We last heard about Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age S in September, when the name for the title was officially confirmed at the 2018 Tokyo Game Show. At the time, the series creator Yuji Horii said the Switch version would take much longer for Square Enix to develop, but could not lock in when exactly it would arrive.
What we know now - if it wasn’t already evident - is that the game won’t be released in 2018. At Jump Festa 2019, Square Enix simply announced the game would launch within Japan next year (2019). This version will include over 200 voiced characters, excluding the main character and as previously revealed is powered by Unreal Engine 4.

In addition to providing the year of the game's release, Square Enix also teased it was preparing a surprise Dragon Quest XI S announcement for the first day of 2019. The official website is now open as well and below is a short trailer for the game:
More details about the upcoming Switch release will be revealed during a Square Enix "Dragon Quest XI Channel S" live stream on YouTube and Niconico in January. This broadcast will feature the creator of the series, producer Hokuto Okamoto and multiple other individuals involved with the project.
In the meantime, what do you think the surprise could be? Leave a comment below.
[source gematsu.com, via dq11.jp]
Comments 88
Hope we get a US date soon
Please... I need it..
It's only a surprise if it is a surprise, and I don't think it will be because we are expecting something.
A surprise announcement, eh? Could it be that thing that leaked which I won't spoil here for anyone unaware in case it's real?
Darn, I wish I knew how to be less cryptic with this... Can someone tell me tell me how to do the black sensor bars, please?
Glad it seems to be launching soon, as progress on it has seemed very... stalled for awhile.
Hopefully it looks good when undocked.
Are the characters in this game fully voiced?
The only surprise I want is a release date!
Can we please stop right now with predicting every special announcement is a Smash announcement! Travis Touchdown wasn't announced at the No More Heroes event. Banjo and Kazooie were not announced at Microsoft's show. Ronald McDonald isn't going to get an invite during next years McDonalds shareholder meeting. Dave from Allied Carpets isn't joining the fight because they are having a New Year's sale. And I'm pretty sure SE announcement won't be about Smash.
Square Enix actually announced a lot about the Switch version of the game at Jump Festa, but you wouldn't know that from this article
-They confirmed that DQXI S has been built from the ground up for Switch. It uses Unreal Engine 4 like the PS4 version, but it's completely rebuilt and tailored specifically towards its platform just like the PS4 and 3DS releases were.
-You can now marry any of your female party members or live with your male party members.
-New Japanese voice acting for 200+ characters will likely lead to dual audio for the Western release.
-They've made a "Dragon Quest XI S Streaming Channel" which will provide updates on the game on a regular basis until release.
-There will be a big stream for the game with the director, producer, and series creator sometime in January. This will likely give us our first look at direct gameplay. This is separate from the aforementioned 'surprise'.
-They've teased lots more exclusive content for the Switch version, aside from the voice acting.
Graphics may be a bit of a downgrade as can be seen in the trailer, but it looks like Switch really will get the definitive version of the game in terms of content and functionality! Really hyped for this, hopefully it releases worldwide not long after the Japanese release.
I think I'll just get the eshop credit just in case.
Hmm...I wonder if we are going to see bigger cards next year then? Have they sorted out whatever problem they were having with larger capacities?
Already playing this on PC, but damn this game is good. Can't wait for more people to enjoy this game, it should have been RPG of the year.
Can't wait to get this if it actually release next year for Switch over here. It was and still is a stupid move not to bring the 3DS version here though.
I’m just going to (eventually) play my PS4 version, which has been in my backlog since launch. I would prefer a simultaneous release of a new RPG project.
Hopefully it includes the 16-bit version of the game from the 3DS release.
I guess Western release won't take so long as before, because translation already exists in PS4 version.
And I hope Switch version won't have many downgraded areas. Perhaps they take the voice over off?
Great Game!. Bought it on day 1 back in September (I never can wait for games I am a fan of)
People should pick it up. Worth every penny.
I really hope this comes to the West in 2019. I need this game in my life.
Also here's a link to some comparison screenshots.
There's definitely a difference as the PS4 version has higher resolution as well as better lighting and textures, but the Switch version still looks fantastic on its own. Of course, the gameplay will be the real test, but so far things are looking really good for Switch.
I held off on this knowing the Switch version was right around the corner.
It’s crazy to think we’re getting a game like this on a handheld system. Imagine if Vita got a game like this in all it’s console glory... or 3DS for that matter. But we can see that handheld systems from yesteryear just couldn’t handle it. The 3DS version of this game is a great example (although the sprites are appealing in their own way)
The future is now. You will have the full console version of this game in the palm of your hand, AND without sacrificing having a home console version alongside it. They’re both included together. That’s why switch games are so appealing. You get the best of both worlds in one single purchase. But the true star of the show is having full 8th generation console games on a handheld
Western Switch release please please please
Actually the Vita was criminally under appreciated. It has great console quality RPG games like The Trails of Cold Steel series.
@ilikeike: I think you should have freelanced this article. You've given me much more info in almost as many words. 😉
Hopefully the Western release isn't too far off!
@ilikeike I reckon docked will mainly hit 720p while Undocked 540p
Awesome to see a touch of footage finally. Doesn't seem too downgraded from the PS4 version either. I'll get it when it drops but the wait has been weird and kind've ridiculous.
@CharlieSmile I agree, that's the news I want to hear most about this version.
@Blitzenexx Lol thanks! I guess I'm just way more passionate about this game than the author of this article is, I've been scourging the internet for info about it ever since the trailer dropped. Really, I've been hyped for this game ever since it was announced for the NX!
I really hope it comes west sooner rather than later, too. It shouldn't be too long since it's mostly translated already, but I guess it all depends on the amount of new content in the game that needs to be localized.
@kobashi100 That makes sense to me. It only ran at 900p on PS4, so I'd imagine it'd be lower than that for Switch. Then again they really emphasized at the show that the game has been entirely remade to suit the Switch's hardware, so maybe they really can pull off a technical marvel and make it run even better on Switch.
im keeping my expectations very low on this since square has the tendency to delay switch version of dragon quest from the west quite alot.
Western release date please, pretty please
You’re talking to a day one Vita owner who owns the special edition of Trails.
It looks fantastic so far. It looks almost as good as the PS4 version.
@PrincessBowsette SE should have never even announced it for switch when they did. Game had not even started development. Should have just stayed quiet till they was ready to show something.
I’m a day one Vita owner too. So, you’re aware of quality Vita games. My point is, the Vita had enough power to propel it to greatness like the Switch. Unfortunately, Sony didn’t have the Nintendo level brand power with parents and kids. Dragon Quest could’ve been done on Vita. Poor sales wouldn’t allow it.
The surprise is probably going to either be a Western release confirmation or some Nintendo-tie in content like MH Generations Ultimate, Rocket League and Skyrim Switch
A graphically impressive Dragon Quest game on a handheld? This is gonna destroy Japan. The country will shut down for a few months.
Smash rep confirmed? Game is looking great
It's about time SE pulled the curtain on this game! Visually, it certainly doesn't disappoint. Well done to them on that front, but I'm concerned: How likely is localization?
Call me crazy, but my confidence in SE's localization decisions isn't exactly abundant. I don't want to be negative, but I think the skepticism is warranted.
I'd love to be wrong. The Switch is my ideal place to play games.
I hope this is coming out soon. I have almost bought the PS4 version several times now but have held back since it's easier for me to game on my Switch then my PS4.
@ilikeike Damn I can marry Jade now? I'll have to buy this again...
@BlueBlur101 I just got a call from my dentist reminding my to make an appointment. I'm expecting a Smash announcement a week on Thursday!
@SHULZ021 They definitely should be, the english versions on other platforms are all fully voiced.
The surprise will be that they're going to announce cancelling it for switch.
@ilikeike: A coworker really hyped DQ XI up to me after playing through it on PC. I'm rather new to the Dragon Quest series and have been paying more attention to it after playing through and beating V; it was one of my favorite RPGs that I played this past year. I have been avoiding some footage and the plot for this one though; I can't have too many spoilers now.
The visual downgrade in those screenshots doesn't bother me at all, and in some cases I believe I prefer the lighting in the Switch version.
I disagree. I think it was a nice handheld but it did not have the power to run games like this. Resident Evil Revelations 2 comes to mind. It’s a downright horrible version of the game. It’s night and day from the console versions. Same for the original on 3DS. Although the original looked fantastic for the 3DS, the second was not built ground up for handheld. It was built for console and ported to handheld on the side. And it’s not even remotely in the same universe of the same ballpark as the console versions.
Vita didn’t have enough power to run full 8th generation console games (and even struggled with 7th gen eg Borderlands 2). Heck, even Switch barely manages to pull it off. Vita should have played to its strengths rather than try to be something it’s not. They tried to package it as full console gaming on the go but it didn’t even have enough buttons. The rear touchpad and touchscreen were often used as a substitute. Even the dual analogs were half the size of the Joycon analogs, which are already on the cusp of proper usability. They went for a full spherical travel instead of using the diametral planar travel like on 3DS, which gives you much more travel in a smaller space. The few games they got onto the system that also came to PS4 were often extremely dialed back and sometimes, even borderline unplayable. Instead of trying to brute force its way into being “console gaming on the go”, something it was ill-equipped to handle in terms of power, storage expansion and even button set, it should have taken a handheld approach like 3DS. Had it done that, it would’ve gotten tons of great games designed specifically for a less powerful handheld. The best games on the Vita were the ones that were less demanding and only required a 3DS button set.
It was a great system, and a lot of its potential was wasted by Sony giving up on it, but it never could never do what Switch does. It was a stepping stone. Like Wii U, the vision was there, but the hardware couldn’t live up to the dream.
I folded and got it during black friday on ps4 but I could see myself getting it again, especially if there is new content.
DQ11 Protagonist for Smash?
they can add DQIX HD remake in DQXI S boxing as a surprise!
All I want is a US release date. I’ve been fighting for months to hold off and wait for this on Switch but I don’t know if I can last another 6+ months. Especially when it’s $40 on PS4 right now.
I’ve never played a DQ game before - is it ok to start with this one, or is it better to do some of the earlier ones in the series? And gameplay-wise, is it similar to Zelda?
@Bondi_Surfer You can play any of the DQ games in any order you want. Nothing like Zelda really. This is a traditional JRPG at a fundamental level just with modern touches and a fresh coat of paint.
I want Terranigma HD from Enix.
The best surprise would be a 3DS English localization.
I'm about 25 hours into the PS4 version and it's one of the best AAA JRPGs I have played in a long, long time. It's beautiful and a lot of fun, and I like the story, too.
I will absolutely pick this up for Switch in 2020 when it comes. Square Enix usually takes 6 - 12 months to translate games. If this launches in Japan in the fall of 2019, I'd say it will be an early 2020 game.
Wait, so I missed the live stream but I was excited because DQXIS had a 'stage' for the event and all they have to say is 'oh its coming sometime next year in Japan and now it has Japanese voice acting. kbye'... It's really hard to not be a little peeved at this point. I'll keep my chin up for the January 'surprise' but I'm getting pretty aggravated at the lack of information over the past two years.
@Blitzenexx Man, I loved Dragon Quest V! It's the game that sold me on DQ. I loved the marriage and family choices in the game, which is why I'm happy they're bringing back marriage decisions in DQXI S. I've been tempted by DQXI on Steam a few times before, but I've been holding out for the Switch version since it's my preferred console to play these massive RPG's. The more I look at the Switch screenshots the more I think I might prefer the Switch version, at least in some areas. However, the true test will come when we actually see gameplay!
While I agree that the analog sticks needed improvement, the Vita's controls were adequate for most experiences. The tiny Switch' JoyCons are worse than the Vita in my opinion. The saving grace for the Switch is the ability to use the Pro Controller and detach the JoyCons for a potential add-on controller in the future.
Uncharted Golden Abyss and Killzone Mercenary were graphical aces and console level experiences on the Vita. I haven't seen much on the Switch that trounces those games yet. I think proper optimization goes a long way. Dragon Quest 11 could've been done on the Vita. Also, if the Vita received enough consumer support, we could be experiencing a real beast of a Vita Pro or something by now.
What is kind of a bummer is that they didn't decide to localize the 3DS version. ;-(
I enjoyed it a lot on the PS4 though, so it's nice to see it coming to the Switch as well.
@AshFoxX While no actual gameplay was shown, they actually revealed a ton of info at the event that NL neglected to report in the article for some reason. I can't list it all here, but I wrote a big post earlier on in the comment section that summarized most of the information I've picked up about the game if you'd care to check that out. In short, it seems like Square really is giving Switch the 'special' treatment with tons of exclusive and unique content!
@Mars Ah the PSVita+PSTV - kind of like the Switch before the Switch, and better than the PS Classic for PS1 gaming. Too bad Sony never seemed to realize how cool hybrid gaming was, but Nintendo seems to!
@ilikeike Interesting - I may have to get it again. DQXI took a while to grow on me, but it is an excellent game that deserves to have more people enjoy it!!
@ilikeike I read your post along with everyone else's about 3 times just to make sure I got as much info as possible before posting myself how aggravated I am. The vague 2019 window for Japan and nothing at all for a western release is not enough to satisfy me after two long years. Definitive version or not, doesn't do me any good unless I know it's even assumed to be released in the west at all.
I will support the heck out of it if it gets announced but I feel like we should know much more about it by now.
Surprise is the game will release holiday season 2019 but they have some Dragon Quest ports we can play in the meantime. Woukd love to see some older ones pop-up on the eShop.
@Nintendofan83 wouldn’t the translation already be done because of the PS4 version released in the US?
@Supadav03 I didn't think about that at all! That's a good point ....now I suddenly got more excited for this game!
Yahoo! Dragon Quest! My brother has been playing it on PS4 and I am so excited to dig in myself!
Confession. Never played a dragon quest. It looks like DragonballZ meets Zelda.
Finished Steam version with true ending. Will probably double dip this S version. However, anybody know what is the different between S and pc version?
@AshFoxX The Switch version has already been confirmed for the West multiple times for quite a while now, thankfully; however, we don't yet know if it will release in 2019 like the Japanese version. I really hope we get some news on that sooner rather than later--perhaps in the January direct? I can't imagine there should be too much of a delay in localization since most of the game is already translated anyway.
I definitely understand your frustrations though. Square's radio silence and near-dismissal of the Switch version over the past few years has been infuriating, to say the least. At the very least I'm glad that they've taken this time to create what could be the most content-complete version of the game yet. Let's hope that the January stream reveals actual gameplay and some more Switch-exclusive content.
I Would be surprise if it's coming to the West.
Worse than Vita? I just don’t understand how anyone could have that opinion objectively. I’m trying to remain neutral here but, they are literally half the size. The joycon analogs are exponentially better than the Vita analog sticks
And Killzone Mercenary was a pretty good game on the system but, it wasn’t anything groundbreaking. Probably one of the better games on the system for sure. But even the best exclusive games on vita don’t even come close to the mediocre games on switch, IMO. Killzone was always a B rate FPS to me. I hated shadowfall. Bought one with my launch PS4 and couldn’t even finish it it. On Switch were playing games like DOOM, Wolfenstein, and soon DOOM Eternal and Wolf Youngblood, etc all with motion controls...
I have a lot of respect for Vita, and I can appreciate that some people really loved that system, which clearly you did. And I’m not trying to trounce on a system you loved because I do respect that. But if you’re asking my honest objective opinion... The controls were worse, they were missing buttons, the analog sticks were too close to the screen so your thumb would brush against the screen and accidentally trigger a button press they had programmed into the touchscreen, same for the rear touchpad, the analog sticks were half the size of the joycon which in no way possible can I understand how someone could think that is better, it’s literally half the size, it’s way worse. The best games on the system were PS2 ports, and most ground up exclusives were mediocre.
It’s not that the system was bad because it wasn’t. If they weren’t trying to force console games onto the system that had those tiny little analogues that wouldn’t have been a problem. If they hadn’t been forcing those games onto the system they wouldn’t have needed to resort to using the touchscreen and rear touchpad as substitute buttons that would accidentally activate because they put the analogues and buttons too close to the screen, they wouldn’t have games that were consistently horrible ports of consul versions... not to mention the largest memory card they sold was 32 gigs and they were shoddily built at $100 a pop and would fail within a year... I had to import a 64 gig card for well more than that and even that one failed. I’ve got a long, long, long laundry list of complaints with the Vita.
But ya. That’s all I’m gonna say on the matter because I don’t want to trigger anybody or get into a long debate. Suffice it to say that yes it had some good games, as all systems do. But Switch is carrying the torch and delivering on the dream that Vita failed to deliver on. And thank goodness for that because nobody else is doing it
DLC for smash? 👍🏼👍🏼
Hope for a 1rst Quarter release in Europe.
My body is Reggie!
Now bring the 3D S version, please.
I'm about halfway through the game by now so this version should be out by the time I get the urge to replay it again.
Either way, I'm getting it once it comes westward day one for sure!
The "S" is short for "S"mashbros
definitely yes.
these graphics tho are beautiful. Like watching an anime movie.
I misread the title and thought the game was getting a surprise release on January 1st. This makes more sense. And for those concerned that the game won’t get localized, why wouldn’t it? It released in English on PS4. The translation is done.
New challenger approaching:
@GrailUK ‘s dentist is removing teeth!
@blecch: They actually made a PSTV years before they made the PSTV (I was going to add a list of all of the other stuff Sony made that you could technically also call 'PlayStation TV', but it would be a bit too confusing): you could connect the PSP to your TV with an officially licensed cable. They took it up a notch with the PSP Go, which you could put inside a cradle to simultaneously charge and connect to your TV (of course, you had to buy the charger, the cradle and the TV cables separately, each!), and connect a PS3 controller to it via Bluetooth (also bought separately, and although it required some magic through a PS3, it did work). The downside was that PSP games displayed in a tiny rectangle on your screen rather than being fullscreen at all times, so you'd need to use the zoom function on your TV to see what was going on. PS1 games, however, work marvellously. It takes a couple of extra button presses, but it does work more or less exactly like the Switch, only with a much less powerful device and a much lower resolution. Still, it's possible!
@JaxonH: I think you're comparing apples and oranges here by comparing Vita-exclusive games to just anything that was released on the Switch. If you look at Switch exclusives, there really aren't that many to begin with either (I don't consider marginal updates like Pokkén or Mario Kart 8 to be exclusives). If you compare both systems by looking at all games including ports or multiplatform titles, there's a lot of great games on both systems, in fact there's a lot of games that exist on both systems, like World of Final Fantasy (the Switch admittedly got an extended edition), Ys VIII, Rayman, Shantae, lots of indie titles, and so on. I do agree completely about the analog sticks being place too close to the screen and all the other usual complaints. Luckily hackers have managed to solve most of the Vita's problems like allowing you to use microSD cards instead of the outrageously overpriced proprietary memory cards, or overclocking the system and hacking the resolution of lots of games so that they can now run at native resolution with good fps. Not all games are salvageable this way because Resident Evil Revelations still runs terribad even with all of the hacks, but it does breathe new life into what were previously considered to be shoddy ports, and luckily the Resident Evil Revelations ports on Switch are nothing short of outstanding (besides the load times, anyway).
@ilikeike: I've only played through V once so far, but I need to go back and pick the other wives in different playthroughs sometime. I've been told that the one I thought was the most easily skipped is actually the most entertaining.
I've nearly caved for this game as well, but I'm so happy I was patient about getting it. I likewise can't wait to see some actual gameplay!
@thesilverbrick: I agree with you that people's concerns that this won't be localized seem to be unfounded; the Switch version has indeed been confirmed to be heading West at some point. However, some may be remembering the debacle of the 3DS version when they express that fear/assumption. I was among those disappointed that the 3DS version wasn't exiting the borders of Japan.
@GrailUK Your molars are in Smash, with your incisors as Echo Fighters
Hope we'll get it in Europe asap
I have kept myself from buying this on PS4 (only borrowed it and almost completed) as I’m waiting for the switch version. I hope this version would include those 3DS-graphics too. They would be awesome. Anyhow it’s an awesome game and I’m definitely going to buy and replay it on switch!
Unfortunately they waited to long, and I ended up picking it up for for PS4 because it was half off at Black Friday time. Still haven't started it, but been getting the itch to get going on it now that i'm starting to clear up a little backlog.
Have we had word of what the surprise is yet
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