here.
If anyone is looking for an equally enthralling experience then check out Sundered, on sale at the Russian eshop for just £3.50! Visually just as impressive, combat just as satisfying, exploration not as exhilarating but overall just as enjoyable.
Just checking in and wondering if it's still a timed console exclusive. Because now it's announced for MS GP. This could mean, that Switch should get it earlier than Gamepass gets it, if Team Cherry still adheres to their statements from 2019.
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