If the rumours weren’t enough, there are now cheeky individuals online posting fake notices about supposed upcoming Nintendo Direct presentations. Yep, some people are seemingly so desperate for Nintendo’s next batch of announcements that they've created lookalike accounts and announcements in an attempt to deceive the general gaming public.
Below is a Twitter account impersonating Nintendo of America that got 755 Retweets and more than one thousand Likes:
With fake news rife on social media platforms nowadays, it’s no surprise to see tweets - such as the one above - posting near-perfect replicas of official announcements - with the date, time and even an accurate picture. Anyone with a keen eye will immediately notice this account lacks a verification tick - an important detail to always take note of when viewing a company or important person making announcements on social media.
While it's not the first time something like this has happened, it goes to show just how eager some people are to take advantage of the current excitement surrounding Nintendo's next Direct. This particular case certainly doesn't help when there's already enough rumours about the date of the next presentation flying around.
We're sure Nintendo will make an official announcement when it's ready.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 78
Shifty little codgers. The real Direct will be along soon enough.
Oh boy! I live in Aemrica! This means I can watch this direct made by Ninteond!
Americans can't even spell Aemurikuh right anyways!
@Rika_Yoshitake *Murica
I just hope the real direct isnt another mini like it was last year.
I don't like it when people do this. I just wait for Nintendo's official announcements. Just follow their official twitter page.
"Important people"
Hey! Sniff sniff
"Okay, that's all the time I've got. I gotta get back to playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf on my Nintendo 3DS."
Pshh, that stupid. Obviously fake.
However, I have come across something that looks pretty real:
Is excitement that high?
It's not fake news. It's social media. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, whatever the site of the month is, IS NOT NEWS.
If you consider social media a news source, and are either too lazy or unable to follow up and double check the stories, honestly, you are the reason people put out lies in the first place. Because they know they can trick you.
Video games or politics, if you see something online, and you can't find anyone else reporting it (make sure they aren't just sourcing the initial article you saw), chances are, it's a pile of BS.
Even with sources you trust, it is always best to hold out and wait for confirmation. Don't just believe things you read on social media!
It's also always important to know who is doing the reporting. There is no such thing as "fair and balanced" in news. Because human beings always have their own opinions and there is nothing wrong with that. But when you read something, paying attention to what service put it out is important.
"If the rumours weren’t enough..."
You took the words out of my mouth, however, it is no longer necessary a rumor, or a fake; just something so small, small, microscopic, perhaps, product of the imagination to cause a furore on the internet and half the world says : "That will be real" and cause the same drama as always, tell me if it's not true?
Yes people are stupid.
@Prof_Yoshtonics I've never heard the word "codgers" in my life. Thought for sure it must be British slang, but I checked your profile and saw that you're American.
Nentindo of Aemrica: Is yuor boyd raedy 4 teh Dircet?
These hoaxers take advantage of the current excitement surrounding Nintendo's next Direct. Nintendo just turns down our excitement in mini Directs with lackluster of announcements
The story being the Caltron/Myriad 6-in-1 for NES being so rare is because Nintendo sued the crap out of the original company for stealing their name in its native Taiwan.
Can they sue "Nintendo of Aemrica" for stealing their name as well?
People should simply:
1. Just ignore it.
2. Just ignore it.
Really hope Nintendo announces what they plan to do with the NES for Switch next. Hope they just announce some SNES games already
So desperate for the next batch of announcements that they... attempt to deceive the general gaming public?
A most fascinating example of cause and consequence. :V
@ReaderRagfihs somewhere, Soulja Boy is reading this and taking notes.
I just see this as mildly humorous, because it's easy to spot.
Though, I do expect a direct sometime in the next few weeks. Mostly because, if Nintendo wants to get close to their second year goals, they'll have to lay out their plans for the remainder of the Switch's second year. They mostly focused on Smash and Pokemon for the holiday season, understandably, and left us in the dark about this years plans.
Pretty easy to spot but shows just how desperate people are for Nintendo news. If there is a normal Direct on the 10th, Nintendo won't announce it until 3pm GMT on either the 8th or the 9th.
Cough... Something about stones and glass houses... Cough...
OnT: I guess we'll see a real announcement pretty soon.
ok so whens the real direct? with some metroid gameplay!
@ReaderRagfihs I think you are onto something there. Ninpendo office supplies, Ninlendo banks, Nindendo hotels, it’ll be a whole franchise!
@rjer was this you? 😉
Who cares? Did this really have to be an article? Everyone is well aware of fake Nintendo directs from trolls. They only thing fake is this phony clickbait editor.
@NybroCymerej NL is clickbait central but we come here for the traffic right? well I do anyway..
This happens literally all the time. Another thing to note that people often do is retweeting Official Nintendo Direct announcements... but one from previous years without checking the actual date.
I do have to say though this really isn't article worthy but I guess even I can sympathise with Nintendo Life when news has been this dry as of late.
Blame Nintendo. It plays its cards close to its chest. Yoshi for example, should have a release date, it has to be complete and ready to go, but I bet Nintendo don't have a date yet.
I shall blame you instead Zool. Makes about as much sense as your reasoning.
@SBandy because you don't understand someone's reasoning, does not make the reasoning wrong, it suggests your lack of understanding.
Fake news is all the rage around here. People act like misinformation is something new. I say if you don`t check the sources, it`s your own risk to believe in something you saw online...
I understood what you were trying to say, I was stating it makes zero sense so I will pick something/someone to blame that is equally nonsensical.
Now do you understand?!
Be patient, everyone. It will come soon enough. "Good things come to those who wait."
@SBandy I was not trying to say anything, I did say it.
Gamers want information about games for the console they invested their hard earned cash into, the Switch. This information comes from Nintendo via Nintendo Direct. Fake Directs are being posted because Nintendo are very slow at communicating with their customers. So yes it's Nintendo fault.
Nintendo rely to much on non physical eshop game's and ports to keep the Switch alive.
Aww you just wanted to have a pathetic little rant. The truth comes out.
@Painay I stick around in case I bump into my true love.
Well went it gets here it's gonna be a small 20 min thing anyway.
Fire emblem
Smash DLC
Montage of third party and indie stuff
And some random 3ds stuff
@SBandy You may not agree with a different option to your own, fair enough, but when you are lost for words it's better to say nothing rather than resort to snide remarks 😁
Not lost for words. I think I made my point perfectly clear.
Let’s all jump on the Direct bandwagon again! F-Zero?! Eternal Darkness?! New IPs? PIKMIN?!!!!
Headrush over. Now back to work.
You can't help these people. Just be glad they're a minority with no real power.
@SBandy laugh 😂
@MH4 That looks pretty real but no it's a fake, we won't see Garfield in any of the upcoming DLC.
If he was though what would his Final Smash be? Probably eat a whole load of lasagne and fall asleep a la Jigglypuff.
@SBandy do you mind growing up a little bit? Damn you're cringe.
We all just have to be a bit more... lax.
"Aaaaaaaand as always I can't stress this enough, realize that I'm talking about this just-for-fun."
How exactly am I "cringe"?
@zool That’s ridiculous. Everyone is aware of how Nintendo operates. They just didn’t happen yesterday. Someone deceiving the public with a fake Direct announcement is absolutely no fault of Nintendo’s. And sure, you are allowed to have an opinion. But be ready for that opinion to be pointed out as baseless nonsense when it isn’t supported by anything factual or common sense. Because let’s be real, the real issue isn’t Nintendo’s methods of sharing information. We all know how they work by now. The real issue is you feeling entitled to that information on your timetable.
@UmbreonsPapa so not only are you giving your opinion but are are speaking for me, assuming what I think.
How Nintendo operates is not the issue, I already pointed out that they play things close to their chest.
Secrecy will cause speculation and the fake Directs are just speculation and secrecy is the cause.
We all want to know when we are getting Yoshi or Fire Emblem and if Nintendo insist on dangling carrots with these games but not giving us dates then speculation will happen.
My guess is they will keep us waiting until E3. But this is just speculation.
What do people even get out of doing this? A chuckle here and there but then what? Seems like an abhorrent waste of their time tbh. Moreso than anyone elses.
Their bodies weren’t ready for this forgery.
I'm shocked. Just imagine the type of person who would write something on the Internet with the purposeful intent to mislead others, Liam.
@zool I'm only going by your multiple posts that where you state Nintendo is at fault. It's a ridiculous take. Speculation is fine. Its healthy and when done rationally and with perspective, its fun. Blaming Nintendo for the stupidity of others is not rational
That's how dumb this generation is they believe everything they read instead of just checking Nintendo.com
@UmbreonsPapa it is perfectly rational. Film companies post movie release dates six months and up to a year in advance. And so do book publishing companies. Nintendo is reluctant to tell us what IS being released this year.
It is their inaction that causes the reaction of fake Directs.
@zool Considering we are only 7 days into 2019, I'm willing to be patient.
@WiltonRoots No, I can spell America, but I did consider the possibility it was me as well, I get weird when I have a fever and head cold for a week. Though in all honesty when I saw it just now on Twitter I thought it was real and came to NL to read the comments. I really need to get well soon. 😫
Two thing that makes me think a direct is incoming. No 1 SMBW Deluxe 2. What games are going to be added to the 2019 games selection for online subs?. Of course Nintendo don't have to give Mario one more push for launch and they don't have to give us more nes games that we more than likely won't care about anyway. Or they could start giving out Snes games, In short Nintendo don't need to do anything in jan but i hope they do!.
@MH4 You are my new hero.
@LavaTwilight No, my 100% accurate sources tell me his Final Smash is “Mondays,” which sends calendars falling from the sky a la PK Starstorm.
@NEStalgia 😊 I am but a humble leaker here to spread knowledge.
@zool "We all want to know when we are getting Yoshi or Fire Emblem and if Nintendo insist on dangling carrots with these games but not giving us dates then speculation will happen."
Who's "we?" It's only 7 days into the year mate.
I'm quite prepared to wait until they're ready to tell us, there's no mad rush. The world won't collapse if we don't hear about Yoshi and Fire Emblem. I've still got Smash and Splatoon 2 to keep me ticking over for quite a while.
Nintendo have always been tight-lipped, that's just the way they are. They'll tell us when they tell us.
@WiltonRoots first I'm not your mate. Sccond, OK most of us want to know when we are getting Yoshi and Fire Emblem. Some of us are more selective in the games we play. For me it's time, so I like to pick games I want to play. I won't necessarily buy a game for the sake of it.
Yes I agree Nintendo are being tight-lipped about release dates. And it is subjective as to what one's thoughts are about this. You are happy with this, I'm not. 2017 was a very good for Nintendo and games. 2018 was poor. Big gaps filled with indi and ported games. It would be nice to at least know what's in store over the next 4 months.
@zool Wow. It would be so easy for me to bite at your response, but I'm not going to bother, I've had a lovely evening, had a great meal and you've already had a couple of disagreements today. Plus we're only discussing games. Goodnight.
@Not_Soos https://www.google.com/search?q=codger&oq=codger&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.4384j1j7&client=ms-android-americamovil-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
Friendly reminder that there has never, EVER been a legit leak for a Nintendo Direct. Always assume a leak is fake when you see one.
@Prof_Yoshtonics whats a codger....im seriously asking, i googled it and it said elderly man, wasnt sure if it had like a maybe a british meaning or something.
It’s not their inaction that’s at fault, it’s the fault of the people making the fake tweets.
And I completely fail to see how Nintendo are ‘relying too much’ on what the Swotch currently has when it’s propelling the system to huge sales.
@electrolite77 the people making the fake tweets can't be at fault, that's what they want to do and are doing. Its a form of protest against the lack of news from Nintendo.
The bigger a bubble gets the quicker it bursts. The Wii is an example. The hard core Nintendo gamers buy Nintendo consoles to play Nintendo exclusive games. Other games can be played on other consoles. It would be fair to these gamers to keep them in the loop about release dates.
The person who does something is at fault. The rest is an sxcuse.
Hopefully those responsible were quickly found by Nintendo's Ninjas and thrown into Bowser's Dungeon for being such trolls.
@zool Hi Zool. I don't have anything to say, everyone's responding to your comments and I don't want to be left out. Love your name though, I remember playing Zool back on the Amiga... I think, or Atari... Anyway lots of happy memories.
@LavaTwilight yes I played it on the Amiga. I had a Commodore first then an Amiga. We were promised a new Amiga for a few years but it never happened. So I went into Dixons to buy a PlayStation and Tomb Raider. I'm not sure what happened but I came out with an N64 and Mario. Been with Nintendo ever since.
The internet is still a bad place for news I swear! The so called rumor mill needs to take a permanent vacation and away from the actual news. Sadly, this is why we live with the Internet.
@zool https://twitter.com/nintendoamerica/status/1082804144698585088?s=12
Well, they answered your concerns about Yoshi..
@UmbreonsPapa at least my posts have done some good. And they didn't need a Nintendo Direct to make the announcement.
Let's hope they do the same with other games.
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